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Topic: Broadcast not working - Page: 1

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I am currently using windows Xp professional with the newest virtual Dj software.

I also have a westel modem 327w and running a wireless connection.

I am unable to get the broadcasting feature to work. I have tried disabling norton anti virus to see if that is what was blocking but it wasn't. Then i tried disabling my router firewall still no luck. After that I set up port forwarding for 8000 TCP and UDP. All the numbers in there i put as 8000, I think some were base port and a few others i can't remember. Neither firefox nor internet explorer will load the broadcasting page. As i said before i spoke with Norton and called verizon tech support. I have no idea what else to try. Hope someone has the solution.

Other than this issue I LOVE virtual DJ.

Thank you


geposted Wed 05 Dec 07 @ 7:44 pm
I have the same problems and no one is able to answer me. All they tell me is to look in the forums. :-(


I have tried the web link but I was not successful.

ok , so to confirm

have you tried dissabling your firewall completley

and is your ip dynamic or public

do you have nat enabled?

Thank you for the speedy responces I apprciate it. I have disabled all firewalls completely. My router is set for dyamic and NAT is disabled.

I am kinda having the same problem and I didn't want to create a new thred as this one is on the same subject matter. I am trying to stream from my comp using shoutcast option and 96 kbs. My friend is connecting via vlc media player and has opened up the stream with my ip on port 8000 it plays for about 5 sec and then disconnects him. My firewalls are turned off and I do not have a router. Any suggestions ?

First thing you need to explain what you are trying to do. If you are trying to "Broadcast to a radio server" you need to take different steps than if you are "Broadcasting from my own computer" (being the server). The first one requires the use of a relay server which recieves your signal and broadcasts it to any listeners.

"Broadcast to a radio server"

Check on your firewall (the hardware, not windows firewall) that UpnP is enabled.

Generally firewalls are stringent in monitoring inbound connections, and that outbound connections are allowed.

Port forward is for inbound only, for instance if you run a webserver and use NAT (network address translation), port 80 needs to be forwarded to a specific machine. This has nothing to do with streaming to a relay.

If you get a "Server ansswered ''", this usually means there was a server there, but it is engaged. We DJs of radio.virtualdj.com know this one well. All other errors should be self explanatory.

"Broadcast from my own computer"
Port forwarding is now important as the client is an incoming connection which needs to get to your machine.

Always try it locally first to see if it works. Once started, you will see the url in vdj you need to test. If this is not working, then something is wrong.
Also keep in mind that they IP address you see there may not be the correct address on the outside (but usually is). Use this site to find your ip address: whatismyipaddress.com

NAT is something you should probably have for this, because it means the outbound IP address is properly translated through your local area network and that any internal IPs are masqueraded as the external IP. It's much easier to deal with and is pretty much the standard for these router/firewall/wireless thingies you buy in any store these days

@adamrock: Like i said, more detailed explanation of what you;re trying to do and the expected result will help.

@J_S_Y: check your windows firewall, somewhere inthe options is the location of the file. be on the lookout for your friends ip address and the port in question. it sounds like one of two things: you have too much latency to keep the connection going, or your windows firewall is kicking the inbound connection. if windows firewall works, then check the logs of your router.

The biggest thing, is always approach the problem locally and work outwards. 1) establish it works local, 2) establish that the machine is allowing the connection 3) establish the local area network to the outside world is allowing throughput and finally never assume your friends machine is configured correctly either....

i am needing some help too. i am trying to brooadcast from my computer using the generic broadcast settings on virtualdj. i have a netgear router and i can't see what i need to do to get this working. i know i used to be able to broadcast. what settings do i need to change in order for any of my mates to listen to my broadcast.
finally what ip address would they need to type in to hear my broadcast.


read previous post about finding your ip address and search the forum for an already good wealth of information. noone can help you if you arent willing to do the legwork to find out for yourself

I am trying to broad cast from my own computer and not to a radio server. I have confirmed that my external IP is correct and I have tried to set up port forwarding but havn't been successful. Meaning I entered numbers into the routers port forwarding but don't know if what i did was correct.

Thank you,


ok, so you know your external ip which is known by the outside world. you entered the port forwarding in your router, but did you put the internal ip there? your machine on the inside of the router will have its own ip address, probably something like

you can check this by going to start button, type 'cmd' and press enter
then at the dos prompt type 'ipconfig' and press enter

this will give you a bunch of stuff, but basically get something like:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : net.something.dd
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

now what you have to be carefull of is to check the right line. what you see above, you might have many of them. i have 8 adapters for various stuff, you need to find the correct adapter which your internet is connected. above says Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection which is if you are wired to the net. If wireless, the look for the wireless adapter.

So in my router, i forward port 8000 to

also make sure there is a port exception in windows firewall that allows this.

check here as well: http://www.answers.com/topic/port-forwarding?cat=technology

it also mentions you need NAT enabled.

I do not remember be able to enter an IP address to forward a port to... but I will be back at school in a week so I can check then. I will let you know what happens.

I wanted to do a print screen so you could see what i was seeing but it won't let me so here is what it says.

Global Port Range ( )- ( )
Base Port ( )

Protcol Tcp or Udp


So what is base port and global port range.

where are you getting that information from? is this from your router and what screen?

Yo Paz, I have the external server and such. I have listen2myradio, as well as shoutcast. I connected shoutcast with my listen2myradio, then as I connect VDJ along with the server it comes up saying "server answered " " and as u said before that means the server is engaged... What can I do to fix that? Do I only use Listen2myradio rather then shoutcast + listen2myradio or is there a way to set up VDJ to shoutcast which is running off of listen2myradio PLUS do I have to get a license, and what is the cost for such in Texas/and where can I acquire one?

That means that the server is working but a different person is already playing on it.

Or it can mean a wrong password.

i've got a problem with broadcasting as well. i'm connecting to a radio server through windows encoder. it broadcasts, however only very quietly and we can't seem to find anything to make it louder. however, he can hear all the dings and beeps my computer makes in msn and such. my soundcards have recently been different somehow. i must have messed about, but now noises from my computer don't come through my hercules mk2 but come through the normal laptop speakers and only sound from virtual dj comes through the hercules.

any help is gretly appreciated

any help?

what options did you choose on broadcasting for source?
