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Topic: Atomix is killing me! - Page: 1

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I have done 2 weddings this week and when I have played the first dance song the sound quality sucks. I have to stop the song and re boot my computer. then it sounds ok. Then after about an hour I have to reboot again. whats going on I love Atomix. but its messing me up I get all my Mp3s at 320 kbs. Help please.

geposted Sun 04 Aug 02 @ 5:15 pm
Please, register you. Which version do you have got: full, trial, 2.0, 2.1?

A French user who works with wME meet many problems and have to reboot frequently.


I have the 2.1 version it works fine after I reboot but its sounds very scratchy at the time i need it most. like I said when i reboot it sounds fine

What's your OS? Ram? please

I have windows xp on my laptop Im not sure about the ram please help.


A French user met a similar problem. Install the last DirectX. Careful, it's the version 9 beta, but it works fine.

ok phenryll let me get this straight I have to install a program that helps with atomix for better sound?

Where can it be found phenryll I have searched the net.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

Be warned you will have to reinstall your os if you do notr have a beta id and password.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

I'll ask to the French user where is there the DirectX beta 9 for all people. I hope that his answer will be fast!

@seandenard, before d/l the DirectX 9 beta, d/l the last officiel DirectX, the 8.1b.


Do you have to reinstall your OS?

To the original question... Are you sure you are using the full version of the program. The problem you are discribing actually occurred in a fairly early beta version of 2.1. It was fixed several versions before the release. If I were you, I would completely uninstall the version you are using (completely uninstall) and either buy the full registered version, or at the very least get the latest demo. However, if you are doing weddings and such for pay, I would imagine that you would want to go ahead a buy & register the software.

Good Luck

yes I have paid for the full version I think maybe I should unistall and start again. Im sorry I cant really undestand some of the language that is being used. I think someone told me to install the tweak but Im not really sure what goes along with the tweak will it hurt your computer or do I have to reinstall my operating system? thanks

@ phenryll No I didn't install it I just did some research on the net and alot of sites that had it posted the beta 9 have removed it because if you don't have the beta id and password your os will need to be reinstalled. Thats what they posted anyways. I would like to get the beta 9 if this is not true.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

If you are running the full version, verify that it is 2.1 Also, why not register. Once you register when you log in you'll show up as a junior member rather than a newbie. The newbie status leads me to think that perhaps you may have a problematic cracked version or something.....
Just trying to be sure before you start making major changes to your computer and opperating system to fix problems that may be caused by a bad software version. Also, 32kbps is way too much. You may want to re-sample down to 192 or so.

oops... meant to say 320kbs may be too much.

ok now I have registered I have a differnt name now but no big deal I just want to know why I have sound problems then when I reboot it works fine. should I get this xp tweak thing? also I thought that the higher the bit rate the better the mp3

Higher may be better, but really anything over 192 is an incredible waste of disc space, PLUS, I am of the opinion that the higher the bitrate, the harder the machine has to work to play them. Many feel that 128 bitrate is enough, many others feel that 192 is the way to go. I don't think anyone ever suggested that you go higher than 192.
ALSO, when you properly register, you won't show up in the forum as a newbie. If you are a paid "subscriber" you will show up as a "junior member"

