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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Topic: BUILD 2500 - Page: 1

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-Fix regression preventing Tag Editor to open
-Fix sampler_group_* actions when used by index instead of name
-Fix rare crash after closing undocked effect window

geposted Mon 12 Oct 15 @ 8:07 am
That's what I call fast support.
Thank you ;o)


Thank You!
Jon J.

Custom keyboard mapping lost in build 2500.1073.
When you try to make custom mapping, it will not save.

VDJ-8 will Not booth up do I need to send the report?,I'm lock out unless I go back.OSX 10.9.2 / 2.6Ghz i7/ 8Gb RAM.

Just did some testing on Custom Keymapping not saving:

After each change, exit program and run again. Check your mapping to see if it's there.

1. If you add a new mapper, it will save.
2. If you edit an existing keymaped, it will not save.

For workaround:

1. Create a new map and edit an existing one, then it will be saved (you can delete also the newly created one).
2. Do it manually by editing the XML file.

Added new mapper saved and exited VDJ.
Reopened and mapper shows, but does not work.
I deleted the mapper and created it again.
It saved like it is supposed to,but still doesn't work.
Even checked the keys on the keyboard to make sure they were not sticking.
Went to the XML and it did not help either.

By the way it works in version 7, just now 8

Had to go back to the 1st beta then reinstall then update Now VDJ load it & running


for me it did not save if I edited an existing mapper.

If I add a new one, it saves it.

If I did both at the same time, meaning, I create a new one and edit an old , it saves it.

Something went bad in this version fer sure.


I reverted back to 2348.1073. Still does not work.
I added a new on it save but does not work.
When I press the mapped key it scrolls to bottom of browser.
Cannot understand why it works in version and not in 8.


First crash in months with this build. VDJ8 even can not start anymore.
MBP retina

Was still a crash on previous beta-build during update-process.

Did you try to rename settings.xml ?

Modifying existing keyboard mapping is working fine for me...

Deleted old version, downloaded again, and now everything's fine. Don't know why it didn't upgraded before and crashed.
Did you recieve the crashrapport? I have saved the one sent to Apple.

Just tried to rename settings.xml.
Before this issue, I had the browser set up with the
sidelist at the bottom of the browser and the automix
to the right. (as in version 7).
The mapping I had was to move song from browser to sidelist,
and another one to move to the automix .
Now when I go to options and type in sidelist or sideview; I get no results.
Even searching browser I see no way of getting this setting back.

I just went to my second system and copied the settings and mapper.
I then went to the system with the issue and replaced the settings and mapper
with the 2 files from second system.
All is back in order.

Found two serious Bugs
mp3、wma file Sound field is not displayed waveform.
wma unable to play and Not displaying waveforms.
mp3 Can play,But...Tag Editor display(Erroe opening file)and souround Not displaying waveforms.
This file download site.

By China Group - Leneer

Operation System:Windows 10 TH2

The WMA issue is known and will be fixed in the next build.
