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Topic: virtualFX - Page: 2
Just gave the last block of code an edit and since I have a video of it in action, I'll post that too.


little one, annoyed I couldn't use colorfx filter on a locked fx loop [echo or echo out] so I made a Virtualfx to control the slot base filter [with some always last logic] from the colorfx

name the FX MFilter.dll, name the ini MFilter_1.ini
Slider DIAL A 0=0
String DIAL A 1=filter & param_cast & effect_slider 'filter' 1 & nothing & param_equal `param_bigger filter 0.515` `param_smaller filter 0.485` ? effect_active 'filter' off : effect_active 'filter' on
String LABEL A 3=
Slider DIAL B 2=2048
String DIAL B 5=
String LABEL B 6=
Slider DIAL C 4=2048
String DIAL C 7=
String LABEL C 12=
Switch BUTTON 1 8=0
String BUTTON 1 13=
Switch BUTTON 2 9=0
String BUTTON 2 14=
Switch BUTTON 3 10=0
String BUTTON 3 15=
String OnStart 16=
String OnStop 17=


yes it looks like "effect_colorslider colorfx" does not apply to locked fx [echo or echo out and other ]

maybe I'm wrong but it looks like this custom slider do the same as the vfx

effect_colorslider filter & & param_add -0.5 & param_cast bool & effect_active filter

nice, no query

so can I use this to make a effect to solo the vocal stem then echoout the vocal stem in post fader?

it just preforms scripts, if you can do it as a script you can do it with this too.
Just consider this calling a script from a fx slot.

locodog wrote :
it just preforms scripts, if you can do it as a script you can do it with this too.
Just consider this calling a script from a fx slot.

so can it do that? if so how do make it do that?
just remember im the scripting dummy amongst you guys....

just add your script to onStart (and onStop if needed)
2 pages of examples you shouldn't need any handholding.

locodog wrote :
just add your script to onStart (and onStop if needed)
2 pages of examples you shouldn't need any handholding.

what script?

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
locodog wrote :
just add your script to onStart (and onStop if needed)
2 pages of examples you shouldn't need any handholding.

what script?

nevermind dont worry about it.... i just dont understand scripting


Hi there! I've download the Virtualfx and I want to make the three knobs work like the EZRemix (Knob 1 manipulate Vocals, knob 2 manipulate Instru and knob 3 manipulate Beat), is that possible?

* In effect 3 slots layout when I'm enabling the effect I would like to be able to manipulate the vocals
** If there is such a script, please guide me how and/or where do I put it to get it done
*** I want to enable EZRemix by pushing the "Virtualfx" button and manipulate Vocals, Instru and Beats by knob 1, 2 and 3, so the Buttons 1, 2 and 3 that they are down from knobs I don't want to do anything at all, except maybe renaming them to "Vocals", "Instru" and "Beat" so they just indicates the use of the knob above them

Many thanks in advance!

like so, I called it stemFX ,so should you.

Slider DIAL A 0=2048
String DIAL A 1=effect_slider 'stemFX' 1 & param_cast & stem 'fullvocal'
String LABEL A 2=
Slider DIAL B 3=2048
String DIAL B 4=effect_slider 'stemFX' 2 & param_cast & stem 'melody'
String LABEL B 5=
Slider DIAL C 6=2048
String DIAL C 8=effect_slider 'stemFX' 3 & param_cast & stem 'rhythm'
String LABEL C 7=
Switch BUTTON 1 8=0
String BUTTON 1 10=
Switch BUTTON 2 11=0
String BUTTON 2 12=
Switch BUTTON 3 13=0
String BUTTON 3 14=
String OnStart 16=
String OnStop 17=load_pulse ? : effect_slider 'stemFX' 1 0.5 & effect_slider 'stemFX' 2 0.5 & effect_slider 'stemFX' 3 0.5

edit, good to 1.5.1

locodog wrote :
like so, I called it stemFX...

Thank you so much for your immediate response!! That script you send me activates the ModernEQ option but I wanted to activate the EZRemix one, but I can live with that as well.. also I am wondering if is there a way to change the text from buttons 1, 2, 3 in to whatever the knob does so it just indicates the function of the knob above..

** One thing I noticed also is that once i enable the stemFX it stays enabled no matter what, it doesn't even reset on load

you have the bare bones, you can change the dials to any of the
verbs you want
, this doesn't need to be an active fx to work.

this doesn't need to be an active fx to work.[/quote]

Is there any way to make it to reset on load??


made an edit to the .ini code, if switched off by resetFxOnLoad all dials reset to 0.5

locodog wrote :
made an edit to the .ini code, if switched off by resetFxOnLoad all dials reset to 0.5

Are you gonna post the edit that you made here or is it somethinh that I have to do?

I edited the post with the .ini code, notice onStop has a script now.
^look up^

locodog wrote :
I edited the post with the .ini code, notice onStop has a script now.
^look up^

It works great now, many many Thanks!!!
