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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Topic: BUILD 2028 - Page: 1

Dieser Teil des Themas ist veraltet und kann veraltete oder falsche Informationen enthalten

- automatic timecode detection and calibration on first setup
- native compatibility with Rane SL2 and SL3 audio interfaces
- performance improvements for skins with lots of nested panels

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 7:32 am
Automix - Smart mode (remove silence doesn't work)

Sorry to post it here but it has been ignored in three separate posts.

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 7:44 am
i just downloaded the update and the scratching is not sharp no more and while i am scratching it lag and get some air when i scratch slow i have the sl3 serato box latency is on 4 but i try it threw 1 to 10 same thing need timecode help timecode vinyl is getting sloppy and worst what happen ? and i just erase everything and started from scratch and re download virtual dj 8 to see if it will get better and nothing. performance on timecode vinyl is not good right now with the sl3 box.

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 8:51 am
angelt99 wrote :
i just downloaded the update and the scratching is not sharp no more and while i am scratching it lag and get some air when i scratch slow i have the sl3 serato box latency is on 4 but i try it threw 1 to 10 same thing need timecode help timecode vinyl is getting sloppy and worst what happen ? and i just erase everything and started from scratch and re download virtual dj 8 to see if it will get better and nothing. performance on timecode vinyl is not good right now with the sl3 box.

You may have to start doing videos again.... I have remained on version 2013 because your issues are giving me doubts in updating

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 10:50 am
Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :
You may have to start doing videos again.... I have remained on version 2013 because your issues are giving me doubts in updating

The only thing that changed in b2028 is that timecode are set on "autoDetect" by default, and will calibrate and detect automatically without ever having to open the config/timecode window. (for a true plug-and-play experience)

But if you go on the timecode config and manually push the calibrate button, it's the same as b2013

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 11:14 am
I had a scriptting,created and shared by locodog, to have post fader FX, since the new build 2021 came out, the script stopped working! I miss it already....
is Atomix working on PFX option? will it be implement in next builds??
looking forward
thank you

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 12:43 pm
ok found another issue with timecode vinyl when i go to press calibrate the timecode go to traktor instead of serato then wait a second it goes back to serato .

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 1:26 pm
@ sclavel
I've been using your software professionally for over 10 years, and it is the best that there is.
But as a businessman I would like to say something;
I've just read this thread and have seen more references to Serato and Traktor and emulations than to VDJ!
Please stop trying to copy/adapt to the competition, that's not why you built this software or not?
Get back to your roots, do your thing, you know it's the best!

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 2:25 pm
think if you read from all the users in many threads, there is plenty of interest in the timecode.
And natural to compare to competition ;) of course

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 5:05 pm
when scratching to it sound rough and smudge on some scratches not crips like before the prior 2 update and some air when scratching slow or rewinding it back and coming back with the same scratch .help timecode vinyl serato sl3 soundcard.thanks

geposted Fri 31 Oct 14 @ 5:20 pm
vdj_pARtybOy wrote :
I had a scriptting,created and shared by locodog, to have post fader FX, since the new build 2021 came out, the script stopped working! I miss it already....
is Atomix working on PFX option? will it be implement in next builds??
looking forward
thank you

this is what i am going through also, locodog helped me with PFFX also but the script seems to be unusable now. Im gonna try to alter it to see if its something i did. Also locodog is the mapping the same on a controller as it is on my mixer?

geposted Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 8:18 am
raypitman wrote :
@ sclavel
I've been using your software professionally for over 10 years, and it is the best that there is.
But as a businessman I would like to say something;
I've just read this thread and have seen more references to Serato and Traktor and emulations than to VDJ!
Please stop trying to copy/adapt to the competition, that's not why you built this software or not?
Get back to your roots, do your thing, you know it's the best!

Well if they're using every other timecode rather than their own, those timecodes must be equal or even better with this software. So to achieve this it must be compared. And offering timecode will have comparisons, it must be as flawless as possible. We dont want to use vdj for one thing then HAVE to use serato or traktor when want to DJ with turntables. (truth is i dont even wanna use any other timecode except VDJ, cause your still tell the competition that we still need some of your technology) So if you're not presently use turntables then your opinion on this matter doesnt count, cause one thing a turntable dj is, is competitive...we strive to be better than you, we want our software to better than yours...so if you dont have that mentality as a dj, then we are a whole different breed of dj. So before you try to discount what we are trying to achieve, try to understand why we want timecode to be flawless. If you have turntables and your software isn't handling it properly we must look for the best at timecode which would be the competition. I dont think VDJ want to lose us turntable djs to the competition over timecode being subpar.

geposted Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 8:38 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@Djratedxxx919 mixer and controller methods are different, a few weeks from now (hopefully) I'll be in a proper position to get my teeth into testing again.

geposted Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 10:54 am
Fix Automix SMART mode. Does not fade nor mix - just chops the end of the song track.

geposted Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 12:50 pm
That's not a regression bug...

geposted Sat 01 Nov 14 @ 1:00 pm
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Anyone else have your left channel drop out for a second or two and then come back with this build?

Happened 3 times at a club last night. Not sure if it's a software problem or hardware failure...

(Left channel stop sending temporarily.). The input level would go to zero.

geposted Sun 02 Nov 14 @ 9:24 am
yes, happened to me on a few random tracks...

using ASIO Audio2dj usb, i5, 16gb, win8.1....

geposted Sun 02 Nov 14 @ 12:37 pm
Numark N4-Apple Mac Book Pro-Apple iTunes Library
Various iTunes purchased and non-Itunes purchased songs have red x marks thru them indicating file not found.
Right click in track in VDJ8 and it allows option to Relocate track
Once track is relocated, now able to drop track into decks
Logged out of VDJ8 and back in to discover red x(s) returned.
Tracks show up fine and plays from iTunes' playlist.
Also, Playlist track order is not the exactly the same in VDJ8 as it is lined up in the same iTunes Playlist

geposted Sun 02 Nov 14 @ 5:59 pm

with this new update it was not like this before the last 2 updateI think i found the problem with timecode vinyl and the serato sl3 rane box in virtual dj 8 not reading the SL3 AUDIO DRIVER CONTROL PANEL I put the buffering size 0 threw 50 and it does not change anything at all the way the scratch sound it like it does nothing in virtual dj 8 at all so i think that why the scratching is stuff right now not crips like before.DEV that has to be the problem help.thanks

geposted Sun 02 Nov 14 @ 6:41 pm
locodog wrote :
@Djratedxxx919 mixer and controller methods are different, a few weeks from now (hopefully) I'll be in a proper position to get my teeth into testing again.

Cool im trying to remix my m70 and tweak that vci400

geposted Sun 02 Nov 14 @ 7:14 pm