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Topic: scratching-record response too slow.

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i have the hercules with virtual dj and when i scratch the time coded records, the response is real slow! can anyone help he out i love to scratch.
plus i have serato, which record response is 100% accurate when scratching, but i like virtual dj better due to the fact ive had it for years. i wish virtual dj scrathing could match or top serato.
any answers?

geposted Fri 24 Oct 08 @ 4:14 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I assume you're using ASIO, and have selected a low latency?

geposted Fri 24 Oct 08 @ 10:55 pm
SBDJ wrote :
I assume you're using ASIO, and have selected a low latency?

if this is the case ...what do you or anyone else suggest? Ive been trying to figure out this out for a moment now. that delay be killing me alot of times

geposted Sun 30 Nov 08 @ 1:10 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
playerndc wrote :
if this is the case ...what do you or anyone else suggest? Ive been trying to figure out this out for a moment now. that delay be killing me alot of times

Sorry I don't understand what you are asking?

If you are having problems, I suggest you post in the relevant forum.

If you want the best TC response your system can handle, you need a decent soundcard, you need to use it in ASIO mode, and you need to get your latency as low as you possibly can without comprimising the audio stream.


geposted Sun 30 Nov 08 @ 10:40 pm
all im saying is that the tcv of vdj is too slow in responding to the hand of scratching, unlike serato which responds with the hand accurately.
how can u make the response 100% accurate? sound vs hand?

geposted Wed 15 Apr 09 @ 1:57 pm
I use M-Audio's Conectiv and don't have any delays, hand movement and scratch is simultaneous.

geposted Wed 15 Apr 09 @ 6:53 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
SKEEMASK wrote :
all im saying is that the tcv of vdj is too slow in responding to the hand of scratching, unlike serato which responds with the hand accurately.
how can u make the response 100% accurate? sound vs hand?

...and all I'm saying is that it's more likely to be your choice in hardware, system configuration, or VDJ setup that is the issue.

What sound card?

What drivers?

What latency in the sound cards ASIO control panel?

What settings in the VDJ config page?

What you are describing is a classic latency issue, which is down to:

* Crappy hardware
* Incorrect setup
* Excessive DPCs

geposted Thu 16 Apr 09 @ 4:24 am
chek yo CONFIG..with all this tehnology i think VYNIL 2 DECKS and a mixer thats it..:D:D

geposted Thu 16 Apr 09 @ 4:56 am
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I have a Herc Mk2, and have tried using timecodes with it - I too have found a certain amount of latency with it, although I got it reasonably accurate after tinkering with the soundcard settings and VDJ performance settings. Using a U46DJ soundcard however, it works just fine.

geposted Fri 17 Apr 09 @ 1:13 pm

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