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djlgm70 wrote :
manu-sp wrote :
djlgm70 wrote :
Since the beginning of the release of the new version 8 I notice that everytime that I want to load a new video on the other deck while on the first deck a video is playing, the video output is freezing for a second or more. If you try to load another video this doesn't happen in most of the cases. I also notice a peak in CPU usage, but only when you try to load the video the first time. After you switch to the other deck to play the next video, the same happens to the first deck. If you load the first video then it freezes, if you try again to load another video this problem doesn't occur most of the times... It seems like the problem persists when to try to actually "clear" the previous video that was played, in order to load a new one.

The problem exists since the beginning of the new version.
Can you please help?

thank you


Hello djlgm

I think your drop has some similarities with mine, the delay access to your HDD. Are you using external usb hdd?¿. Do you have latest virtual dj version?¿. Some external HDDs enter by firmware in sleep state to save energy. Maybe when you load two songs and wait some time to load next you have this video drop (the time enough your hdd enter sleep mode). In the latest versions of virtual dj I think developers have some new process to check continuosly that the files are present so the hdd must be alive. If you do not have the latest one maybe you can check this free software KeepAliveHD ant configure to keep alive your external hdd if it is your case. If the files are in your local computer I can not help you, it works fine in my computer. Maybe your computer has not enough power, ram, I do not know.

Best regards!


I am using both external USB 3.0 HDDs as also the internal HD. I have to let you know that I have spent some good money for the lenovo Y510p with 2 NVIDIA GeForce GT755M 16GB ram and 1 TB SSD internal drive.... The laptop has intel i7-4700MQ @ 2.4 GHz... what better can I get than that??

The problem seems to be the first time you try to load a new video while unloading the last one that was played. I can not find a reason why this happens. For some reason also the CPU seems to be on the peak when loading the new video. I have no issues with the network since I do not use network resources. I never mentioned network in my posts.

I have disabled my HDDs to park due to inactivity from power management options. Maybe I have to try something else?

I have always the latest version of VDJ, I check almost in a daily basis.....


The frozen is not because you have a slow computer. Your computer is much better than mine and I do not have any freeze. Mine is a asus a53sj i7 2630QM 8 GB Ram and geforce 520M, Hybrid seagate hdd. I have a little peak in cpu when I load a new video but no freezes. when I have this stange things I try to upgrade all the computer firmwares and drivers, not only the one you can find in Lenovo support. Sometimes in the manufacturer page of all the things your computer have, there are more upgrades. In the thevice manager pressing upgrade drivers in windows uptdate (controller tag) that in the last times works in windows.. I have seen your computer has a new firmware this year and maybe your SSD could be upgraded too (I have upgraded my hybrid unit).
I you have all the things upgraded I can not help you more. I do not usually load more than 720i videos. I do not know how the software handle 1080i or 4k videos. I think in my computer this will be dificult.
Good luck!

geposted Tue 07 Jul 15 @ 12:21 am
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
manu-sp wrote :
djlgm70 wrote :
manu-sp wrote :
djlgm70 wrote :
Since the beginning of the release of the new version 8 I notice that everytime that I want to load a new video on the other deck while on the first deck a video is playing, the video output is freezing for a second or more. If you try to load another video this doesn't happen in most of the cases. I also notice a peak in CPU usage, but only when you try to load the video the first time. After you switch to the other deck to play the next video, the same happens to the first deck. If you load the first video then it freezes, if you try again to load another video this problem doesn't occur most of the times... It seems like the problem persists when to try to actually "clear" the previous video that was played, in order to load a new one.

The problem exists since the beginning of the new version.
Can you please help?

thank you


Hello djlgm

I think your drop has some similarities with mine, the delay access to your HDD. Are you using external usb hdd?¿. Do you have latest virtual dj version?¿. Some external HDDs enter by firmware in sleep state to save energy. Maybe when you load two songs and wait some time to load next you have this video drop (the time enough your hdd enter sleep mode). In the latest versions of virtual dj I think developers have some new process to check continuosly that the files are present so the hdd must be alive. If you do not have the latest one maybe you can check this free software KeepAliveHD ant configure to keep alive your external hdd if it is your case. If the files are in your local computer I can not help you, it works fine in my computer. Maybe your computer has not enough power, ram, I do not know.

Best regards!


I am using both external USB 3.0 HDDs as also the internal HD. I have to let you know that I have spent some good money for the lenovo Y510p with 2 NVIDIA GeForce GT755M 16GB ram and 1 TB SSD internal drive.... The laptop has intel i7-4700MQ @ 2.4 GHz... what better can I get than that??

The problem seems to be the first time you try to load a new video while unloading the last one that was played. I can not find a reason why this happens. For some reason also the CPU seems to be on the peak when loading the new video. I have no issues with the network since I do not use network resources. I never mentioned network in my posts.

I have disabled my HDDs to park due to inactivity from power management options. Maybe I have to try something else?

I have always the latest version of VDJ, I check almost in a daily basis.....


The frozen is not because you have a slow computer. Your computer is much better than mine and I do not have any freeze. Mine is a asus a53sj i7 2630QM 8 GB Ram and geforce 520M, Hybrid seagate hdd. I have a little peak in cpu when I load a new video but no freezes. when I have this stange things I try to upgrade all the computer firmwares and drivers, not only the one you can find in Lenovo support. Sometimes in the manufacturer page of all the things your computer have, there are more upgrades. In the thevice manager pressing upgrade drivers in windows uptdate (controller tag) that in the last times works in windows.. I have seen your computer has a new firmware this year and maybe your SSD could be upgraded too (I have upgraded my hybrid unit).
I you have all the things upgraded I can not help you more. I do not usually load more than 720i videos. I do not know how the software handle 1080i or 4k videos. I think in my computer this will be dificult.
Good luck!

Thank you for your advices. I try to keep everything updated. I have to check again for the lenovo BIOS and also about what you mentioned about the SSD drive. I use all sorts of videos no more than 1080i it doesnt seem to matter the video. I feel like it gets some difficulty to "unload" the last video played in order to load the new one. As soon as it is loaded and not played then if you load a new one in its place then rarely the problem occurs. I strongly believe is a matter of CPU and memory management of VDJ when loading a new video. Maybe the algorithm to load should be improved in order not to use all available power at once. What else to imagine I have no idea....

Thank you for your ideas...

geposted Thu 09 Jul 15 @ 6:34 pm

In the latest beta you do not have done anything about it, so it works in the same way but I think I have discovered an interesting thing.
Without showing filedate.. all problems solved. Now there is no video drops.
The more interesting thing is that the video network location are not in database. I have deleted database (VirtualDJ folder). So when I browse in this locations the browser says each time I open a directory "reading tag" but no video drops at these moments. If I show filedate the drops comes again. So finally I have a way to make it work... I think you have some problem in the filedate reading. I have tryed with other file parameters and I only have founded drops if I activate is filedate (When I select it I do not short by filedate, only show). With filedate selected if I prelisten video files without changing directory and select a video file that the software have readed its information the drops in video output comes again... It is like it is continously reading the file when filedate is showed.
I think very good hint to solve the problem.

Best regards

geposted Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 3:40 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Filedate is read in the file and not in the xml database. It's for update/control purpose.
If you sort on another column in the browser it should be a bit faster.

Adion wrote :
VDJ does not access the files during searching, so that doesn't matter.

You do say that you have the file date column visible. The file date is actually not in the database, so those are read at the moment they are shown.
If the files are sorted by file date then the date will have to be read from all files that are found.
I would not expect it to lock up that long from usb though, unless there is a problem with one of the drives perhaps.

Anyway I would recommend to leave out the file date column and use the first seen column instead, as this is stored in the database and doesn't need access to the drive.


geposted Mon 13 Jul 15 @ 4:25 pm
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
Can somebody help, I still have video out frozen for a few seconds when loading new videos. Nothing to do with network activity. Just a peak in CPU for a second or two.
What else can I do?

I usually load vob files and mp4 1080i

anybody having the same issue?

geposted Mon 13 Jul 15 @ 6:50 pm
djcel wrote :
Filedate is read in the file and not in the xml database. It's for update/control purpose.
If you sort on another column in the browser it should be a bit faster.

Adion wrote :
VDJ does not access the files during searching, so that doesn't matter.

You do say that you have the file date column visible. The file date is actually not in the database, so those are read at the moment they are shown.
If the files are sorted by file date then the date will have to be read from all files that are found.
I would not expect it to lock up that long from usb though, unless there is a problem with one of the drives perhaps.

Anyway I would recommend to leave out the file date column and use the first seen column instead, as this is stored in the database and doesn't need access to the drive.

I'm not going to use this parameter anymore. But I'm not searching... I insist that I think you have some bug when this parameter is selected. How do you explain that when this parameter (filedate) is selected, if I do not change the directory and I select files in the same directory I have drops in video output?. And in my first test I have told you that this locations weren't in database so all the parameter were readed each time I access to one directory (reading tag message) and no drops while reading tag..
it is like each time a new file is selected it update all de filedate information of all the folder.
Is it the only parameter that is readed from the disk? I have tested with all the parameters (exept filedate) activated and works fine.
If you think all is ok but this parameter could give you some problems maybe a warning message or something should be shown to warn users to do not select it because all the software is going to slow down and it is going to give problems.
I'm not going to test more this if I do not see that you make something in the changelogs.
Each user has its fixtation and I like to short files by the date to see what is the latest song I have gotten in a year.. so this will be desirable that it could work with this parameter without problems.

geposted Tue 14 Jul 15 @ 12:02 am
Yeah Friends!... Now showing filedate and no video drops!.

Thank you


geposted Mon 20 Jul 15 @ 12:00 am
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
Dear friends,

since I see you write here in my thread irrelative things than what I mentioned.

I have a problem in loading videos having a video output frozen for 1-2 seconds nothing to do with the file browser or whatever else you mention here. What sort of videos do you use? I use vob and mp4 1080i and I keep having video output frozen due to heavy CPU usage for loading the video (usually only the first time after a video has finished playing)

any relative answer for my problem here?


geposted Tue 21 Jul 15 @ 8:44 am
djlgm70 wrote :
Dear friends,

since I see you write here in my thread irrelative things than what I mentioned.

I have a problem in loading videos having a video output frozen for 1-2 seconds nothing to do with the file browser or whatever else you mention here. What sort of videos do you use? I use vob and mp4 1080i and I keep having video output frozen due to heavy CPU usage for loading the video (usually only the first time after a video has finished playing)

any relative answer for my problem here?

I use at maximum 720i mp4 and I have tryed if I found your problem in my machine and I can not reproduce your frezzes and no heavy CPU usage almost never with Virtual DJ. My machine is worst than yours but maybe your files have a diferent codec that make it fail... I have tested in windows 10 pre release and windows 7 and no video drops when loading... can you give us more information about the codec?¿ maybe yo can upload some files to some dropbox to test...
Sorry to use your thread to report my problem.

Best Regards

geposted Tue 21 Jul 15 @ 9:17 am
Hi djlgm70
It is my test...

I have tested with some 1080p videos and I think I have reproduced your freeze... High CPU and video freeze/ drops. Maybe you can download it from youtube and test it is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2L2UGZJAM.
it is curious that only happens with one 1080p video ... the others have the same resolution and bitrate and no video drops

If I try to find a diference in this one it seem that there is more noise and movement and sound at the start of the video... in my case each time I load this video it happens... I do not know why. I have defragged the file with no effect... also changing song load priority to idle...

It is strange that if I load the same song in the deck A while it is playing in deck B some times I have had the same 2 seconds freeze and cpu load... but happens only some times...

I think it is your freeze isn't it?

I have no idea why it happens in this video and not in others that have more bitrate... You say that it happens some times... To me always with the same video... I have downloaded it in 720p and no drop so is some thing that happens while loading hd resolutions and some circunstances...

In my case maybe my nvidia 520m could be the problem but I think your nvidia GT755M may handle it with no problems. I think it is something related with gain adjusting in the load if it exist or representation of the wave in the main screen... with the main virtual dj screen minimized if I load with the controller no drops...

Good luck!

geposted Tue 21 Jul 15 @ 5:00 pm
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
manu-sp wrote :
Hi djlgm70
It is my test...

I have tested with some 1080p videos and I think I have reproduced your freeze... High CPU and video freeze/ drops. Maybe you can download it from youtube and test it is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v2L2UGZJAM.
it is curious that only happens with one 1080p video ... the others have the same resolution and bitrate and no video drops

If I try to find a diference in this one it seem that there is more noise and movement and sound at the start of the video... in my case each time I load this video it happens... I do not know why. I have defragged the file with no effect... also changing song load priority to idle...

It is strange that if I load the same song in the deck A while it is playing in deck B some times I have had the same 2 seconds freeze and cpu load... but happens only some times...

I think it is your freeze isn't it?

I have no idea why it happens in this video and not in others that have more bitrate... You say that it happens some times... To me always with the same video... I have downloaded it in 720p and no drop so is some thing that happens while loading hd resolutions and some circunstances...

In my case maybe my nvidia 520m could be the problem but I think your nvidia GT755M may handle it with no problems. I think it is something related with gain adjusting in the load if it exist or representation of the wave in the main screen... with the main virtual dj screen minimized if I load with the controller no drops...

Good luck!

Thank you so much for your message.
This is exactly my problem. It happens also with the less heavy vob files. The strange thing is that this most of the times happens only the first time you load a video on the deck that has just finished playing. If you try to load a new video on the same deck without having it played before while the other deck is still playing the problem most of the times does not occur.
If I try to minimize CPU usage on other windows processes the problem is getting minimized but not disappearing.

I spent a lot of money to get this laptop with the dual NVIDIA and i7 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD in order to be fast and it is... but I thing VDJ does not get the benefit of this power at all.

This is why I am asking from the development team to look into this issue.

Thank you so much for your time to examine my problem

geposted Thu 23 Jul 15 @ 3:14 pm
You guys have got to be kidding me, quoting the post before your post? Is that necessary?

geposted Sun 26 Jul 15 @ 1:49 pm
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
Eventually after a lot of tests and changing laptops and setups, the problem was probably NVIDIA itself.
The official drivers make the laptop so heavy with so many services and stuff that is no needed for VDJ. For gamers maybe but not for djing...

After uninstalling all NVIDIA drivers the system worked better! So eventually I ended up installing only the driver component of NVIDIA and nothing else.

It is also worth mentioning that I disabled all IPHONE - Apple stuff as well which were making the laptop slow and heavy...

I managed to see proper operation of VDJ with many kind of videos after so long long time....

Thank you all for your contribution with your posts.

geposted Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 12:47 pm
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
After installing windows 10 Pro and clean installing everything, I faced the same problem once again.
So much headache again from scratch.
After a lot of research and reading similar posts, I managed to minimize the problem, but not to eliminate it. I strongly believe there is a bug hidden inside the software still.
I installed the latest version as of today 30 Jan 2016: VirtualDJ 8.1 b2821 PC.
The solution to my problem in order to minimize the freezing effect was to completely disable ALL NVIDIA services and also change the videoMaxMemory for NVIDIA from value 1980 (default-automatic) to 250.

Still sometimes I get a small freeze of milliseconds, hardly noticeable from somebody unfamiliar with the problem.

Hope this helps other people with similar problem. But I DO INSIST that there is STILL a bug in the software which is responsible for this probelm.

geposted Fri 29 Jan 16 @ 10:47 pm
djlgm70 wrote :
After installing windows 10 Pro and clean installing everything, I faced the same problem once again.
So much headache again from scratch.
After a lot of research and reading similar posts, I managed to minimize the problem, but not to eliminate it. I strongly believe there is a bug hidden inside the software still.
I installed the latest version as of today 30 Jan 2016: VirtualDJ 8.1 b2821 PC.
The solution to my problem in order to minimize the freezing effect was to completely disable ALL NVIDIA services and also change the videoMaxMemory for NVIDIA from value 1980 (default-automatic) to 250.

Still sometimes I get a small freeze of milliseconds, hardly noticeable from somebody unfamiliar with the problem.

Hope this helps other people with similar problem. But I DO INSIST that there is STILL a bug in the software which is responsible for this probelm.

Just uninstall latest nvidia drivers. And set videomaxmemory to 250.


geposted Fri 29 Jan 16 @ 10:52 pm

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