
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: VirtualDJ 7.4 - Page: 8

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Well thats the beauty of VDJ, you could easily add those to any skin you use. Give it some time and I sure some skinners will be adding these soon, if not already in the works...

lucas569 wrote :

also the genius dj no longer exists, when i hit recommend (this actually came in very handy) it shows NOTHING

It's still there but it's now called Livefeedback?

There's a tick box in Config/Browser

@sonance make your vinyl mode button on your controller flash when slipmode is active eg.

holding 500ms ? slip_mode on ? blink 300ms & slip_mode off : slip_mode on & vinyl_mode on : slip_mode on ? slip_mode off : vinyl_mode

that way you can activate slip mode if you hold the button for half a second, to get out of slip mode you can either hold the button for a half a second or press it twice to go from slip to vinyl to normal. holding the button for less than half a second will activate/deactivate vinyl mode as normal

nice one, synth. i was thinking of using the vinyl button on my vci400 as well, but haven't installed 7.4 yet. i'm patient. hehe. probably map the loop_roll to a mode button below the button grid and use the grid for loop control.

Where is the 7.4 download link?

Never Mind, I found it.

I had gig last night for 11 hrs. And guesss no problem.............. Ready to up grade thanks Atomix good good Job

Tjeck1972 wrote :
Hi all
Reseting all with Registry tool, uninstaled ver. 7.3 and instaled ver 7.4. Deletede all old mappers for DDJ-SX. Switched unit to Serato mode.
Decks actions are working well, but mixer part is not working at all.
Only CUE button on deck 1 lit. Any action a can see on VDJ display but nothing happen on DDJ-SX.

Using DDJ-SX driver ver. 1.000
DDJ-SX firmware 1.05

Thank you Tomas

I am having the same problem here. I never installed the previous mapper as I was running my DDJ-SX with Serato DJ until it is natively supported by VDJ. So there is no mapper to delete.

But with the 7.5 upgrade only the play/cue and load functions are responding. Mixer sections has not response at all. Matter of fact both decks play out of the master even of my fader is all the way to the left/right and the up fader are down to zero.


I know one shouldn't install updates before gigs, but I couldn't wait to try out the 3700s @ 2960 cycles. All is well so far. THANKS TEAM!!!


I've just been looking at Traktor's 'flux' mode
That seems quite easy to map, albeit still not as good as it could be

I don't get why lots of these great features aren't built into the default skin
ie. a button to turn on/off slip and a knob for loop roll
these features are often buried away and only accessible if you know how to mess around with the scripts
- or maybe this feature will be more visible in v8?

...watching and waiting....

godj30349 wrote :
I know one shouldn't install updates before gigs, but I couldn't wait to try out the 3700s @ 2960 cycles. All is well so far. THANKS TEAM!!!

Thank you for this video.
Looks like it respond really well @2960.
Can you see a good difference from 1480 ?

I can tell a difference. Feels spot on. With this update I have to wonder why anyone would use a 3700 with anything other than Virtual DJ. Did a 6 hour gig last night without a single hiccup. Also, motorwheel_instant_play makes my clone deck script work as it should. I always had to nudge a little to get them in sync before.

traumatek2 wrote :
I don't get why lots of these great features aren't built into the default skin
ie. a button to turn on/off slip and a knob for loop roll
these features are often buried away and only accessible if you know how to mess around with the scripts

If you added every feature that Virtual DJ has to the default skin it would look horribly messy and cluttered IMHO.

Most people using these functions would be using a controller I reckon, so that would seem the logical place to control it from.

I have to disagree with you SB.

Would like to have a small lightning indicator in the player window, just like MT is showed when its on/off.


freppa wrote :
I have to disagree with you SB.

Would like to have a small lightning indicator in the player window, just like MT is showed when its on/off.

Appreciated, but then if it's on an illuminated button then it wouldn't be needed either.

My point is more related to why every single feature isn't in plain sight on the default skin :)

thanks for the update, djdad.

i'm somewhere in the middle on the issue. while i will but be mapping these to leds on my vci400 [as i do most important things. i try not to use the laptop much], i feel these are significant enough functions that they should have a virtual led on the skin. the master indicator could be made smaller, for example to accommodate. say a series a squares with letters in them M, S, L, or the like... that and wit would be nice if there was a moving cursor in the waveform [deck area] that followed the track's current playing position.

Its too bad that the current users of VJ-Pro couldnt utilize the video portion through VDJ to download their content aswell. Is this something that could possibly be added in the future??

djdad, thanks

'the default 2 Decks skin is updated with Slip mode and Loop Roll'

I've just seen that the free home edition is now updated to 7.4 also :)
so I'll check it out...

SBDJ wrote :
My point is more related to why every single feature isn't in plain sight on the default skin :)

I can understand that (the skin would be too busy) but I do think that features should be accessible from within the software rather than requiring skin mods and/or registry tweaks. There could/should be a lot more available from the config tabs.

For example look at software that's far more complex than VDJ, such as Ableton Live or Steinberg Cubase. If the user wants to change something, there's no need to delve into XML files or mess around in the registry - it's all there in the main GUI via a drop down menu, a right click or a tick box.

The big thing now is modular GUIs, where the user can change the layout to suit themselves - all from the front end. You want two channels, not four? OK, done. You don't want waveforms? Done.

Skins are so last week!! :-)

