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Topic: DSL VS CABLE - Page: 1

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Ok which is better I currently have dsl and tommorow I am having cable installed. Which one is better in your opinion.

.:DJ Homeoy:.

geposted Thu 29 Aug 02 @ 12:39 am
DSL is better to Me - WHy are you switching from DSL to Cable anyway , were you having problems??????? To put it basically your cable line will be shared with whoever has the same hookup in your neighborhood - DSL no.

I have DSL at work, and Cable at home. Cable is by far the better of the two. It's always on, and I have less trouble with it. It's never ran as slow as DSL.


Damn 50/50 well I will post my comments tommorow after its installed and do some speed tests.

Right now DSL is good, but the are putting dl and ul limits which kinda sucks. Also to switch I will save myself some money for a couple months. More input is appreciated.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

Cable is dependant on what area you are in and how many other users you share with. I am lucky that where I am at I do clock higher speeds than people that I have known with DSL. For me being where I am at I would'nt switch to DSL unless my cable were to slow down.


I've cable (at home) and DSL (my mother). Well, if there is too much traffic, cable is slow and connexion speed of DSL resist better.

The max speed with DSL is 110-130 k. Well, if the traffic is weak (and very weak), on good server only (Microsoft Download, download.com...), I've already had some (excellents) peaks of 350-400 k/s (with Download accelerator)! In fact, Download accelerator works very very fine with cable, less with cable I think.

QUOTE: Download accelerator works very very fine with cable, less with cable I think.

Which one is it now? LOL

I have ADSL here at home, and I can't complain. It's cheaper than a cable abbonnement (here it is ;)), and the speed isn't too slow at all. While broadband was upcoming, all my friends took cable (while I was surfing on V90 ;)), but now the ones who take broadband all choose for ADSL (please don't just speak about DSL. There also exists VDSL, WDSL and even some other technologys, which are DSL based too...)

Greetz, Ikke

And i've got cable ... (same country as ikke ... belgium ;) )
... and i can't complain!
I always have speeds around 350-400 kbs ... on peaklevels ik can easily achieve 650-700k WITHOUT Download managers! :))

I live in Belgium, too! :))

Which have you got subscription: 256 or 512 k d/w? Little difference. I've a 256k (UCL university, I haven't the choice). And the ADSL connexion is slower than 512 k speed connection. :)

And with my adsl connexion, I can't have above 120-130k in d/w

Hey Homeboy,
Guess which one I will say is better? LOL
Seeing as though I work for the 4th largest Cable Company in the world....... I think I will have to say CABLE. While cable may share bandwidth with other customers in your neigbhorhood, If your Company is good they will split up the nodes so there are only so many customers on each one, and with most that is being done.
The main problem with DSL is:..... you have to be with-in so many feet of the central office or a slick, if more than 18,000 feet speeds drop real fast or you will not be able to even get service.
I think your going to enjoy your cable modem. Take care.

See thats the thing, I live like a 1/2 a mile from the dsl connection which is obviously very close. I guess I will just have to see what happens when i get it today ! I am keeping DSL just in case.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

My dad works for the DSL company we use and according to him cable is only better because its more reliable. DSL still has alot of bugs but when it works at it's peak it is WAAAAAAAY faster.

I work for AT&T Broadband, and the specs speak for themselves.

Cable -
Standard.....1.5Mb download, 256k upload .......$45.95/mo
New Ultra-Link...3Mb download, 512k upload.......$79.99/mo

DSL-640kb download, 148k upload..................$39.99/mo

Cable !
It is better for me and faster than dsl...

Well a - for cable is that they have bad tech support in my case anyways, today the tried installing my modem at a different address ahhhhhh ! Now I have to wait until wednesday.

.:DJ Homeboy:.

Belgium Cable -- "TELENET" -- 10MBIT down, 128k up ...
+- 43 € a month ... :)

MTS provides High Speed DSL capable of 3 Mbps downstream and 320 kbps downstream. Of course it is bloody expensive at 90 bucks a month CAD. (oh wait that may not be too expensive since CAD is shit!)

Sorry can't type worth shit. 3 Mbps downstream 320 kbps UPstream.

Homeboy: Which cable company is in your area.. Rogers ? Cogeco ?


Cable ... INCONSISTENT !!! It can be terrible at peak times, but if you're surfing at 2am ... HELLO !!! MY cable provider just capped off the max speed to 1.5 from 3 mbps due to network congestion. DSL ... consistent all around.
IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOUR AREA !!! With cable, your speed is affected as to how many users are online in the area. With DSL ... it all depends on how far away you are from head office.


I find cable to be more reliable since the connection is always there. With my DSL ... even though its a matter of seconds .. you still have to "Dial-Up", and the odd time it won't connect.

Technical Support:

IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHO YOU TALK TO ... there are many know-it-alls and many dumbasses. I find DSL generally easier to configure.


With my cable provider ... if you are networking via a Hub ... they'll charge you $10 cdn for any extra computers (I.P addresses) you'll be using (you can bypass that using a router). With DSL .. using a hub or router .. mine won't charge you extra.


My DSL will charge you for any extra bandwidth beyond 6 GB. Cable is unlimited.


Both are almost identical. Cable providers may provide you with a discount if you already have certain cable packages. They'll probably charge extra if you don't have a basic cable package. DSL ... same thing .... they'll probably charge you less if you have, for instance, a certain long-distance plan.

I work for Rogers Cable and my dad works for Bell (DSL). So thats my 2 cents on that issue. But guys, i understand that every area is different ... so i am just giving you MY qualified opinion =p
