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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: UPDATE *** DJC MULTI-MIXER *** (hercules new skin) - Page: 1

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Skin is about 80% finished now, will have it finished in not many days.. ;)
Sorry for taken time, but its been an on and off project, when ever I had time, or felt like working on it...

- 3 WAVE MODES: DUAL, SPLIT & OFF (beat wave display)
- NUDGE SCRATCH JOGGLE (also changes the physical console)
- PITCH VOLUME JOGGLE (also changes the physical console)




any feedback, feature wishes or changes?
the time is now... ;) i'm finalizing the skin...

huge thanx to macourteau & fruit for all help ;)

dj in norway

geposted Fri 27 Aug 04 @ 3:40 pm
Wow, looks really really great! Nice wave options... Can't wait to see it work! (I'll think about extra's, can't think of anything right now)

Seems very nice !!
Hurry pleeeeaaaase !


Very goooood skin!!

Looking very promising :).

Can't wait to give it a whirl.

hello dj-in-norway..

can you tel me how you make the splitted visual.
I tried it in many ways, but with now succes.
bytheway----good work.. :o)

also can't wait for download...

:) HOLY BATMAN, ROBIN.... Wow, top notch work there DJ, can't wait for the release, this is going to become my standard skin :) only one request... how about a 1400 x 1050 32bit res ;)

P.S. Played a 6 hour set the other day using only Virtual DJ and no CRASH!!! Just seamless mixing :)

@ ECHO: holy batman.. lol ;) thats a new one... hehe.. and thanx for comment Echo. Skin is really finished, but want to tweak some features for best performance.. ;) soon to be released, FINALY...
And GREAT to hear you had such a long play with no problems ;)

@ DJJB : its actually NOT possible to make split visuals in VDJ, as it's not supported (yet). But I made a kinda "work-around" so that you will have spilt visuals, by using pannels. And because the feature is not supported, the user have to change the active wave to the active deck manually..

DJ in Norway, not saying your unlucky but......hehe :)

can i be a beta tester of this skin ? :D

Is it ready yet? :)

can i have your autograph?, lol :)

So... how's the skin going? almost finished? ;)

hi there friend ;) long time... haven't had much time for msn and staying up all nite lately ;) lol.... busy at work...

Skin is finished :) will upload to site this weekend...
and send u first of all ;)


Wooo Hoooo.... great to hear it's finished.... now where is it available for download? :D

That's great news :)

Nice one my friend ;), I'm looking forward to useing it with no visual waveform, as it's good practice for plain old cd players etc, as the waveforms stand out, and it provides some garuntee, i'd rather have the option to turn it off...

So any more skins with this feature.., please step forward ;).

yahoo ! :)

well i m waiting it in the skin section of virtual dj web site ...

or maybe if they are too long to publish it you can upload your skin on a personnal web site ...

if you do that we can give you our opinion ;) ...

Can't wait to try it out... ;) did you send it yet? :P
