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The CloudLists are a place where DJs can show their playlists to the world and help new DJs improve their music selection. You can create your own CloudList or you can join others CloudLists to contribute to a larger group.


Dark and Supernatural Electronica Create edgier sounds with Industrial and Techno Industrial beats
by using bands that are less well known and more Underground. These bands have excellent beats, amazing keyboards and very scary sounding dehumanizing vocals. There are plenty other bands I use however these songs are my top songs for beats and to split keyboards and have fun in my Live Shows.

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Wynardtage Lost in Despair Love this

Die Sektor When Porcelain Bleeds

C-Lekktor Follow The Screams

Blutengal Reich Mir Die Hand

Suicide Commando Desire

Combichrist Sent To Destroy

Rammstein Where Angels Lie

M:LYS Tormenting Light

Wynardtage Cutting Down

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