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Topic: The BIG question! - Page: 1

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Ok, this is a general forum...so heres a break from VDJ, and all sound issues, video issues, adn other DJ related stuff..
The BIG question is : What came first? The Chicken or The Egg?

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 12:18 pm
the egg ;) or... hmmm...

hehe... too big of a question to get any definitive answers for sure :) hehe

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 1:36 pm
Hmm .. chicken. yup.. Sounds like someone wants to get there number of *'s and posts up !! ha.. me to.. just hit the not so big 70.... so happy to add a post on here :)

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 1:53 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
the chicken....if an egg is the reproduction of a chicken, then the chicken would have to excist first, offspring would be considered 2nd generation.

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 2:00 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
That's right, the creation is created from raw materials, but I imagine the off spring (egg) to be reproduced in a different way to how the creation was initially put together.

To use the example of the VDJ development, the creator in this case had a complex challenge to make the software able to "loop" a sound, but once that system/creation is in place, It is very easy for the rest of us to create that loop, just as it is easy for a chicken to lay an egg.


geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 2:19 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Definitely the egg!

Assuming that a chicken evolved from a more primitive creature that was different enough to not be classified as a chicken, but still an egg laying creature, then the first actual chicken was the offspring of one of these creatures and came from one of its eggs. It's unlikely that this first chicken was born live (not from an egg) but somehow developed the characteristic of laying eggs, and even if it did, then this characteristic would probably have developed over time and until it did, the creature would not have really been able to be classified as a chicken as the classical definition of a chicken includes the characteristic of being an egg layer.

Yes, I am a geek and put too much thought into that... but you asked! ;)

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 3:21 pm
FRD is right:

EGG was first.
The dinosaurs used to be reproduced this way too. So let's assume dinosaur egg is egg too and it is obvious that it was before the chicken.

But please don't ask me whether was first the dino or it's egg :-)

anyway it's good idea to learn the chicken speach and ask :-)

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 3:57 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
The good news is we can go round this circle all day and it doesn't reflect your belief one bit, rather it's philosophy, or what you choose to believe..

Whether you believe in evolution, God or both, It doesn't matter.

It's a question where every arguement would suffer from the other sides arguement, It's just like a cat chasing it's tail, just goes round and round.

You could have asked a question where we could conclude something :), this is harder than a riddle because the evidence isn't their.


geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 4:11 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
We can put these together...

In the way we now the chicken today, comes from an egg. The egg was first than a chicken. But the chicken has many centuries to be a chicken, in the beginning of everything the chicken ancestor was created first. So in the very beginning there was created not from an egg, the egg comes later as a way to survive.

The evolution and creation theory all together...

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 5:39 pm
btw. does this affect how the omelette tastes to you guys ? :-D

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 7:04 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Lopez has a point: The chicken and the egg come at the same time (if you order Chicken Egg Foo Yung or a chicken omlette.)

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 8:02 pm
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
So if i continute lopez's theory, the dinosaurs were actually also evolved from lower spisies, which also layed eggs. BUT (here comes the fun part), the very first being that stopped splitting itself and started reproducing this way, layed an egg and so it continued to the chicken.

So it was not chicken nor EGG, it was that thing-that-stopped-splitting-and-started-having-sex :) Smart move I must say.

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 8:28 pm
Some of you guys are getting headaches thinking about this. You think it has to be one way or the other. Is it Evolution or Creation? It is a trick question. Look at it this way. Which came first Man or Embryo? Ah, not so hard to to see it this way, is it. Of course Man came first. Eggs do not hatch by themselves. Did you hear that? They must be tended to, kept at the right temperature, turned. Who do you think did that? As a scientist, I believe in proof. The fact of the matter is, Evolution was Created. That's right, you heard it here first. I don't know who, how or what created all this, but it did not just appear out of thin air. There was a beginning, and it all evolved from there. So, the chicken came first, with the ability to lay eggs, and the instinct to tend to it, so it could hatch. See how easy that was?Class dismissed.

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 8:52 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I didn't here that from here first, that's why I made the point it has no bearing on your beliefs..

Their is:
Atheist evolution theory
Monotheistic-Evolution theory
And finally Religions that don't state this in one sentance.

Actually It's been expalined in many of the worlds great religions, that God is the creator, everything is easy for him.., but he created the materials before the being, he didn't create man before the flesh, before the blood etc, In this case it didn't evolve either, It was put together in a set time, subjected to the earths conditions = Time + Matter, Evolution to a degree has taken place, but not in the way Charels Darwin describes it in his book.., actually it's a bit less scary than it, because we know that the cause was God, and the so called evolution is the effect.

So this information has been known for at least 1400-2500 years, but it wouldn't sell so many books if we were to join such an exciting theory to God, because God is a subject we can't agree so easily on as we can with a baseless theory with no cause, God is the cause..

Useful quotes:

Revelaed 1400 years ago in the Qur'an:

[23:14] ...We made the drop into an ALAQAH (leech-like structure), and then We changed the ALAQAH into a MUDGHAH (chewed-like substance), then We changed the MUDGHAH into IDHAAM (bones, skeleton), then We clothed the IDHAAM with LAHM (flesh, muscles), then We caused him to grow and come into being as another creation.

[22:5] ...We created you out of dust, then out of a drop, then out of a MUDGHAH, partly formed and partly unformed...

[76:2] We created the human from a drop which is a mixture...

Their is much more :).

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 10:25 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
@Man and his Music: Well what if the first chicken hatched from an egg that was born to and incubated by a creature that could not quite be classified as a chicken, but did have the same motherly instincts and obviously the ability to lay eggs?

Either way, I do belive in evolution, but I do also believe in God. Many think these 2 beliefs are incompatible, but as 'Man and His Music' says, there had to be a beginning and I believe it was God that made this beginning. He created the rules for the universe and set it in motion so he didn't have to tend to everything by hand ;) He knew that given the correct circumstances, chickens, humans, etc. would eventually evolve, and by leaving no evidnce of divine intervention, he leaves it up to the individual whether or not to believe there is someone behind it all.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching, but I figured this was the next logical step in the 'evolution' of this discussion. ;)

Any thoughts?

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 10:38 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
Weird, both Brendan Fords had similar reponses at the same time.

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 10:41 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Now that's divine intervention ;).

Both Brendan Fords together have the answer! :), we are on route for a trinity my brother :)..

Just kidding guys.

geposted Tue 04 Oct 05 @ 10:51 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
Well then we conclude...

It depends... If you ask for omellet with chicken they come together... or if you see it at the begining of everything. The Chicken (or similar) was first or in a partial way The Egg come first.

The correct answer depends in your point of view, thats why this is a tricky question.



geposted Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 1:38 am
Both came first!!!! If you are a Muslim, Christian or any other religious person who believes that everything was created by God, Alliah, YAHWEH....If in fact God created the chicken, then inside the chicken there was an egg already partially developed(remember the question was referring to a chicken, not a chick). So both were created at the same time. And if by chance you say, hey what if God created the egg first? Then inside that egg is a baby chicken that was created the same time. And there you have it. So when someone asks you that you that question, you simply say both...and add it is not important what came first, but WHO made them in the first place!

BTW...it doesn't matter which came first because they both end up on my plate, go in my belly together and you guys know the rest...


geposted Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 2:38 am
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
I believe the egg.. came first..
Just because chicken are not "smart" enough to make the first move... xe xe !

geposted Wed 05 Oct 05 @ 2:44 am