If you can't understand from topic:
I would like to see function (a button) in VDJ to disable scratch sound when scratching like Denon DN-S3500 cd-players have.
So if you, for example move XP10 wheel or TC Vinyl, there is no scratch sound, but only silense since you put off your fingers from XP10 whell or TC Vinyl, so song wil go back and then start playing when (in XP10 case) whell won't be touched and (in TC Vinyl case) TC Vinyl will have right rotation speed again.
Hope you understand =)
What others think???
Dj Nikki
I would like to see function (a button) in VDJ to disable scratch sound when scratching like Denon DN-S3500 cd-players have.
So if you, for example move XP10 wheel or TC Vinyl, there is no scratch sound, but only silense since you put off your fingers from XP10 whell or TC Vinyl, so song wil go back and then start playing when (in XP10 case) whell won't be touched and (in TC Vinyl case) TC Vinyl will have right rotation speed again.
Hope you understand =)
What others think???
Dj Nikki
geposted Thu 23 Feb 06 @ 6:43 pm
wont it be a little problem if you actually "nudge"... I think itäs hard for VDJ to know when you are nudging and when you are scratching.. or am I wrong..?
geposted Thu 23 Feb 06 @ 7:56 pm
XP10 has 2 separated parts of wheel. One for nudging an anotherone (touch sensitive) for scratching. So in this case i think it wouldn's be problem.
Something completely different is TCV. Maybe here could go that way that that if you just tap vinyl, VDJ recognize it as actually nudging, the same is if you don't really stop vinyl, but only slow down it.
BUT! If you do backspin, VDJ would recognize it and insert silence instead of scratch sound.
This is system that actually works on Denon's cd-players.
Something completely different is TCV. Maybe here could go that way that that if you just tap vinyl, VDJ recognize it as actually nudging, the same is if you don't really stop vinyl, but only slow down it.
BUT! If you do backspin, VDJ would recognize it and insert silence instead of scratch sound.
This is system that actually works on Denon's cd-players.
geposted Thu 23 Feb 06 @ 8:43 pm
Yer i think there is a scratch plugin for that... it mutes the reverse sound so you can do easy forward chops without having to move the fader before you start to re-cue. its a cool idea but im sure theres a reason why its not that popular.
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 5:31 am
Scratch plugin??? where???
Sometimes it would be very useful, believe me. I was mixing last time at Denon's cd-players for 2 hours at club and i'm really missing this function in VDJ.
Sometimes it would be very useful, believe me. I was mixing last time at Denon's cd-players for 2 hours at club and i'm really missing this function in VDJ.
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 3:56 pm
Those forward & backward chops do that, just one way only each... It probably wouldn't be hard to merge them ;)
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 5:59 pm
i just dont see why you would need to silence the scratch sound, i mean if your using hardware then just use the fader to cut off scratch sound, but yes the forward scratch plugin would handle half the problem
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 6:59 pm
i can tell you why i would need it. at denon's cd-player is this function very useful. in case i want to backspin, maybe 2 seconds and then repeat (for example 2 words of singer) and do it a few times. it is very nice function, just like loop, but manual.
It would be nice function in VDJ too.
It would be nice function in VDJ too.
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 7:10 pm
well i think if u used forward scratch that would do the trick for ya, if you were just back cueing and releasing to play forward it would be perfect, assuming you held it still until you released
geposted Fri 24 Feb 06 @ 11:36 pm
when track speed > 105% or < 95% then deck vol = 0, comeon it cant be that hard to do. someone that isnt me make a pluggin :P. bessides if denon has done it the idea cant be that amatureish lol
geposted Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 3:19 am
did you know that typing in < followed imideately by the = sign makes the portion of the message after that point not be displayed, weird
geposted Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 3:24 am
it's a protection against Html scripts.
geposted Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 3:07 pm
"...i just dont see why you would need to silence the scratch sound, i mean if your using hardware then just use the fader to cut off scratch sound..."
in the pc world we tend to be lazy and want the 'puter to make things easier.
practise that? hell no.
could next version please come with girls on either side to massage me while i play?
in the pc world we tend to be lazy and want the 'puter to make things easier.
practise that? hell no.
could next version please come with girls on either side to massage me while i play?
geposted Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 9:18 pm
listen2: yes, i can do like you said, but i like denon cd-players when i just rotate the wheel back and do what i want to do. why should i push button on let say XP10 or keyboard, when i could just move wheel back and that's it? btw how can i do that with TCV???
just one function for not to use "scratch effect" when back spining.. nothing more.
another point: when i backspin with XP10, the song starts playing more softly than if i just push cue button and start from cue position. that's why it would be useful. i can do like you said on denon cd-players too if i push cue button and hold wheel till i need pouse, but it's easier just with backspin without "scratch" effect :)
just one function for not to use "scratch effect" when back spining.. nothing more.
another point: when i backspin with XP10, the song starts playing more softly than if i just push cue button and start from cue position. that's why it would be useful. i can do like you said on denon cd-players too if i push cue button and hold wheel till i need pouse, but it's easier just with backspin without "scratch" effect :)
geposted Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 11:44 pm