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ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Numark - MIXDECK

Perform with CD, MP3, USB, software, and iPod.

MIXDECK is a complete system for every DJ who blends different kinds of music sources. Whether your music is on CDs, MP3 CDs, USB flash drives, iPod, your computer, or even other analog players, you can mix and perform with it all using MIXDECK. This performance station has the traditional two-decks-and-a-mixer layout you’re used to, but that’s where time-honored DJ tradition meets Numark innovation.


MIXDECK has two large, touch-sensitive illuminated platters and controls for cueing and scratching your music. Each smooth, fast, reliable, slot-loading drive works with both CDs and MP3 CDs. You can also connect a USB flash drive on each deck for access to thousands of MP3s without taking a computer or CDs to the gig.

But these advanced decks aren’t just MP3/CD players – they also work as software controllers. Just connect MIXDECK to your Mac or PC with a single USB cable and you’re seamlessly controlling the music on your computer. MIXDECK’s MIDI communication enables you to easily map virtually any DJ software for direct connection from your fingers to software.

MIXDECK’s USB connection also can receive two stereo audio channels from your computer, empowering you to mix software audio with CD tracks.

MIXDECK also has an integrated Universal Dock for iPod so you can play tracks from your iPod and even record your set into the popular portable music device. MIXDECK has a dedicated iPod fader, physical transport and menu controls, and click knob so you won’t have to touch the iPod once it’s docked.


MIXDECK has a full-featured mixer built in. Each input channel has its own gain and three-band EQ/rotary kills (+12dB/ -INF). The mixer channels control the audio from MIXDECK’s onboard players, incoming audio from your computer, or external sources such as turntables, MP3s players and more. MIXDECK has two sets of stereo, switchable phono/line inputs for external sources. MIXDECK’s replacable crossfader has switchable slope and reverse so you can customize its performance based on your preferences.

You can work the room thanks to MIXDECK’s 1/4-inch mic input with its own gain and ±15dB high and low EQ. There’s also a complete cueing section with dual 1/8 and 1/4-inch headphone outputs, dedicated cue gain, and mini-crossfader control. You can keep an eye on your master output levels with MIXDECK’s dual-color stereo LED meters.

MIXDECK has a flexible output section too, with balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA stereo Main outputs, as well as Booth and Record outs for sending your mix to different locations and systems including recording to your iPod. There’s also a direct stereo output from each deck for use with timecode control interfaces including Serato Scratch LIVE software or external effects processors.


MIXDECK’s advanced platters are touch-sensitive for superb accuracy and smooth control of tracks on discs, flash drives, and software. The platters’ outer rings illuminate for visual indication of deck performance and mode.

You can adjust MIXDECK’s players to perform just like vinyl on turntables thanks to their independent start and stop-time controls on each deck.


On top of playing all kinds of music media, each one of MIXDECK’s decks enables you to add flavor to your performances with integrated, beat-synced DSP effects that include chop, echo, filter, flanger, pan, and phaser. Each is completely adjustable and a dedicated wet-dry fader controls them all.


MIXDECK contains a set of beat and pitch tools that will help you with beat matching and harmonic mixing. Start playing a track and MIXDECK automatically analyzes its BPM (tempo), and displays it on screen. There’s also a Tap tempo button for manual BPM entry. You can alter the track’s BPM by ±6, 12, 25, and 100% using the pitch fader. For each of those ranges, you can also engage Key Lock, which holds the pitch (key) of the track while you independently manipulate its BPM. There’s also a set of pitch-bend buttons on each track for quick tweaks.


MIXDECK gives you a complete range of remixing tools for on-the-fly creativity, including seamless looping on a set of easy-to-understand controls, sampling, and easily accessible hot cues. Numark’s familiar Bleep/Reverse gives you the ability to keep time moving forward while you cut or reverse the track.

You can play tracks from discs in single-track, continuous, and programmable playback modes for flexible performance. Fader Start enables MIXDECK to start playing the track you have cued up when you move the crossfader for effortless transitions. You can also use Fader Start with compatible CD players connected to MIXDECK’s inputs.


MIXDECK features two large, backlit displays for keeping tabs on each deck even in poorly lit conditions. You can monitor BPM, CD and MP3 text tags, navigate folders, and keep an eye on effect status on these big, bright screens.

MIXDECK gives you the ability to perform, mix, remix, and record with virtually any popular music media. Whether you play parties, clubs, events, or in a group, MIXDECK gives you the freedom to DJ all in one unit, with the flexibility to add on and expand as much as you like.


geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 5:09 pm
Mi sembrerebbe la soluzione definitiva!!!
Abbiamo per caso un'idea del prezzo?

geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 5:41 pm
HACKIDPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Sara' definitiva finche' non uscira' qualcosa di meglio :p

Ancora niente ne' sul prezzo ne' sulla data di commercializzazione. La domanda che mi pongo , perche' sia ancora un po' piu' definitiva :

ma il mixer è midi o analogico?

Il doppio crossfader nella zona mixer è molto utile per noi noi videomixatori , vero Fabio? :))))

geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 6:03 pm
Concordo con te, Hackid, sul fatto che "è definitiva finchè non arriva di meglio".
Ma attualmente mi sembra il compromesso ideale.
Presumo che il mixer sia midi visto che controlla nativamente traktor.
Riguardo hai crossfader che dire....
UTILISSIMI per chi videomixa!!!!

geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 6:08 pm
non riesco ad aguzzare la vista, ma più che un doppio crossfader mi sembra un selettore di PFL a slide
che dire, riprende la fiolsofia degli iCDX (guardate la disposizione dei tasti) , pensate quante cose si possono mappare in modo midi, ci sono tanti knob utilizzabili, ad esempio Start time, che è inutile pure in modalità CD, credo che sia veramente una soluzione intelligente, molto più intelligente del NS7 con i sottovasi rotanti, rimane da testate la qualità costruttiva ed il prezzo...
ci piace !!!

geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 6:53 pm
HACKIDPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Spazialex DJ wrote :
ma più che un doppio crossfader mi sembra un selettore di PFL a slide

appunto dicevo...se è midi noi lo facciamo diventare anche play/pause , no :))))
Ovviamente è il classico selettore nativamente , proprio come NS7.


geposted Wed 13 Jan 10 @ 7:20 pm
OneiPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Outputs (all stereo): Main (balanced XLR & RCA), Booth (RCA), Record (RCA), Deck 1 (RCA), Deck 2 (RCA), Cue (1/8” & 1/4”)

Questa specifica mi lascia intendere che il mixer è midi;al massimo si possono attaccare i lettori ad un mixer esterno.
Comunque è proprio un bel gioiellino.

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 12:30 am
non è motorizzata giusto?

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 8:42 am
non è motorizzata ed è doppio midi... la vedrei benissimo per Nuwanda !!!
solo dopo che è stata mappata di base
comunque verso le 18.00 ora italiana apre il NAMM e Alessio F per conto di DiJ.it è già sul posto speriamo pure che posti !!!!


geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 9:00 am
Ma lo slider del pitch control sinistro non vi sembra un po troppo vicino allo slider del volume??

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 11:11 am
Concordo pienamente con Davide,io che ho la mano abbastanza grande gia me la vedo su entrambi i cursori...

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 12:30 pm
BElla davvero !!

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 1:38 pm
:)) anche io ho le mani grandi ma se la foto non mi inganna anche una mano non tanto grande secondo me avra difficolta c'e un grosso rischio di abbassare e o alzare il volume involontariamente li , e non e una cosa molto piacevole.
Che si fa si va di sync?? :)))

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 2:42 pm
all'inizio mi ero illuso
che ci fosse una console con Ipod video di scorta,
ma andando a cercare tra le documentazioni diponibili (al momento poche, poco esaudienti)
non ho trovato nessuna menzione a nessun tipo di uscita video.
Speravo su un implementazione tipo IDJ2,
che monta almeno un cavallotto S-Video tra Ipod e pannello posteriore,
ma mi sono sbagliato.
Anche questo prodotto non e' pensato per i videomixatori,
come del resto viene spontaneo pensare, data la presenza dei CD.
E' l'illustrazione che mi ha tratto in inganno.

Augh !

geposted Thu 14 Jan 10 @ 2:56 pm
In Canada ho trovato un negozio che la ende intorno a 600 euro + 158 di spedizione più chiaramente le tasse di dogana... mmm prezzi itaiani ancora nulla???

geposted Wed 27 Jan 10 @ 12:51 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004

geposted Wed 10 Mar 10 @ 2:13 am
HACKIDPRO InfinityMember since 2008
A quanto pare c'e' anche una versione con il mixer nero...piu' elegante rispetto a quella dell'immagine nel primo post


geposted Fri 02 Apr 10 @ 2:07 pm
pochitodjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2007

geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 3:37 am
eeee leggere queste cose e vedere questi filmati mi fa venire delle voglie.... ci penserò su per un futuro aggiornamento di hardware :D

geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 6:23 am
HACKIDPRO InfinityMember since 2008

geposted Sat 22 May 10 @ 12:54 pm