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Topic: SBDJ ScrollText - Page: 3

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taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
hi scott and thanks again for the plug in, when will these additions be available, or are you just waiting for the update to show in the video section.


geposted Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 10:39 am
Matt0218 wrote :
awesome plug-in

been messing around a little bit
one strange thing
everytime i activate the plug-in
the video gets a little blurry
you can see it good when there is text already on the original video
like promo onlys
when it shows the title, artist etc...


This is actually an "Issue" with VDJ, not with the plugin. Activate any video plugin (Even plugins that dont do anything to the main video stream IE, random transition changer) and you'll find the video quality drop slightly with every extra plugin you activate over the top.


geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 3:41 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Thanks for that Kym, I'd noticed when you activate plugins there is a tiny shift in the video position, but I hadn't really noticed anything in the way of quality degredation. That explains that then!

Get some more new features to add (editing/moving) and then will upload a new version with lots of improvements!

geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 4:51 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
SBDJ wrote :
The alpha slider for the background will need a bit more work. I cheated slightly (lots) - rather than rendering a box for the background, which you can do with D3DCOLOR_RGBA, I used D3DDevice->Clear, which doesn't appear to support an alpha channel. So I'm going to have to render it properly I guess ;)

D3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );

A = 255 = Alpha

Doesn't it work?

geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 9:23 am
First Impressions.... VERY impressed, well done Scott. Love the outline feature, been wanting that for a long time. Also wrapped with macro support, looks very swish!

Looks very stable on first look, however did notice it seems to be using a video thread, as I can slow the scrolling down by simply loading down the video thread. IE by using a skin with a jumbo video preview, or simply turning on a video plugin that pulls some serious CPU power, the scrolling slows down markedly.

Editing lines of text as mentioned would be great, I'm well known as a typo king!

Also perhaps a "Auto save" option, even better remove the save button and use auto save. it would simply save, everytime you press a button (But not typing in the box, just button presses) However this may need a delay or such, to protect VDJ if somone presses a button a few extra times..... even as a thought, just maybe make the plugin auto save once, after a delay of 30 seconds, and the timer resets everytime a button (or slider)is clicked, so the plugin will only save once per change. Just thinking out loud.

#LOGO# support would be awesome as you have mentioned.

Force next? Perhaps a double click on a message, could force it to be next?

Kep up the good work.


geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 10:06 am
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Loving this plugin, will be giving it a real-world test at my monday night gig....

Any chance of adding a #COMMENT# macro to it as well, I'd like to display more than just the artist and title if poss...

Good work SBDJ!

geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 1:53 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
djcel wrote :

D3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );

A = 255 = Alpha

Doesn't it work?

I'd already tried that, since the documentation said it was an RGBA value, but it had no impact. I may have been missing something, but it doesn't matter as I'm actually rendering it now rather than clearing it - this means I can load an image file into the texture as an alternative for a flat background.

halo_djk wrote :
Looks very stable on first look, however did notice it seems to be using a video thread, as I can slow the scrolling down by simply loading down the video thread. IE by using a skin with a jumbo video preview, or simply turning on a video plugin that pulls some serious CPU power, the scrolling slows down markedly.

Yup, scrolling and timing is done in the video thread. I could create a seperate thread for the counting for the scrolling. The only problem is I can't do any rendering in the thread, so whilst the speed would be consistent it might be more jumpy when loaded down. Not sure, maybe some testing here is needed.

halo_djk wrote :
Editing lines of text as mentioned would be great, I'm well known as a typo king!

Almost implemented :)

halo_djk wrote :
Also perhaps a "Auto save" option, even better remove the save button and use auto save. it would simply save, everytime you press a button (But not typing in the box, just button presses) However this may need a delay or such, to protect VDJ if somone presses a button a few extra times..... even as a thought, just maybe make the plugin auto save once, after a delay of 30 seconds, and the timer resets everytime a button (or slider)is clicked, so the plugin will only save once per change. Just thinking out loud.

It's certainly a possibility. I'm liking the delayed auto-save idea!

halo_djk wrote :
#LOGO# support would be awesome as you have mentioned.

It would indeed!

halo_djk wrote :
Force next? Perhaps a double click on a message, could force it to be next?

Piece of cake, I'll implement that for the next version.

halo_djk wrote :
Kep up the good work.


Thanks mate!

djsherz wrote :
Loving this plugin, will be giving it a real-world test at my monday night gig....

Any chance of adding a #COMMENT# macro to it as well, I'd like to display more than just the artist and title if poss...

Good work SBDJ!

I'll add #COMMENT# to the next version. Adding macros is nice and easy... any other suggestions for useful ones?

geposted Fri 01 Aug 08 @ 4:49 pm
Hmm that last message was like christmas morning to me!

Tested during a short gig last night all went very well, no problems to report. I did however have a spot where I could have used the "Play next" feature, as I was trying to hit a drink special hard. Perhaps a #LOCK# macro, so it wont be automatically run (You just place the macro anywhere in the text, and its ignored, and not played) that way you can manually fire them off when you have say, a drink special, or a new DJ ect. with the edit feature looming you could the edit the text to remove the #LOCK# macro, so it runs by it's self for a while, when your done with it, you just re edit the macro back in till next time.

Easier still just add tick boxes to each text block so they can be enabled or disabled at will. if you want to hit one ad hard, you just untick almost everything so you ad is played more often. The put it back to normal, this saves you having to re-type the same ad's over and over all the time. Just a thought.... (I really must stop thinking when somone else has to do all the work!)

Not sure about the threading issue, I do prefer smooth as a pose to same speed, but jumpy. So I guess we just watch it and see.

geposted Sat 02 Aug 08 @ 4:57 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The enable/disable messaging functionality will be required for approval of SMS messages, so I'll add it that way :)



geposted Sat 02 Aug 08 @ 6:42 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
working great scott and no problems, would like to see as kym has mentioned the use of those tick boxs plus if possible the ability to move each text line in order of preference as the night goes on as one may not have the same relevence as it did earlier in the evening, just a thought


geposted Sat 02 Aug 08 @ 8:11 am
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Just out of idle curiosity, how are you planning to get the SMS thing to work? Is it some kind of web-based solution, or a USB/bluetooth link with a mobile phone?

geposted Sat 02 Aug 08 @ 8:13 am
Wow very very very nice! I will be using this for ledwall controlling. Will give you some pics. :)

geposted Sat 02 Aug 08 @ 8:22 am
Have been watching the theading department tonight and noticed that when the video thread does load down, it doesnt stay as smooth, it does actually get jerky too, along with slowing down. When playing a mkv file here (that pulls some power) the text slows down by about 25%, and also each step here (on 42 inch plasmas) ends up about 2cm (almost an inch) apart, making the text very difficult to read. Not exactly sure what to do on that one... we cant get the "steps" any closer together can we? This is shown up strongly when using this plugin with your slideshow plugin, as everytime a fade is rendered, the text slows, gets jerky, then speeds up again and smooths out!

Was also thinking of providing some way ove ensuring that any #TITLE# text does not get skipped, for people that may have quite a collection of lines of text, thus meaning the song ends, before the one #TITLE# text does randomly roll. Perhaps a "Smart Title" tickbox, that forces the #TITLE# text (or at least the first one in the list if a user has more than one) to be the next one run, right after it detects that the title info has just changed?
Easier option would be a priority tickbox for the text I guess! =)


geposted Sun 03 Aug 08 @ 8:44 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I'll have to have a play with the utilisation observations. Could it be more related to how often Virtual DJ calls onDraw() for each plugin when the video load is high?

geposted Sun 03 Aug 08 @ 5:09 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
hi scott wonder if you can help my vanity out and make the text boxes up to default 18 please, just now i'm having to squint at the screen and only know if i've made a typo when it comes up on the monitors. lol. wearing classes is shattering my confidence lol.


geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 8:36 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
The major problem is screen space, 18pt font size would make it quite large. I'll have a play though since you asked so nicely ;)

Just so you know I'm not slacking, I've added:

* Relayout of GUI as per djcel's suggestions
* Message enable/disable
* Message editing
* Message move up/down
* #COMMENT# macro
* Background image instead of plain box
* Background image/box alpha support
* Run message on double-click (even if disabled - useful for one-shot messages)

Got some more work to do, then will be released as v1.01



geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 9:36 am

Before you gonna work on a update of this plugin I would let you know that this one is really GREAT !!!

You're making many people happy.


geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 10:21 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
thanks scott, new editions will be appreciated by all.


geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 10:34 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006

Would 16pt be large enough for you?

Do you want the font in the list box enlarged too?



geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 10:53 am
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Nice one Scott!

Used it live last night for a karaoke gig, it ran for around 7 hours alongside the clipbank, videos and karaoke, no problems for me anyway... the new improvements sound promising as well, that'll turn a very good plugin into an EXCELLENT plugin! ;-)

geposted Mon 04 Aug 08 @ 11:35 am