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Topic: Panic att the DISCO with the RMX & Virtual DJ 5 DJC

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Hello everybody !!!!
I NEED YOUR HELP URGENTLY ! I have a gig coming upp, and i have just bought the RMX console.....
What is wrong when the RMX does not start when i press the shortcut on my desktop ?!
I Get a error message that says: The Controller has not been detected Please plug in the controll and start VDJ again.
This is driving me crazy, i have tried re-installing the drives over and over again... i have even tried the updated drives, same resoult.
I have allso tried all my usb ports, same resoult. Windows gives me a error code 37, and that means that my computer dont accept any of my drives !!
When i plug it in to my usb port the ligths start blinkin and it seems like there´s no problems, but then Windows starts nagging about that it has found The Hercules RMX, and wants to install everthing again.... ARGH !!!!!!!!!!
This type of problem is too big for me to crack since i dont have a masters degree in computer science....
Im about to give up.
The most anoying thing is that the console works fine at the dealers demo set up, we tried it there to make sure that the console is OK.'

geposted Thu 07 Aug 08 @ 4:50 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Do not make multiple posts in multiple forums. You have already been given a suggestion in your other thread.

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geposted Thu 07 Aug 08 @ 7:40 pm

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