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Topic: Is it my TCV or my Decks?!? - Page: 2

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listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Did you guys try the pitch sensitivity at 0?

geposted Fri 02 May 08 @ 8:25 am
yeah i did, noting changed apart from the picthrange on my turntables

geposted Sat 03 May 08 @ 8:40 am
I had that problem once. Here is how I fixed it. You most likely have your system playing in smart mode. Problem is it's not that smart. I think there is a bug in it. Change it to absolute and restart the program. See if that fixes the problem.

geposted Mon 05 May 08 @ 7:43 pm
absulute, is absulutly rubbish... when i use absulute mode... i cannot even skip the track ont he vinyl.
i used the mk2 " <<" and ">> " buttons to let me skip... but on absulute mode, it doesent even let me skip.
if i wanted to mix in a sample from the end of any track, i would have to fastforward the vinyl using my hands just to get to the end...
by the time i even found the bit i want the track on the otherside has finished...

but thnx for helping anyways :)

geposted Tue 06 May 08 @ 12:43 pm
DJ Access no1 wrote :
absulute, is absulutly rubbish... when i use absulute mode... i cannot even skip the track ont he vinyl.
i used the mk2 " <<" and ">> " buttons to let me skip... but on absulute mode, it doesent even let me skip.
if i wanted to mix in a sample from the end of any track, i would have to fastforward the vinyl using my hands just to get to the end...
by the time i even found the bit i want the track on the otherside has finished...

but thnx for helping anyways :)

I have some 1210's too and the mk2...Smart mode is the best option, and I have my pitch sensitivity at 500 but that's a personal preference depending on your release comfort. Make sure the turntables are grounded, that you have the latest drivers for the mk2, that it's in asio mode, and lastly you still haven't told us if you're getting 100% timecode signal. If not, try switching the phono/line switches on the back of the mk2 and if this still doesn't help...READ THE TCV/TCCD articles by skyfxl(on his blog) specifically talking about the mk2 soundcard/controller....I gotta tell you though, if you can be able to afford the pro, there's no reason why you shouldn't invest in it coz once you get the timecodes to work, esp with the technics, you'll be hooked.

geposted Tue 06 May 08 @ 11:57 pm
i got 100% on 1 side and 0% on the otherside but they both work the same
i will download the latest drivers from hercules.
i will buy pro... if i get the timecodes to work EXACTLY how i want them too

thnx alot for ur help

geposted Wed 07 May 08 @ 11:49 am
I've got the same problem but I'm using TCCD with CDJ's I got worse problems also as after about 10 minutes I lose control of my decks, I've started a topic on the tech support forum with no response yet though and it's agrivating because this happens right before another huge gig.
Anyways let me know what you did to fix the problem...

geposted Fri 09 May 08 @ 8:06 pm
i am having this problem!

geposted Mon 12 May 08 @ 12:14 am
the setting "absulute" is now working correctly! for me :)
it alows me to skip parts in tracks by picking up the needle n moving it to a diferent point on the viynl...
and i can now scratch better with this setting...

do not use smart... use absulute mode... it is better
the only problem i am having now is that the pitch seems to have no control what so ever... virtual dj cannot control the way the vinyl spins round at one speed... its spinning at different speeds... when i watch the pictch range on virtual dj it just seems to be moving up and down assif im tampering with it when i am not...

somethings definetly wrong here... how can anyone mix with a fuked up pitchrange...

someone help me please.


geposted Mon 12 May 08 @ 11:16 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Smart mode is absolute until the vinyl skips or you use loops, then it becomes relative. Smart is the best of both worlds. I dont really see how that would make a difference for you.

geposted Mon 12 May 08 @ 2:40 pm
try scratchin with smart mode...

geposted Thu 15 May 08 @ 11:09 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
I always use smart mode with all my mixing and scratching.

geposted Thu 15 May 08 @ 12:45 pm
so why is it when i use smart mode it does not even feel like using real vinyls... i mean .. scratchin for instance.. when scatchin the first beat of any bar... it does not seem to stay in the same place.. iv gota follow it round with my hand for some reason... but on absulute the scratchins perfect.. it feels like a real vinyl, so why am i having problems with smart?
and when using smart i cannot skip the track by moving the needle it just carries on from playin from where i last picked up the needle..


geposted Fri 16 May 08 @ 6:40 pm

iv just done an other test about 5 mins ago at it seems that there is no difference between relative and smart!
when i use absulute i can hardly use anything on my mixer :( i cant even use loops or n e thing.. its jus EXACTLY like doing it with real vinyls
i dont realy see the point in using virtual dj and absulute mode in this way coz i cant even do half of the stuff which i do in my mixes on virtual dj anyway so i might as well just go buy a normal mixer and records if i was going to use absulute...

so why is it that when i use relative or smart i can succesfuly use loops... but cannot skip the track my self using the needle?? plus the scratching seems little off unless i use absulute

comeon somone help me plz!!

geposted Sun 18 May 08 @ 8:57 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Bare in mind you are using a mid range sound card with not the best latency and are using a limited version of the software which is now 2 or more years old.

If you want perect results you should get a better sound card such as Virtual Vinyl (incudes pro software), u46dj mk2 , maya 44 usb , and get a copy of virtual dj pro.

geposted Sun 18 May 08 @ 2:31 pm
i am planning on gettin a pro version copy after i hav got a hercules rmx... no point gettin virtual vinyl if i alredy got tcv
now... which is the best opiton to have? absulute i can skip the track using the needle.. but cannot use loops...
in relavite mode i may use loops, but then again i cannot manuallly skip the track by using the needle..

so comone i need help... i want to purchase virtual dj pro.. but i want to make sure these tcv will work as i want them to...other wise ther is no point


geposted Sun 18 May 08 @ 3:30 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
DJ Access no1 wrote :
i am planning on gettin a pro version copy after i hav got a hercules rmx... no point gettin virtual vinyl if i alredy got tcv
now... which is the best opiton to have? absulute i can skip the track using the needle.. but cannot use loops...
in relavite mode i may use loops, but then again i cannot manuallly skip the track by using the needle..

so comone i need help... i want to purchase virtual dj pro.. but i want to make sure these tcv will work as i want them to...other wise ther is no point

Hi the VV box is a high quality sound card , specifically designed for this purpose not just vinyls and it comes with the pro software. As previously mentioned the mk2 and the rmx are mid range cards , they where not intended for heavy scratching or precise actions , so it cannot perform as well


geposted Mon 19 May 08 @ 9:32 am
right so your saying if get a vv box, even if i use the rmx... i will come out with better results??
yes it might help my scratching... but it does not change the fact that smart mode and relative feel he same.. and when using absulute mode i cannot use anyloops.. which is stupid... why cant i be able to use loops and to be able to pick up my needle and place ii in a different place on the vinyl if i want to skip further into the track?

geposted Tue 20 May 08 @ 6:57 pm
DJ Access No1,

The advice the kind people of this forum have given you so far is spot on. Are you sure you're understanding it? Maybe it's not worded very clearly. Also have you read the Virtual DJ instructions, and the guides on this website? Sky's blogs really are very good.
All the answers to your "problems" are here (they're not really problems, which you'll no doubt realise once you're rocking the TCVs how you want them to work!).

I know this because I had the same problem and solved it by reading the instructions and experimenting with the options.

I'll try and be as clear and concise as possible. I appologise in advance if this comes across as a bit patronising, it's not meant to be.
Stuff in CAPS LOCK is not me shouting, it's just to highight important bits.

As Sky has said, version 3.4 is kinda old now. The technology has been greatly improved in subsequent versions, so consider upgrading. The difference is like comparing the original Stanton Final Scratch to the latest Serato Scratch Live. Also the sound quality of version 5.0x over 3.4 is just so much better!

As Sky also said, the MK2 is not a high grade sound card (mine cost £120, what can you expect?) and as such cannot support the same low-latencies (for fast response) as more expensive soundcards designed specially for the job (like the Virtual Vinyl box).

Before you spend your dosh on the RMX expecting miracles, consider this: what do you want from your equipment?

The RMX is first and foremost a controller.
The idea is that you control Virtual DJ with the RMX rather than the time-coded vinyls. The TCV function is included as a bit of marketing hype to get you to buy the RMX in the first place, and to give you a taster of what life with time-coded vinyl is like.
I've found that I can do mixes with a controller that you could only do on turntables if you had 3. But for scratching, controllers are pretty hopeless.

What is your style of mixing?
If you are a scratch DJ, low latency should be your main priority, in which case the RMX is not the best option. Try Virtual Vinyl or a Maya44.
If you are a mix & blend sort of DJ (like me) then latency is less of a problem and the RMX will be just fine.

If you're considering buying Virtual DJ Pro, try downloading the demo version.
This will be version 5.0x which is much more similar to what you will be buying.
If you wanted to buy a new BMW M5, would you testdrive a worn-out old BMW 316? No, you'd test what you wanted to buy. Do the same here.
Not only does the demo version have a more advanced TCV engine, it will also let you use TCVs for more than 5 minutes. This way you can try different settings and see what works best for you, and actually mix some tunes with them, which is what you want to be doing, right?

Connect everything properly. Sky's guide is thorough, so I won't go into details.

THE DIFFERENT MODES - I didn't think these were particularly well explained in the instructions, so here's my take on what they do.

ABSOLUTE MODE is supposed to be just like using a slab of actual, real vinyl. Can you do loops with actual, real vinyl? No, of course you can't, so why would it be any different with Virtual DJ? This is why you "cannot use any loops...which is stupid..." Is it? Really? ( I'm not being patronising, just trying to help you understand how the different modes work and what they're good for). With real vinyl, if you drop the needle half way through the track, that's where you end up, halfway through the track. Same deal here.

RELATIVE MODE allows you to pitch bend by 'pushing the vinyl round with your hand' like you would for actual real vinyl. Some people prefer this to using a mouse or using the jog wheels on their Hercules. That's why it exists. You can also do loops.
Think of Relative mode as if you're using your Hercules, but instead of using the jog wheels, you pitch bend with the vinyl. Instead of pressing the play button, you stop holding the record and let it spin etc etc. Please be aware that you can't NEEDLE DROP (some of your questions are a bit unclear, it helps us understand your problems if you use common terminology) in relative mode, like you can't needle drop using the Hercules MK2 (unless you use the mouse to click on the wave form, obviously).

SMART MODE is smart. As previously explained by another helpful user, it allows you to do all kinds of cool stuff you imagined TCV would let you do before you tried using it. You can USE LOOPS. You can NEEDLE DROP. So, the reason "smart mode and relative mode feel the same" is because they both let you use loops. Does this make a bit more sense now?

Honestly, "SMART MODE" is your best bet, unless you're a die-hard-old-fashioned-turntablist-vinyl-junkie, which you don't seem to be, as you're embracing this ace new technology.

Why is this the best option for you? Because it allows you to needle drop and also use loops.

Next problem, the changing tempo.
I had this exact same problem and freaked out for ages that the Quartz lock on my turntables was broken. It wasn't.

If you know how to check this, skip to the next paragraph. If not, read on.
You see all the dots on the edge of your turntable's platter? Turn on your turntable, press "start" and turn on the QUARTZ LOCK. Look at the dots near where the light from the "power on/off" switch is. Not the target light, the on off switch. This is Red or Blue depending on your turntables. The BIG DOTS STAY STILL whereas the smaller dots move either forwards or backwards. This tells you your platter is spinning at exactly 45 or 33 rpm. You said you're sure the problem's not your decks so you probably already know about this.

WHEN USING TCVs BE SURE TO HAVE THE QUARTZ LOCK TURNED ON. Stay away from the pitch slider. You don't need it. VDJ does the beatmatching for you, so leave the platters spinning at exactly 45 or 33 rpm with the quartz lock on. You say you pitch bend by pushing the vinyl round, so just do that.

All of the software settings in VDJ only affect the software. They have nothing to do with your turntables. So, this means that changing the value for the "PITCH SENSITIVITY" in VDJ has nothing to do with the button on your turntables that lets you choose between 16% or 8% for the pitch slider. This is a software setting. I agree it's pretty unclear in the instructions and they could be a lot better!

Try the following settings: (These are for version 5.0x, which the demo is. Don't bother with 3.4, just get the demo, seriously!)

SOUND SETUP - Version 5.0x uses pictures, which makes things a lot clearer.
Inputs - Timecodes (the picture with 2 turntables, not just one, assuming you want to use 2)
Outputs - External Mixer (I'm assuming you've got one, and it's connected correctly, instructions are available elsewhere eg Sky's blog)
Soundcard - DJ Console MK2
Input Channels - Channel 1+2 : Left Deck - Channel 3+4 : Right Deck
Output Channels - Left Deck : Channel 1+2 - Right Deck : Channel 3+4

OPTIONS TAB - don't miss this bit out, it's important!
Auto Pitch Matching - Always
Auto Cue - Enabled

TIME CODE SETUP - The really important bit!
Engine - VDJ Default Enging
Vinyl / CD - Vinyl
Speed - 45rpm (or 33rpm if that's what you prefer)
Mode - Smart (trust me on this!)
Lead Time - 1000 (this is how far into the TCV you get before the tune starts playing, one second is about right, use less if you want though)
Pitch Sensitivity - 0 (ZERO)
Anti-Skip - Yes
Clear Sound - Yes
Smart Cue - NO (having this on will annoy you, alot! It means that where ever you drop the needle on the TCV the track starts from the beginning. From what I've read, this is not what you want! You want the start of the TCV to be the start of the track, right?)

Whilst you've still got this settings window open, put the needles on the TCVs and have them spinning round. You should hear a whine if you put your ear next your cartridges.
There should be a green dot above the "auto-configure" button which turns red when you lift the needle off the TCV.
Put the needles back on the TCV. The window should say "TCV 100%" or should be close to 100%.

OK, that's it. You're done. Now it's time to start rocking out!

With these settings, place the needle at the start of the record and wind it round with your hand, like you'd do with real vinyl to find the 1st beat. When the needle gets to the start of the Time-Code, the wave display on the screen will start moving. As with real vinyl, you can hold the record still on the 1st beat, then let it go when you want to start the track. Just like with real vinyl. With the TCV held still on the 1st beat, press the "CUE" button on your Hercules. Do this for all your tunes.

Also worth pointing out is that you'll need to select ASIO mode, and External Mixer in the Hercules (soundcard) control panel, found in Control Panel or down by the clock (bottom right of the screen)

Furthermore, I've found that if you get, say, 10 seconds into a tune then do some heavy rewinding to get back to the beginning,VDJ sometimes has problems keeping up and won't let you go right back to your cue point. If this happens, lift the needle and press "cue" on your hercules. If this happens a lot, try increasing the "Lead Time" in the TCV setup options.

If you follow these instructions, you should be loving your TCV in no time.

Hope you like them!

geposted Mon 26 May 08 @ 8:05 pm
everyone thankyou... especialy to the person who last posted before me.
My tcv are now working perfectly... however sometimes i feel that i can scratch better using absulute then when im using smart...
but smart is now working how it should be anyways.. just thta the scratching seems a bit off... soundcard problem?

geposted Fri 20 Jun 08 @ 6:52 am