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Topic: Timecode users......... [SOLVED] - Page: 46

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it's same thing Adam asked me, I'll try to get in the city this week & pickup some serato's but as far as I can tell, they are in good shape
Gonna try to re-install 7.4

I would just like to know what the Devs settings were at the bpm show??

I played out this past Saturday with 1960 and had some weird things happen a few times.

It was like I had dirty needles except that I'm using cdj's in smart mode.........

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

Absolute mode and smart mode has a bug where it doesn't load the entire track from the beginning.

It plays up to a cue point then skips once it gets to the cue point, see video below

Ignore this post, I solved the problem by changing the cue settings, the bug is with cue. When autocue is on some parts of the song will not load, mostly the beginning

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :
Ignore this post, I solved the problem by changing the cue settings, the bug is with cue. When autocue is on some parts of the song will not load, mostly the beginning

Yes that's something we have noticed with controllers too, so not related to timecode. (already reported btw)


Did my 70 minute set on version 7.4
No skipping, no tracks that stop after 1 minute, no pitch that get's out of sync by 6%, no pitch fluctuations of a few %
The one who changed the topic title to SOLVED should do some testing!
I'm not buying new serato vinyls ot needles unless atomix wonna refund me when it doesn't fix my issue's.. Up to you guys, I'll just go back to crate diggin' & using v7 for the rare mp3 file

dasouth2004 wrote :
Did my 70 minute set on version 7.4
No skipping, no tracks that stop after 1 minute, no pitch that get's out of sync by 6%, no pitch fluctuations of a few %
The one who changed the topic title to SOLVED should do some testing!
I'm not buying new serato vinyls ot needles unless atomix wonna refund me when it doesn't fix my issue's.. Up to you guys, I'll just go back to crate diggin' & using v7 for the rare mp3 file

Dude chill, you haven't even post a video or screenshot of your time code signal. Maybe something to visually illustrate your problems. The time code is working stable enough for it to receive positive reviews from big names in the business who attended the BPM show here in England. Help us to help you, we family here

page 34, none of devs or support asked for more info then that..

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

Dude chill, you haven't even post a video or screenshot of your time code signal. Maybe something to visually illustrate your problems. The time code is working stable enough for it to receive positive reviews from big names in the business who attended the BPM show here in England. Help us to help you, we family here

Don't get caught up in "Big names" - cause I know for sure they did not test all modes of timecodes.. Plus give yourself more credit - since you helped find/test/confirm the things that the "big names" approved of.

Timecode is not fully solved - only partially.

xgl_dj wrote :
Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

Dude chill, you haven't even post a video or screenshot of your time code signal. Maybe something to visually illustrate your problems. The time code is working stable enough for it to receive positive reviews from big names in the business who attended the BPM show here in England. Help us to help you, we family here

Don't get caught up in "Big names" - cause I know for sure they did not test all modes of timecodes.. Plus give yourself more credit - since you helped find/test/confirm the things that the "big names" approved of.

Timecode is not fully solved - only partially.

That is the true......


I am having the same bug as u guys timecode not solved yet.it sad I was so hipe but almost there.and also I been doing tricks and I do not know if it my turntables but when I go to fast it jumps on me but I am starting to think it my turntables or my needle. But it not that bad or maybe I am just heavy handed lol.but I have the same bugs to.

OK scratch that I just it with sreato DJ and it jump on me to so its my needle. But still have that bug as u guys


Doesn't prove anything cause he did the same thing with the American Audio mixer in another video using VDJ7.........

I just wanna know what setting they used at bpm cause people still seem to have problems.........

I asked Adam what the preferred settings are, all he could do was point me to this thread

Why do I feel like they are out of touch as to what DJs need and want? We should have a stable version that works the way we want with no excuses. I don't get why so many months later I am not confident with this software. If Serato had actual loop shift, crossfade playlist (for cocktail hour/dinner), and better library management I'd be using it. It's been too long.


dasouth2004 wrote :
I asked Adam what the preferred settings are, all he could do was point me to this thread

Settings used at BPM on the mac in the videos:
(not that they should matter much at all, they are about how fast the pitch update in skin, if to snap to cue or not, and anti skip..
except for the pitch quality one)

pitchQuality 1
timecodeAntiSkip no
timecodeSnapToCue no
timecodeNeedleDropSync no
timecodePitchSensitivity 1
timecodePitchDelay 0.1

- pitchQuality setting to 1 and master tempo will sound worse than default setting at 2. So if you use master tempo you should probably leave it at 2


Thank you!!

Software keeps closing without any warnings then restarts itself. What can do stop this, does it randomly on my laptop win 8.1

Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :
Software keeps closing without any warnings then restarts itself. What can do stop this, does it randomly on my laptop win 8.1

thats a crash.
V8 will instantly restart (with no warnings) if it crashes, and sounds like you have this happen on start up, and it goes into a crash/restart "loop" ?

Delete settings.xml in "my documents/virtualdj" - should likely fix it
