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Topic: This Sucks... - Page: 2

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The crashes only happens when using the 3rd party plugins. EVERY single extra plugin I have tried have made VDJ crash after between 5 min - 3 hours of playing. So the enthusiasts developing these are just not good enough.

But why would anyone also want to use those stupid plugs anyway? Especially when you can crank the whole thing up with professinal VST plugins? Just let the amateur plugins be and you will experience a stable performance in VDJ - at least that what I did.

geposted Wed 08 Feb 06 @ 11:54 am
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Thanks for reflecting on your experience Junker Juks, However your alone in that problem, I have very good stability from MOST plugins (on this site), I've done 12 hour gigs using them over and over again and not even a skip from VDJ, no crash!. Many users here could tell you the same thing but they seem a bit quiet at the moment :).

Don't think your experience goes for everybody, it does not..

The plugins on this site vary in quality, But many of them do things that VST's just can't, the beatgrid, brake, backspin, loop-out, phaser, all very high quality.

There are though, a few issues with effects, few effects are unstable, and certain combinations (that nobody would do) can cause a crash, I do believe this is a new bug since 3.3 and should be fixed in version 4, the stability of the plugins was much better in earlier versions.

geposted Wed 08 Feb 06 @ 2:08 pm
dougtekHome userMember since 2005
Can't complain wont complain, home user with "free" version of vdj and first time mixer could not be happier with the product and look forward to using future downloads and knowledge to fully utilizse systems potential.
By the way, had issue with downloading 3.3 and the support was fantastic, thanks...

geposted Thu 09 Feb 06 @ 5:54 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
"I do believe this is a new bug since 3.3"

Unfortunately i agree with this point. It appeared a little problem between VirtualDJ v3.2 and VirtualDJ v3.3 and the dev team is working on it.

geposted Thu 09 Feb 06 @ 3:17 pm
DJROSSSHome userMember since 2006
Can't complain wont complain, home user with "free" version of vdj and first time mixer could not be happier with the product and look forward to using future downloads and knowledge to fully utilizse systems potential.
By the way, had issue with downloading 3.3 and the support was fantastic, thanks...

geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 12:06 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i love this product

however how do u get to be a vip user or an experiance pro user?

geposted Fri 05 May 06 @ 10:10 pm
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
You get your rank up when you help others on this forum so type more ;) .

geposted Sat 06 May 06 @ 6:24 am
You rank could also be upped if you create skins, effect plugins or do other stuff to help this community.

geposted Sat 06 May 06 @ 3:22 pm
Damn, so what did dj in norway do with the money, I sent him?

geposted Sat 06 May 06 @ 8:34 pm
LOL corruption everywhere :-)

geposted Sat 06 May 06 @ 10:59 pm
d rocksPRO InfinityMember since 2006
what does a good bribe cost these days LOL!?

geposted Sat 06 May 06 @ 11:00 pm

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