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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Remote App - Wishes and new features - Page: 1

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Please use this topic to post any requests and features that you would like to see in the next Remote application update.

geposted Sat 27 Jun 15 @ 11:16 pm
I'd like it to work on iOS 5.1.1 as originally claimed.

Unfortunately that is very unlikely to happen; iOS 5 users will hopefully be automatically reoffered the old v7 remote in the near future.

Suggestions for tablet skin:

Scroll bar in browser.
More track info in browser eg. time, comment. Lots of wasted space. Why is the track info hard coded and not configurable in the skin?
Bigger gap separating folder list, difficult to click.
Get rid of the swipe gestures, they are confusing.
Have a separate line for both sidelist and automix list.
Fix the bug on swiping between automix and sidelist on Android version, it just doesn't work properly at all.

kradcliffe wrote :
Why is the track info hard coded and not configurable in the skin?

Because the browser is not part of the skin; it is part of the remote itself.

kradcliffe wrote :
Bigger gap separating folder list, difficult to click

I don't have any problems here with that, seems easy to hit the folder I want?

kradcliffe wrote :
Get rid of the swipe gestures, they are confusing

Once you get used to them they are OK IMHO, especially for navigating back. The alternative would be a double click (since a single click is needed to select) and that is less friendly for a touchscreen I think personally.

kradcliffe wrote :
Have a separate line for both sidelist and automix list

I'm unsure what you mean - a dual view displaying both sidelist and automix? I can't see many situations where that would be useful tbh.

kradcliffe wrote :
Fix the bug on swiping between automix and sidelist on Android version, it just doesn't work properly at all.

You're going to have to give more information here; I can go between the automix and sidelist just fine. There's no swiping involved with that though, so perhaps I'm misunderstanding.

I really really ding like the spin animation between folder and files view. Just show the files without an animation.

Fix the crash of vdj when double adding the same song to automixlist.

After adding a song to automix list, the core will switch back to the deck, but it should stay in the files view.

Get rid of the drop menu and have buttons for at least deck 1/2, side list and atomix.

Leave the drop menu for decks 3-99 others I wanna see or I'd like to see the buttons.....

I just don't trust anything that's automatic.....

It is very hard to do small manual increments/reductions in pitch with the pitch slider on the remote skin especially when you are using a phone, not a tablet. I would really appreciate if you would consider adding '+ve' and '-ve' signs at the bottom and top part next to the pitch slider to make this easier. An adjustment of say 1% per click on the buttons would be very useful. I know I can just press the sync button and have it matched up, but I have more fun when doing it manually.


That would be very easy for someone to add as a skin :)

For some reason, whenever I change from the default (remote) skin, the app is always crashing, restarting the phone at times. It has not happened once when I am using the default skin. Therefore I would prefer to have the additions I have described above in the default skin.
But maybe if somebody took the default skin and made a variant of the same with the additional buttons it would work. Could somebody give it a shot please. Thanks.

As requested in the remote topic by a few people already, it would be nice to be able to change the order of the automix list by drag and drop in the remote app.

Is there a download to use for samsung android tab or phone as is for apple


yourlive wrote :
As requested in the remote topic by a few people already, it would be nice to be able to change the order of the automix list by drag and drop in the remote app.

Maybe even the ability to remove songs aswell by dragging to a trash can. Not deleting the tracks, just removing them from the playlist. I would think you could add that when you press and hold a track you could then move it anywhere in the list.

I like the mix now option but can you make some changes so a user can set the point when it's activated? For example, if there is an option the user could set the mix now at two minutes and each song would play for two minutes and then the next song would mixed in.

This would be very helpful as users rarely plays the entire song when we have so many in our folders.

To add to the mix now, could it not change the bpm of the incoming song??

+1 for all suggestions about moving and deleting songs in play lists, would also be good to see the key of the songs playing and in the lists too.

configurable Browser in deck view.
Configure it in the remote skin xml and let us have like a small browser view letting us drag and drop tracks but also let us have the full screen browser too.

I realise a lot of remote users are using smaller devices and phones but if the skin could be stated for 7inch or 10inch or greater then its upto the user to decide..

That's one thing I've been wondering about the remote. Is it possible to have the browser display as part of the main remote skin?

Maybe I'll take a look if I have a moment.

No, that's not possible with the remote at present.
