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Topic: Mic is not working...Help!

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My microphone is not working. the manual says i need to locate the system tray icon first so that i can enable talk-over. However, i cannot locate my system tray icon. Manual also says its supposed to be on the right hand side of my windows task bar next to the clock display...but it is not there! how do i find it? and how do i enable my microphone? please help!

geposted Sat 08 Dec 07 @ 11:28 pm
i had same problem.uninstalled console drivers and reinstalled and its icon showed in system tray enabled mic from there.what os are you using?

ok are oyu using the mk2 and plugging a mic into the herc?

Yes, i am using an mk2 and plugging a mic into the herc.

flick6, what do you mean by "os." Sorry i'm a newbie.

OS means "operating system." Like Windows XP, Vista, etc

If you use XP, use Control Panel to uninstall all of the Hercules stuff, then reinstall following the instructions in the manual very closely. This ought to get your system tray icon to show up as expected.

Once you do get your mic to work, however, I think you're in for a dissapointment with the level from the MK2. They are notoriously LOW :(

I like the MK2 itself a lot, but I don't use the mic input at all, because of this issue; I run my mic through my mixer instead.

Just a thought ;)

OK...so i uninstalled hercules/virtual dj and reinstalled from the website. I finally got the DJ Console MK2 Control Panel to open. I checked the "enable talk over" box and pushed the "talkover" button on the actual unit so that the "on air" button lights up. However...i STILL cannot hear anything coming from the mic.

I don't have any speakers hooked up to my MK2 Console unit. I'm only running it directly from my pc thru the USB and listening to everything thru the headphone jack. I am not using speakers because i am simply trying to record an mp3 mix on my computer to later burn onto a CD. I am not trying to play this "out loud" at a party. Could this be the reason WHY i am not able to hear myself on the mic when i record??


Ok valerie, sorry it took so long.

This is what you need to do.

If you want to use the mic, make sure its a dynamic mic that can fit into the jack of the hercmk2.

1. Under settings, hit record, then select master + mic, and the herc should pop up as the primary soundcard and if it doesnt make sure to open the little box and select it.

2. push the button on the herc to turn on the mic,

3. click on the little herc mk2 icon on the right side of screen and if its not there go into control panel and look for herc and click on it.

4. once opne make sure that your decibals are all the way at 0, and if wdm is selected then make sure its at -3, whatever is clostest to zero.

5. look for the mic picture on input 1 of the herc window which is right next to the needle picture of input 2. make sure the mic picture is highlighted.

6. Finally do a mic test, like "mic check 1 2, 1 2 3, then hit the record button, once done, click the record button again to stop.

And you should be set to go, unless im missing something, and if i am please let me know by posting again.

Now if your not going to use the mic option and you want playback mixing. Here is what you do.

1. Open vdj up.

2. under record tab, click on it, and a window will open up. make sure that only the master is selected. then make sure you establish a destination to find your mix afterwards.

3. Under kilobytes, make sure its at 128 or higher.

4. then hit ok.

5. Finally record a sample 15 minute mix, then, that should be it and your squared to go. if not, the let me know whats going on,

best regards


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