
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Script School - Page: 13.65

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Djratedxxx919 wrote :
[quote=locodog]@3X vars have no place with default fx, neither sides/deck really

effect_active 'ducking echo'

Ok this works on deck 1 but does not when I switch the left side to be deck 3.

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Djratedxxx919 wrote :
[quote=locodog]@3X vars have no place with default fx, neither sides/deck really

effect_active 'ducking echo'

Ok this works on deck 1 but does not when I switch the left side to be deck 3.

because deck 1 is deck “select”.....i change this:
leftdeck ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 3 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 4 effect_active ‘ducking echo’


mg_1978 wrote :
Djratedxxx919 wrote :

because deck 1 is deck “select”.....i change this:
leftdeck ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 3 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 4 effect_active ‘ducking echo’

This didn't work, it also turned on an effect slot I didn't want. So while on deck 1 it does activate ducking echo but still doesn't work on deck 3.

Because when deck 3 is leftdeck your query" leftdeck" will return 'false' for the button on deck 1
so that it will test against 2 or 4 ... and activate 4

leftcross ? deck left effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck right effect_active ‘ducking echo’

If button is on a deck affected to the left whenever active or not set fx on active left deck
otherwhise this is a right deck activate fx on active right deck whatever its number can be

this is working in 31-24 12-34 13-42 as well as 4 6 decks or if many decks are set 16-5432 ...
and by the way it is working both sides and any deck

Nicotux wrote :
Because when deck 3 is leftdeck your query" leftdeck" will return 'false' for the button on deck 1
so that it will test against 2 or 4 ... and activate 4

leftcross ? deck left effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck right effect_active ‘ducking echo’

If button is on a deck affected to the left whenever active or not set fx on active left deck
otherwhise this is a right deck activate fx on active right deck whatever its number can be

this is working in 31-24 12-34 13-42 as well as 4 6 decks or if many decks are set 16-5432 ...
and by the way it is working both sides and any deck

Why is right deck keep getting mention? This is a left deck only map.
Once I get the proper map I can make it for the right deck which are different buttons on the right side that will be independently mapped.
Mapping this button will actually show me how to map the other buttons I will use for transition effects just in the transport area. I'm also using a custom device file so the included device setup is different like the the included. Like the play button. In the included definition it's labeled a play button. My file is left play button is left-track_pad_a6 and on the right its right_track_pad_a1... That's why I have to map independent to actions.

this is a "any deck" map :)
right deck keep getting mention simply because the original script
Djratedxxx919 wrote :

because deck 1 is deck “select”.....i change this:
leftdeck ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 3 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : action_deck 2 ? deck 2 effect_active ‘ducking echo’ : deck 4 effect_active ‘ducking echo’

does refer to deck 2 and 4 as well when "action deck" is not leftdeck

if it's a left deck only button simply make it left deck button :

deck left effect_active ‘ducking echo’

depending on your custom device file you may perhaps use "device_side" instead of "deckleft" too

Are you serious....thank I can map the rest... All the things I tried and that's all the mapping script dummy, that's
Now on to the performance pads.

I want to write VDJscript to scratch back to the cue point.
Can we do it?


How can one query value of an OPTION in settings?

Wanted to create a Custom button called, " Preview" that would play 30 sec of each track in automix .

automixMaxLength 0 ? setting automixMaxLength 30 : setting automixMaxLength 0

param_equal "`automixMaxLength` 0" ? setting automixMaxLength 30 : setting automixMaxLength 0

both do not work because I don't know how to query the value of automixMaxLength


this is a setting ^^ as you know, just don't miss it :
setting automixMaxLength 0 ? setting automixMaxLength 30 : setting automixMaxLength 0
or shorter
setting automixMaxLength ? setting automixMaxLength 0 : setting automixMaxLength 30

Thank you, Nicotux for your quick and amazing help

Worked perfectly ! !

Thanks again :)

What would I add to the script, to have the custom button lite up when in preview mode?

setting automixMaxLength 0 ? setting automixMaxLength 30 & on : setting automixMaxLength 0 & off

does not work

How does one turn on and off a custom button's 'LED' ?

put on and off first

on & setting automixMaxLength 30

Thanks Rune ! !

Always learning from your posts ..

Works as expected now !

would not have thought of that solution.

Hi, I have the brakstart effect mapped to a pad with:
effect_active 'brakestart' while_pressed

So if I press the pad the effect is activated, but when I release the pad it doesn't turn off.

How could I do, so that when pressing the effect is activated and when releasing the pad the effect is turned off?

XIVAN MAR. wrote :

effect_active 'brakestart' while_pressed

works fine here. What you want to happen?

I would like:

Hold down the pad to turn the effect on and releasing the pad pressure turns the effect off.

Rune (dj-in-norway) wrote :
XIVAN MAR. wrote :

effect_active 'brakestart' while_pressed

works fine here. What you want to happen?


XIVAN MAR. wrote :
I would like:
Hold down the pad to turn the effect on and releasing the pad pressure turns the effect off.

effect_active 'brakestart' while_pressed already does that.. works that way.
Maybe you spelled something wrong? Or used somewhere wrong?
Use it as regular action if on pads.. (not "pad pressure" but push action)


Because releasing the pressure of the pad continues to activate the effect.

Okay, I'll re-activate it and test it in push action.

Rune (dj-in-norway) wrote :
XIVAN MAR. wrote :
I would like:
Hold down the pad to turn the effect on and releasing the pad pressure turns the effect off.

effect_active 'brakestart' while_pressed already does that.. works that way.
Maybe you spelled something wrong? Or used somewhere wrong?
Use it as regular action if on pads.. (not "pad pressure" but push action)


I've been compiling a little list of script methods I found interesting. I might explain in detail later, higher level stuff [mostly, but not all], but I figure if you can read these you might learn a trick or two

Test if several things are true with just one question mark

set 'a' 1 & set 'b' 2 & set 'c' 3 & param_equal "`var 'a' 1 && var 'b' 2 && var 'c' 3`" 1 ? set 'result' 1 : set 'result' 0

between 2 values one question mark
param_equal "`param_smaller 'effect_slider echo 1' 0.1`" "`param_bigger 'effect_slider echo 1' 0.2`" ? [in between 0.1 & 0.2] : [not inbetween]

Increment vars [really old but it was a surprise to me when I found it]

set 'a' +1
set 'a' -1

cast then query for things that aren't straight forward [some verbs are only queries and can't be cast to in usual ways]

set 'a' 2 & get_var 'a' & param_cast 'integer' & has_cue & param_equal 1 ? [cue 2 exists] : [it doesn't]

inverted queries [pretty basic, but nice to know]

set 'a' 1 & set 'b' 1 & var_equal 'a' 'b' !? [not equal] : [equal]

Dynamic variable names [very recent discovery, kind of interesting, maybe needlessly complicated]

set '$myvar' 4 & param_add `get_var '$myvar' & param_cast 'text'` `get_text '$mynewvar'` & param_cast 'text' & toggle

result toggle $mynewvar4

Indirect name can be simple as well

the base: get_text 'tstvar' & param_cast text & toggle

the indirect: set tstname `get_text tstvar` & get_var tstname & param_cast text & toggle

in your example: uni dimensional array

and very more complex with a 2 dim array
set '$myvarX' 4 & set '$myvarY' 2 & param_add `param_add "get_var '$myvarY' & param_cast text" "get_var '$myvarX' & param_cast text & param_add 'x'"` "get_text '$mynewname'" & param_cast text & toggle

will toggle $mynewname4x2
(note param_add can add function with backquotes in the variable name in many case, maybe can be hack to indirect functions as well - I think to custom_button hack but didn't test)

Fine you talk about the increment and decrement because set behavior changed again with b6334;
HOW TO affect a negative value to a variable and deal with it is over complicated now?

no need of "set v 0 & set v -1" ... sounds like a good idea... at first

But side effects (and missing in implementation) brake many things :
i.e.: automatically casts parameter to relative :
set v `constant -1 & param cast_absolute`
Badly this is cast parameter as relative anyway

set v `constant -1 & param cast_absolute` & param_cast absolute
or better : "param_add 0 -1 & set v"
now parameter is absolute value -1
so that there is no gain compare to old behavior

BUT if its not a constant ....
set v2 `get_var v`
result is undefined ; either v2 -v or v result being relative or absolute depending on v


set v2 `get_var v & param_cast absolute` & param_cast absolute
set v2 `get_var v & param_cast relative` & param_cast absolute

HOWEVER the parameter is now TOTALLY STRANGE
result parameter with positive values are now missing (more exactly a boolean takes place of the value)
if you test result : v2 < 0 then you can verify its value or go on affect other variables
but if V2 is positive the parameter becomes this time BOOLEAN :

set v `constant -42 & param_cast absolute` & param_cast absolute & set v2
v == v2 == -42
set v 42 & set v2
v==42 , v2 == 0
set v 0 , set v2
v==0 , v2 ==1

"set v0 `get_var v` & set v1 & set v2..."
depends on the value of v

.. not talking about text or uninit vars...
