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Topic: Beat Tap - Page: 1

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Can you please fix this....this stopping the track to set down beat is getting real tired....sheesh...

geposted Wed 02 Jul 14 @ 9:39 pm
try this as a custom button, I'm curious if it works with time code, it works a charm for me.

pause & beat_tap & play

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Can you please fix this....this stopping the track to set down beat is getting real tired....sheesh...

This can be done on the fly by tapping out 4 beats.

For me i do it before the track plays and its usually pretty good - when paused you only need 1 tap.

So pause won't work with time code but how about this on a custom button

timecode_active & beat_tap & timecode_active

djtouchdan wrote :
Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Can you please fix this....this stopping the track to set down beat is getting real tired....sheesh...

This can be done on the fly by tapping out 4 beats.

For me i do it before the track plays and its usually pretty good - when paused you only need 1 tap.

why do ya keep saying that...it doesnt work and hasnt worked since the upgrade, and how are you on beat if the tracks not playing. Are you people even paying attention, these are the small things thats driving people crazy. And for anybody that gonna say mix with your ears i do but if i look at my software i want it to be in phase to the count in my head.

Why do I keep saying that?

Because it's true.

You can tap the beat out by tapping four beats. The first tap will be set as the downbeat. AND THE BPM uodated based on you taps. To get a more accurate BPM you may have to tap 2or3 rounds of four beats.

You can tap one beat when the track is paused and it aligns the downbeat to that point but doesn't update the BPM.


Make a video and let me see you do it then. If my mapping beat_tap is wrong whats the new mapping

I've already done one. It's in another post about beat tap.

Used to be able to set cbg on the fly with just one tap with 7.
Then if the cbg was right from the start, none of this would be necessary.

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Make a video and let me see you do it then.

Here's the link to the video Dan made....

click this


mp3jrick wrote :
Used to be able to set cbg on the fly with just one tap with 7.
Then if the cbg was right from the start, none of this would be necessary.

And that is what the masses want back but we keep being told that this is so much better..........

Beat tap algorithm is mostly useful if the BPM of the track is wrong. An additional action will be added in the next build to define the downbeat on the fly. However, i still find more accurate to stop the track on the downbeat and click beat Tap once. If there was a way to do that on the fly (which there will be as said), i am not sure how precise you can be with that.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
mp3jrick wrote :
Used to be able to set cbg on the fly with just one tap with 7.
Then if the cbg was right from the start, none of this would be necessary.

And that is what the masses want back but we keep being told that this is so much better..........

I cant hear anything to hear the downbeat.

djdad wrote :
Beat tap algorithm is mostly useful if the BPM of the track is wrong. An additional action will be added in the next build to define the downbeat on the fly. However, i still find more accurate to stop the track on the downbeat and click beat Tap once. If there was a way to do that on the fly (which there will be as said), i am not sure how precise you can be with that.

You cant evaluate what my precision can be. Seem to be alot better than the software for me to want it re-implemented. It was like this on v7 and it was useful to correct the shifted cbg. Nothing easier to me if it includes stopping the track or opening extra windows..but i think mixvibes and serato spoiled me in that range. But one thing i notice is you guys seem to have a D.A.W. thinking when it comes to you editing. Open this window to edit this, open another window to edit that. Example you have an info panel that slides right out but you cant edit your tags, that should be the tag editor. You have atleast 2 waveform displays per deck but you have to open a seperate window to do certain bpm edits, example the video above to change bpm value he had to open another window why not just click on the bpm value it highlights, change the value press enter and go. Just little simple things, but annoying. As good as V8 is and i do love it, I sold my mixvibes license when V8 came out, Just needs some tweaking to simplify it. But i did just use dennyo skin and disabled the waveforms all together. Figured just ears cause after years of pro tools and sheet music if the ears are not in sync with eyes just annoys the hell outta me.

djdad wrote :
Beat tap algorithm is mostly useful if the BPM of the track is wrong. An additional action will be added in the next build to define the downbeat on the fly. However, i still find more accurate to stop the track on the downbeat and click beat Tap once. If there was a way to do that on the fly (which there will be as said), i am not sure how precise you can be with that.

pc bugging out sorry for the double post

I feel your pain ... I too have to stop the track in order to get the downbeat. to tap all 4 beats does not work for me, even though there is no lack of memory or processing power, the markers go bananas.
its generally nice to have some visual confirmation on what the ear is hearing

Script a HW button/custom button/keyboard key


(it's funny this new script turned up only after I suggested the ' pause & beat_tap & play ' workaround, I must be due a prize :-) )


Thank you for the script... Is there a way to add this script with beat tap? So if u tap the button once, it sets the CBG while the song is playing or multiple tap to set BPM. Thanks again. Flex

Not really Flex, not from just one button, it can be done but it would actually cause more problems to be called a solution.
However with one button and a shift, you could have something like

Shift ? set_firstbeat : beat_tap

So with shift pressed it will set the first beat, without shift pressed it works as beat_tap.
