// VirtualDJ
// Plugin SDK
// (c)Atomix Productions 2011-2013
// This file defines the real-time DSP sound effect plugins.
// In addition to all the elements supported from the base IVdjPlugin class,
// it defines additional DSP-specific functions and variables:
#ifndef VdjDsp8H
#define VdjDsp8H
#include "VdjPlugin8.h"
// DSP plugin class
class IVdjPluginDsp8 : public IVdjPlugin8
// called when the plugin is started or stopped
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnStart() {return 0;}
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnStop() {return 0;}
// This function will be called each time VirtualDJ needs your plugin
// to be applied on a new sound buffer
// NOTE: samples are stereo, so you need to process up to buffer[2*nb]
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnProcessSamples(float *buffer, int nb)=0;
// Some useful variables
int SampleRate; // samplerate of the audio engine
int SongBpm; // number of samples between two consecutive beats for this song
double SongPosBeats; // number of beats from the first beat in the song
// Buffer plugin class
class IVdjPluginBufferDsp8 : public IVdjPlugin8
// called when the plugin is started or stopped
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnStart() {return 0;}
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnStop() {return 0;}
// This function will be called each time VirtualDJ needs your plugin
// to be applied on a new sound buffer
// NOTE: samples are stereo, so you need to process up to buffer[2*nb]
virtual short * VDJ_API OnGetSongBuffer(int songPos, int nb)=0;
// Call this to get the buffer at the specified position
HRESULT GetSongBuffer(int pos, int nb, short **buffer) {return cb->GetSongBuffer(pos, nb, buffer);}
// Some useful variables
int SampleRate; // samplerate of the song
int SongBpm; // number of samples between two consecutive beats for this song
int SongPos; // number of samples from beginning of song
double SongPosBeats; // number of beats from the first beat in the song
// Position plugin class using Buffer plugin class
class IVdjPluginPositionDsp8 : public IVdjPluginBufferDsp8
//When called, songPos can be modified
virtual HRESULT VDJ_API OnTransformPosition(double *songPos, double *videoPos)=0;
//Unused at the moment
virtual short * VDJ_API OnGetSongBuffer(int songPos, int nb) override { return NULL; }
// GUID definitions
static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginDsp8 = { 0x7cfcf3f5, 0x6fb9, 0x434c, { 0xb6, 0x3, 0xd7, 0x3a, 0x88, 0xf6, 0x72, 0x26 } };
extern static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginDsp8;
static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginBuffer8 = { 0x1d00e65f, 0x44c7, 0x41bf, { 0xa3, 0x6b, 0x04, 0xda, 0xf2, 0x67, 0x3b, 0x98 } };
extern static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginBuffer8;
static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginPosition8 = { 0x945ea55a, 0x05dd, 0x4f75, { 0xa8, 0x9c, 0xb0, 0x6f, 0xbd, 0xae, 0xb8, 0xaa } };
extern static const GUID IID_IVdjPluginPosition8;