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Topic: Don Imus - Page: 2

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ahhhh ....... well then i'm gonna say .....it's easy for someone to twist your meaning and it's easy to rush to judgement ...........

part of Imus's problem is he may have become too self important and forgot to make friends and influence people ......

geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:34 pm
I didn't know how far this would go but from a "African American" point of view and speaking for myself not as a cultur.

Most of you are correct in saying that the entertainment industry exploites the language and symptoms. Remember that now that there is so much money to be made by an artist so what is the next best thing to do after making millions - start your own label and produce your own stuff. That way there is no corporate person saying what you can and can't sell. There will always be underground people to keep it alive. The next key is to make a record for commercial use, now the general public knows who you are and buys the album... This triggers fashion, language and behavior in youth.

I never like the idea of artist hiding behind free speech and cultural differences as an excuse. The word "N" is used because they feel it's a posessional thing and you cannot use it. The only thing is, it's not so much of the word that hurting our nation as it is the mentality. If your parents are one way but you hang out with another style of people. Chances are that your kids are going to be a little bit different in their belief than yours. Now 20 years later you have a population of non caring people who don't know or care about the basics of culture and they don't even know who they are.

We as DJ's are in the middle of it all - Why? because we enjoy entertaining, the masses enjoy the music that may not be right to play. So what do we do, we play the music because we are there for the money and not to judge the artist, people listening to it or facility that allows it to be played.

We are on a path that cannot be changed until something major happends - Sad, but that is the reality.

Look at the music of today, hip hop is getting slower ( 85 - 90 BPM )... Why is this, maybe because artist cannot flow at a higher BPM or maybe its the style of dancing ( sexual ). Back in the day, guys danced - may not be with rhythm but they danced. Now guys don't dance unless it's with a girl in his jock or drunk or it's something that's easy to do ( lean wit it, pop lock & drop, Snap yo fingas ect.. )

Thugs dont dance, they sway - so let's make a slower song so they don't have to...


geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:34 pm
doolowHome userMember since 2006
shoulda been fired..period needs his ass kicked...as far as jessie and al are concerned...they jokes always lookin to get in the limelight..bet if it was a black jock makin a comment about the Tenn womens basketball team....white folks would be outraged...be talkin bout a hanging...or worse...

how many death threats did jackie robinson get just for playing baseball or hank arron for breaking the babe's homerun record...and to those blaming rap music...i say blame the radio stations and the owners who control whats being played...its more music than just N#$$a and B%&@h go back to jimmy the greek and what he said about black athletes vs white ones,,,hell look at what happened when farrakhan called judism a gutter religion

people can have opinions...but you cant be in a position like that and just say anything i agree with others posting here...its a sidebar to steer us away from other issues...*bringing our troops BLACK WHITE ASIAN LATIN* home...why new orleans still look like katrina hit last week 2 yrs after the fact...how the hell does a "c student" get to run a country when a c student cant get a job at mickey d's..lol my 2 cents

geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:39 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
@doo, come on, get his ass kicked? For being stupid? If that were the case no one would ever be able to walk! I understand I am not entitled to use the "N" word, I have not "earned" the right. I have not gone through life as an African American. I have to disagree however that if it had been a black on air DJ this would not have been this big of an issue. Jackie Robinson is a full on American Hero! No way anyone who cares about this country can argue that. He went to West Point Military Acadamy. And still with the knowledge of the perjuduse he would face took the step he did to make progress in our country. Hank Arron, great ball player, a wonderful spokesman for MLB, and a rock solid human being. We are in Iraq for reasons that I do not care to get into hear. I disagree with some...some of what you said. But I will defend to my death your right to say it.

geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:50 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
@Fat, right on man!

geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:52 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
@Chuck, my suspension was the hardest time of my life, with the exception of going thru my divorce (I had a three year custody battle for my girls.......and won it) I enjoy being on the radio and the creative outlet it gives me. Even though I was not on the air, I was feeding my friend jokes that he was using and enjoying. So this has a lot of meaning for me.

geposted Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 11:55 pm
I was listening to a radio talk show this afternoon - a Political Pundit show in Canada called "Adler online". Charles Adler had some American Guests on talking about this very issue.

Tear 'em Up hit the "nail on the head" so to speak. Imus was doomed to be fired for a long time (in the guests opnion) and his employers were only looking for the excuse.

The radio prgram went on to state the "Armegedon" for radio happened in 2004 with the Janet Malfunction, Saying that because of statements made on air by "Shock Jocks" and the general vunerability of radio hosts the corporate "cleanup" of the airwaves started.

Howard Stern found himself dumped by msnbc and went to sirrus. Others followed, and While the Radio program host and guests were douptfull that Imus would off air forever - they don;t think he'll ever boradcast on traditional radio ever again. He'll have to put together a show on the Internet or on satillite radio.

Good luck to him.

I'm smart enough to not get into the whole race thing. I'm not white either though. I'm Metis (google it)

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 12:04 am
@ doolow well said ........

that's a " c " ?? oops sorry i meant to say it's a real SOLID c .........ya know , keep that bad attitude up and your gonna hurt the self esteem of some rich guy who knows he's privileged ......


geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 12:38 am
@ Marcel ...... i think there is a little bit of a corporate cleanup of the airwaves .... but there's a few wrenches thrown into the works to screw that up ........ the big corp.s don't want to take the lead .....they want to pander .......what little cleanup occurs happens at a glacial pace ...... anyone can just change locale and go satellite or internet ???

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 12:48 am
TearEmUp wrote :
OK, here goes.....Don Imus being fired is just a small trigger to a much bigger problem. What he said was bad but, he should not have been fired. I would not be suprised if after this all blows over he gets his job back. (See Opie and Anothy, CBS has a history of this kind of action) But the bigger issue is this. The U.S. is becoming a polarized nation. No one is allowed to disagree anymore. It is always "this should be banned" or "he should be fired" or any combination of the two. "A Nation devided cannot stand" Abraham Lincoln. The African American community propelled phrases like that into the main stream of our culture. Now they are complaining when it is used in jest about one of their own? I do not get it, it is our right to change the station if we do not agree with what an on air DJ says. It is our right to boycotte his sponsors. It is our right to let the radio station know we do not like a certain show. It is not our right to ask for him to be fired, punished yes, fired no. The station managment will know by how their income drops and take appropriate action. But for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both Reverends of a Christian Church by the way, to call for Imus to be fired was completely in the wrong. Christianity is supposed to be all about forgiveness and compasion. Not about how big of a power base you can build (I know history proves that Man is a poor excuse to run an orginized religion). So everyone hold onto your freedoms like they are the last grasp of fresh air as you are pulled under for what could be the last time, it might not stop here. Freedom is being taken away in small doses and I fear for the fate of my children. I have said it before and I say it again.

Peace and Hair Grease my DJ brothers

AGREED! to many people are to sensitive (on this board as well)

i'll leave with the same, but with chicken instead

Peace and Chicken Grease

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 12:49 am
chicken grease ? like de angelo ?? see ya'll gotta go make people dance ....

in the meantime 'n betweentime ........ "help somebody " ... van zandt ...


geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 1:21 am
At the end of the day, the fact is that he did what he did, and now he needs to just be responsible for his actions and take his punishment like a man. Maybe law low for a few years, take it to spend more time with the kids on the ranch and worry about taking on radio again later. If he plays it right, this could be a valuable life lesson and blessing in disguise.

Last thing I'll say on whether or not he should have been fired is this. For one, the airwaves, as according to U.S. law is publicaly owned. Stations must observe regular community addresses and are subject to public challenge of both radio content and license. Hence, if the public demands their local stations not broadcast a program, the law is on the publics side. In this case, it didn't have to go that far, NBC says they made the decision based on their employees opinions. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, it is well within the rights of the parent company to censor their programs as they see fit.

But again, what's done is done & now we can go back to living our lives;^]

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 2:13 am
And don't forget, the station was starting to lose it's sponsors, which really prompted the removal of Imus. A lot of people think that his being fired was just because of what he said about the basketball team, but he has been pushing the line for years. His time just ran out thats all.

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 2:56 am
i think most people who know him a little realize he's been playing with fire for a long time ......

maybe this'll be a defining moment ? maybe this whole push towards a little civility a little self censorship is gaining enough momentum to keep going ....

geposted Sat 14 Apr 07 @ 3:09 pm
I wish society would just grow up and shut up.............What ever happened to the first amendment, sticks and stones, and grow a pair already................the world is to f*cking sensitive. Everyone is entitled to an oipinion and to STATE THAT OPINION and you are entitled to listen or not. When you state your opinion publicly it will either make you look like and ass or bring out the truth and the listener needs to decide which is which, if it makes the person voicing the opinion look like an ass that is his problem, if it hits too close to home and the opinion speaks to the truth then that is your problem.

People call me a geeky looking four eyed fat old man..............They are entitles to their opinion and I am entitled to not care because (1) It's true and so I live with it, (2) When I don't get hired because of it their business suffers when they don't do the sales they could be doing and (3) If I can't get a date because of it I just save lots of money..................

geposted Sun 15 Apr 07 @ 12:48 pm

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