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Topic: Sound Quality in VDJ

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The sound quality of VDJ v2.0 is not good (infact, it is quite shi**y) especially compared to musicmatch (with dfx).

any way to imrpove this?

geposted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 8:30 am
check your configuration.
i used every prog you can imagine, and vdj come out as one of the best.
as you think it's not. than you stay with yours.

There can be many reasons why it sounds bad.
If you have a sound card that is locked at 44.1 or 48 khz vdj may sound 'sh*tty' (because of the samplerate conversion).

try getting asio drivers for your soundcard and configure VDJ to use asio-drivers. Or maybe you ARE using asiodrivers which are not corresponding to the right frequency because your soundcard is locked to a certain frequency.

because of the many many features in VDJ, you need to pay extra attention to your drivers/soundcardsettings.

i ensure you, if you have the right soundcard/drivers/settings, VDJ is every dj's dream.

i have a laptop with an Echo IndigoDJ pcmcia soundcard (asio 2.0 compliant) check my profile. It's rocksolid, stable and providing crystal clear sound (even when scratching)

thanks for the info cannonball..

I have an external audigy 2nx card. i've hooked up the sound card to my amp with an optical cable. i've tweaked around a lot but still can't get a decent sound quality (compared to any other mp3 player with dfx)..any suggestions?

i'm not sure if your 2NX is locked or not. I wonder if it has ASIO2.0 drivers. if it does, try the advanced sound-config and use asio-drivers in VDJ. Asio has good sample-rate converters and might solve your problem.

sorry, no advice here, hope you get it worked out. I'll second that the sound quality you're getting has something to do with either your hardware or sofware settings. I get great sound out of my system, tho I think winamp might have a slight edge in crispness, tho not a noticeable enuff difference to give a hoot. i had tried the extigy on my lappy and got crap sound til i moved to a pcmcia card. every system is different obviously in what it burps best with, sometimes it's just frustrating trial and error to get it all working together. good luck.

baluga> in the VDJ settings, try disabling the Limiter and TimeStretch.

try using your other mp3 players without DFX, and see if they still sound as good...

what effects are you using with DFX? as im sure there will be plugins to cope with the same things...

I have played around with the sample rate on audigy (it can be changed) but still no sounds difference. Even loaded the asio drivers but still hardly any difference.

I guess I will have to live with the bad sound quality. If anyone doubts me, install Musicmatch Jukebox and load the DFX plugin and then play the same song on both VDJ and Jukebox alternatively. You will immediatly hear the difference.


I think you are wrong ....sound quality in vdj is perfect .....with Asio is better ....I've put madonna in a pionner cd and the same song in virtual and NO DIFFERENCE


"..load the DFX plugin .."
thats a sound enhancer plugin in Music Match, hence makes the sound change...

A dj would usually use hardware EQ's and soundprocessors at a club, adding warmth or other things ...

If you want to compare soundquality you have to compare raw sound-output, and not with an FX activated for one player. There are such FX available for VDJ also, as VST plugins, giving you the same result as Music Match

To add to what Dj in Norway said,
using effect like that does not mean that the sound is really better. They only ...over-[something] the sound.
Its just your impression, using your home speakers, when the
volume is low, etc.
It is like these cheap home stereos, with all these lights...

Speaking from a sound engineer side, (i'm producer myself):
The proffessionals in recording studios doing the best when
recording a track using expensive near field monitor speakers.
The result is that final mixes sound good in most systems.
If you want better sound buy some good speakers, a class A pre-amplifier (i'm sure you dont know what is this..) a
good soundcard... and...

I have to admit, I hear noise when scratching and moving xp10 wheels real slow. Almost like pops and clicks. and this is with a $200 indigo DJ card! the sound engine is noisey compared to other dj programs

try it, load a track with vdj, use xp10 to roll wheel really slow, and listen with expensive headphones like seinheisers

Mine is UNLOCKED on the indigo card dj settings. should it be locked??

Wireless.. don't lock it. only expensive soundcards have the feature to unlock the samplerate (and that's good!).

cheaper cards are locked to 44.1 or 48 khz. if you lock it, you might hear crackles because of the samplerateconversion.

about the the slow scratch-movement using the XP10, there is a huge difference between using asio drivers or not. indeed if you use WDM drivers you can hear crackles/itches while slow scratchmovents. If you use Asio drivers (the ones for Echo IndigoDJ in my case) i don't have the crackles/itches as described above. Asio drivers 'polishes' the low samplerates a little.

No midi out signal: it seems that I have no midi out signal. I want to control Tractor with the DJ console by midi but Tractor is not responding. If I try with another midi controller tractor is responding so I think there is something wrong with my hardware or drivers of the DJ console. I have called the dutch helpdesk and they told me that I would be contacted by their midi specialist, but I am waiting for more than a week now without any reaction. I hope I can count on somebody else to help me .....

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