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Topic: paris hilton back to prison ... - Page: 2

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DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Hm, chating about Paris..
Lock please?
Thanks :)

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 3:23 pm
Drunk driving is wrong regardless of how much money you have in the bank. There is a friend down the street that had exactly the SAME thing happen to him as it happened to Paris. No media, no radio or no pomp...he got 120 days in jail, 3 years probation and 120 hours of community service. But the law is the law. If we are talking about equality, then chew on this. OJ Simpson...everyone, I mean everyone(including tribes from Africa :), know that he was guilty. Got away. Michael Jackson...got away. R Kelly, caught on video pissing on a girl four years ago, still hasn't served any time. So color hasn't nothing to do with it, except if that color is green.

Also Xeo, dude I live in Chicago, many illegal immegrants here. I am part Puerto Rican, so I understand the plight of Latin American illegal workers here. But they aren't that innocent as everyone is using some one else's identity. My wife's cousin went through a bunch of sh*t because someone in California was using his Social Security number for years. Poor them...bullsh*t, poor Americans that have a hispanic name...


geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 3:54 pm

Someone sent me this.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 4:05 pm
uhhhhhhh..............................i think it's great if a lot of people chime in on the topic .....even if it is not a dj topic.....it's general discussion so it seems to be allowed........i am interested to hear the opinions of everybody because you get to know them a little better, what's wrong with that ?

as far as the immigration thing, i say yeah discuss it , i could care less that it's a different topic ...... i understand that people have strong feelings about that..........

edit........ but, it's a little weightier topic than talking about some rich spoiled white privileged bimbo......... so go for it , just keep it civilized

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 4:29 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
The famous philosophy "you've got to treat everyone differently in order to treat everyone equally.." is in no way contradictory, I think it's a truth that not nearly enough people have signed onto yet, the fact that getting the same isn't always getting equal treatment.

This case is a classic example of it, and I'm not saying she is higher than anyone in jail/prison (or any detention camp), but what I am saying is that she is different because of the sheer scale of her fame, of course you'd be right in saying that this was through her own will, but when the law is concerned (which is totally flawed at the best of times) she has the right of equality whilst at the same time has to be punished in the same fashion as everyone else, so which is it? it has to be one or the other, her circumstances are not equal to those of others (and this is of relevance when her safety is concerned), so it needs to be reflected on.

So what do I propose? like I already said, I don't agree with the prolonged detention of offenders, WHEN they are not actively a threat to society, it's easy to tell the difference between someone who needs to serve a term, and someone who needs an alternative punishment and/or rehabilitation scheme. In Britain, just a few months ago, we only had around a dozen cells free in the entire country, because we live in a society simular to that of the U.S. In my view this "lock up" culture is nothing but medieval, obscure and completely done in the name of convenience, not justice. In a modern society we should all expect a much more comprehensive criminal justice system.

So ultimately I don't only propose an alternative punishment for Paris Hilton, but an alternative punishment for all simular offenders, because the law in my view is totally flawed.

But she wasn't treated equally, she was given a shorter jail term and her profile wasn't properly considered before she got what she got.

You might not like my view, but at least mine doesn't echo the views derived from the "copy and paste" media.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 8:38 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
You bring up some great points about the justice system that is employed in both of our countries Bagpuss. And while I agree that reform is needed and that the criminal Justice system is not perfect I do not agree in treating this crime lightly. She was arrested for DUI, then pulled over two more subsequent times for driving on a suspended license. Those are the charges we are aware of. One of the DJs who works for me is a police officer, as is my uncle, I have heard many stories that would curl your toes. She was thumbing her nose at the system in place, flawed though it may be. She might have been drunk one of the two subsequent offenses and the police officer did not pursue it for any variety of reasons. Or she might not have been, there are mitigating circumstances that are not public knowledge of that I am sure.

Driving while intoxicated is treated for to lightly in my opinion. I have two daughters and fear for them every time they leave my house. Because there are those who repeatedly break the law. She, Paris, was given several breaks and continued to act with what she thought was impunity and it caught up to her. Financially it is a burden everyone pays for with our tax dollars, but it is one that is needed. This "Lock up" culture is the punishment! Play by the rules or get locked up! She didn't, she's locked up. If we allowed criminals freedom and did not incarcerate them in some way we would all live in fear.

I am not a believer in how things are portrayed in the media. Here the media has liberal views, and they play the "If your not with us, your against us" card way to often. The media is dividing us, both here and throughout the world. It is dividing us, because it makes for better TV. So even if I do not agree with your opinion I will argue to my last breath for your right to have it, and share it with others. Because I believe we should all speak our minds, and share our thoughts. And if we break the laws, spend time in jail. But after all what do I know? I am just a caveman.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 9:23 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Your a caveman and I'm a 21st century fictional cat, I'm not sure which is supposed to be the smartest?

Just to clear up again on my point of view, I don't take this kind of offense lightly, but I'm trying to view this from the bigger picture. Alcohol consumption is not on the verge of ending, it's promoted heavily in both our countries as something fanciful, something cool, something that you can't be cool without. It really is beyond the realms of ridiculous, it's so cool, it's affects on people contribute to some of the most unhealthy societies in the world, in terms of bodily health and the overall health of the society, crime and social order if you will.

I don't blame alcohol, alcohol has a great use in the medical profession and consumed moderately (that word you use to describe YOUR drinking habits, which may not be strictly correct), isn't of a danger to health or at most social levels. The problem is that when something is entirely legal and promoted HEAVILY everywhere you look, and in turn promoted HEAVILY by all those in your social circle, it is pretty hard to consume it MODERATELY and almost impossible to go tee total.

Given its popularity, look at the popularity of driving in the U.S and Britain, that's something everyone does and has been promoted (until very recently), in some areas of the country it's needed as pavements have been removed and the public transport systems downgraded. It's very hard to separate alcohol consumption and driving in the circumstances our countries are presently in, it's only because we live in "police states" that most people don't drink and drive, were it not for that, the drink driving figures would be monstrously high.

I don't think you can have one without the other, the government, laws, the major corporations and media (in all forms) need to send out the same message or nothing will improve, the decent citizens of our countries are completely isolated, whilst the criminals control the mass opinion, the leaders of today are making a complete mockery of the fundamental principles that need to be respected for the success of any civilisation.

If I were somehow responsible for Paris Hiltons fate I'd have her straight into reform, isolation isn't of any benefit. She should be down the accident and emergency ward every day (for a set term), working with car crash victims, she should see the blood and hear the screams that drunk driving causes everyday, she should be shocked and made to work hard, not sit on her back side all day reflecting on empty thoughts, weeping at how unfortunate she is.., she needs to be given something to think about, something educational that might be of benefit to her, seeing the gore on the front line of an accident will change anyone, even Paris Hilton.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 9:59 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Bagpuss wrote :
Your a caveman and I'm a 21st century fictional cat, I'm not sure which is supposed to be the smartest?

If I were somehow responsible for Paris Hiltons fate I'd have her straight into reform, isolation isn't of any benefit. She should be down the accident and emergency ward every day (for a set term), working with car crash victims, she should see the blood and hear the screams that drunk driving causes everyday, she should be shocked and made to work hard, not sit on her back side all day reflecting on empty thoughts, weeping at how unfortunate she is.., she needs to be given something to think about, something educational that might be of benefit to her, seeing the gore on the front line of an accident will change anyone, even Paris Hilton.

On that point I could not agree more wholeheartedly!!

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 10:08 pm
Drinking and driving: there are stupider things, but it's a very short list. ~Author Unknown

I've got one that is higher up on the list. Having that much money and not paying someone to drive your drunk ass around.

Right on with the front lines Bagpuss, make her see some blood and guts.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 10:15 pm
Bagpuss, you are a lot closer to reality then most.

Let's get one thing straight. Those with power and money, have always gotten, and will continue to get better treatment then the rest of us. That's the way it is, so get over it. I don't care how much you come here and cry about it, it is not gonna change, EVER. As long as we remain humans, there will always be a class difference. Who do you think make the laws in this country? Those that have, or are trying to get power.

The notion about "getting what you deserve", is laughable. NO ONE GETS WHAT THEY DESERVE. If we got what we deserved, some of us would not be here. Are you guys trying to tell me, you have all led exemplary lives? I don't know too many priests that can say that. You just have not been caught. Even those that get caught, and convicted, don't get what they deserve. I didn't see any of you complaining when John Gotti was found not guilty, 3 times. Bribing jurors, threatening witnesses, didn't seem to bother anybody. If he had gotten what he deserved 40 years ago, he would not have been able to kill as many people, as he did.

So, am I to assume, that not one of you guys have driven under the influence of some kind of mind altering substance? Have any of you called the police on a friend or relative when you knew they were past the legal limit? Most of the people in the clubs we work in are past the legal limit to drive. So please, spare me the fake outrage.

Every state has laws, and most have different punishments. From what I understand, no one gets that much time in California, for violating probation. She got the time because the judge felt she was disrespectful to him, and she was late to "his" courtroom. Well, that is not why we send people to jail. The last time a judge said "his" courtroom to me, I reminded him that "his" courtroom belonged to the tax payers of New Jersey, and they were paying him to preside of this legal proceeding. He didn't like it, but it was the truth, and I walked out of there.

We don't send dirty cops to general population, because they might get hurt. Does anyone complain about that special treatment. Some of these guys are the scum of the earth, shouldn't they be with the other scum? Do you remember how hard it was to convict Justin Volpe, the cop who pushed a plunger up a guys rectum? All his buddies rallied around him. Most are still on the force. There are some people crying about some border guards that shot somebody, and lied about it, and got convicted. Now, they want to give them special treatment. Can you count how many people in this administration, that have been forced out, because of some cloud? You will have to use your toes. How many are in jail?

So, let's wrap this up. Unless you have spent some time on the cross, the outrage about Paris getting what she deserves, is falling on deaf ears. You have a right to cry, but I can think of so much more to shed my tears on.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 10:21 pm
Bagpuss wrote :
If I were somehow responsible for Paris Hiltons fate I'd have her straight into reform, isolation isn't of any benefit. She should be down the accident and emergency ward every day (for a set term), working with car crash victims, she should see the blood and hear the screams that drunk driving causes everyday, she should be shocked and made to work hard, not sit on her back side all day reflecting on empty thoughts, weeping at how unfortunate she is.., she needs to be given something to think about, something educational that might be of benefit to her, seeing the gore on the front line of an accident will change anyone, even Paris Hilton.

This would have been a far better, and much more productive punishment. A $50,000 fine and house arrest for 30 days, on top of that.

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 10:42 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
No one here is crying AMaHM, we are exchanging thoughts and ideas on a grander scale than Paris. She is symptomatic of a greater problem.
Buy the way, yes I have called the police on a friend who refused to give me his car keys and drove home. And the police took him home and did not charge him with anything. Have I driven drunk? Yes, before I had children and realized how stupid I was for doing so, I did. John Gotti? Your age is showing my friend....
But as long as people are free, we should be free to not wrap it up.....if you wish you can go past this thread and not read it anymore.. that is your freedom at work, my freedom is to voice my opinion. But I am not crying, I am expressing, feel FREE to join in, or not...that is true freedom. Something Paris wishes she had at this moment.......

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 10:51 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
Buy the way AMhHM, You claimed to be French in this thread...


However here in the present you you said this..

AManandHisMusic wrote :
The last time a judge said "his" courtroom to me, I reminded him that "his" courtroom belonged to the tax payers of New Jersey, and they were paying him to preside of this legal proceeding. He didn't like it, but it was the truth, and I walked out of there.

Do I detect a discrepancy???

geposted Wed 13 Jun 07 @ 11:53 pm
The "wrap it up" was referring to my post, sorry you didn't get that. Maybe I was using "old" words. My age is 55, just hope you make it that far. My age should have nothing to do with the facts. So, you didn't know you were stupid until you had children? I guess that's as good a reason as any. Maybe you knew, but just didn't care. That's OK, because we all do stupid stuff when we are young. That's the point I was trying to get across. Paris is young, just like you were. Her stupidity, has nothing to do with her wealth. Instead of crucifying another young person for being stupid, you should be thankful you didn't kill anyone or get caught, for doing the same thing. My question to you; Do you deserve to be punished for the times you drove drunk? I'm trying to see how far we want to go with "getting what we deserve". You were just lucky enough not to have killed anyone, or been caught. So, as long as you didn't get caught, you don't deserve to be punished? Do you have more secrets in the closet, that you haven't been caught for? It sounds like a lot of self righteous dribble to me. But that is just my "age is showing" opinion, which doesn't carry as much weight as your "younger" opinion.

So, let's wrap this up (I'm referring to this post, my post, it's a figure of speech). Let's not be to quick to condemn those, that are doing the same stupid stuff that we have done. Besides, do we really know if we would have been different, if we had that much money when we were young? Me, I did a lot of stupid stuff, and was poor. Go figure. Thank God, I didn't get what I deserved.


geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 12:03 am
TearEmUp wrote :
Buy the way AMhHM, You claimed to be French in this thread...


However here in the present you you said this..

AManandHisMusic wrote :
The last time a judge said "his" courtroom to me, I reminded him that "his" courtroom belonged to the tax payers of New Jersey, and they were paying him to preside of this legal proceeding. He didn't like it, but it was the truth, and I walked out of there.

Do I detect a discrepancy???

You have got to be kidding me. That was a joke. Again, I'm sorry you didn't get it. Do I have to put (LOL) behind my humorous post, so you can get it? I am American, and have never claimed to be anything else. You seem to be searching to see if I am not walking the walk. You can search, but let me assure you, I stand by what i say, and you will not find any discrepancies. I am laughing at this.

geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 12:17 am
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
My age is not that far behind you AMaHM, 45, so now who is being quick to judge? It took me realizing how much my actions could have effected others, buy looking at my children, to see the mistakes I have made, And those were stupid mistakes I own up to them not run away from them. I am thankful, maybe if I had been caught I would have learned my lesson earlier. If I had that much money though I would have hired a driver and car to cart my drunken butt around, so drinking and driving would not have been an issue. And I have punished my self far worse than you know for my mistakes so, stop looking down your nose, at those you perceive to be younger than you. Everyone is entitled to mistakes, but if you repeat them you get punished, either by the courts or Karma. Even old guys, like us, who make them. It is not the mistake, it is the learning from them that is the difference. Paris didn't learn, I did, sounds like you did. Lets hope more people learn from them. "Those do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it" Winston Churchill

And a joke is supposed to be funny, these are international forums. How was a person to know where anyone of us is from here, so at yeah an lol would not be out of place here.


geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 12:28 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
wow, never seen this sleepy forum move so fast on a subject that wasnt related to DJing, maybe we should do this more often ;)

dj maddsound wrote :
Also Xeo, dude I live in Chicago, many illegal immegrants here. I am part Puerto Rican, so I understand the plight of Latin American illegal workers here. But they aren't that innocent as everyone is using some one else's identity. My wife's cousin went through a bunch of sh*t because someone in California was using his Social Security number for years. Poor them...bullsh*t, poor Americans that have a hispanic name...


who said illegal? i said immigrants. what i was trying to say tho is that some unforunate members of society get totaly exploited by those that command more money/power (same thing) and this isnt fair

and to lambast the notion of fairness over a principal of anarchy (thats fundamentaly what AMAHIM is saying is enevitable) is nothing short of immoral. if your great consitution and bill of rights have not been quite so forthcoming in your life thus far (at a guess) then im sorry for you. hell if those wise old crackers were still alive and kicking today theyd be pissed were stil not there. but the values they fleshed out in those texts should not be taken as wasted parchment. the idea that 'there will allways be inequality so why bother to stop it' is frankly stupid

i take the point bagpuss made earler tho that the punishment sometimes has to be tailored to the criminals circumstances. the famous adage that "you've got to treat everyone differently in order to treat everyone equally" is a corner-stone principal of the penal system of many of the nordic states and (seems to me) to be the most fair way of inflicting the same degree of punishment while at the same time deriving the maximum degree of benefit to society at large from said punishment. incarceration is one of the most anchient forms of punishment and indeed serves a place for those that are deemed to pose an imediate threat to people. but if someone is repeatedly getting liquerd up and driving her 2 ton mercedes about and ignoring every non-incarceratory order the court hands out then what else is she other than a threat to public safety? and lets face it, house arrest when your house is the size of a town isnt exactly depriving you of liberty.

more important than the punishment is the message this sends. if she had been allowed to walk out of court with X hours of pretending to pick up litter, instead of what other simmilar crimminals got then there would rightly be outcry.

geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 12:32 am
[quote=Dj Xeo]wow, never seen this sleepy forum move so fast on a subject that wasnt related to DJing, maybe we should do this more often ;)

ya know , if the great day ever came that we were all in one room , what would happen ? I think after the enthusiastic friendly greetings the conversations would go off in every conceivable direction.......some would be dj related , some not .... nuttin' wrong with that......

i bust out laughing when AMaHM said nobody gets what they deserve.......lol i thought that was a telling comment.....

is that good or bad ? lol " a clear conscience is a sign of a bad memory "......? lol

i agree with Xeo i think the wise old crackers would be unimpressed with our progress , and just because it's a tough problem (eliminating special treatment for the rich or powerful) isn't a good reason to quit trying

geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 4:15 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004

geposted Thu 14 Jun 07 @ 7:12 pm
gotta love it ......

geposted Fri 15 Jun 07 @ 3:09 am

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