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Topic: Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out.... Re Edit - Page: 1

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ok finished this last week for Anthony and have been pondering whether to post it or not, the vids i could get a hold of were not the greatest of quality, but hey it's supposed to be from the eighties anyway so in that sense it's passable up on the screens, i played it over the weekend and it didn't look to bad on the screens, in fact it had that typical eighties look to it.

if anyone wants a copy just let me know


geposted Mon 18 Aug 08 @ 6:38 pm
Shit...........Sorry mate, Forgot all about it.

Been to Busy and stressed. Looks good though.

Cheers already have the vid. Its good to see the old gal is still getting the crowd going. Great mix look forward to your next release, where do i send the roylties ;)

i would love a copy!!! thanks

Hello mate,

If people didn´t knew that you made this I would say that this is an official Diana Ross video.
Especially if you listen and look on the right beat, you see a new screen from Diana Ross.
There´s no official video from her and therefore I really like it when she sings I´M COMING OUT, that you see her opening the doors.

Great Job Tayla

Gonna make someone happy with this video.

Thanks m8

Great job, keep up the good work.

How can I get a copy? I think you did a great job. Thanks in advance.


Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry VJGraham no email address is allowed from a demo user

Sorry, did not know that. My club will be buying the program and installing it in the booth once they buy a new computer.... hopefully sooner than later.

thanks guys, been a long time since i put a vid up here, that was especially made for anthonys sister so lets just hope it makes her happy, otherwise i will have to give her my 12" version, lol.

@graham, once you get sorted just send me a pm.

crikey just noticed there this morning, only a few more guys at the link and it will hit 100 users... wey hey


Well Done M8.
Knew it would go down well after i pre viewed it last night.
Now to the next task.......lol

hey tayla.

This is a good edit... and a good song....
Just tell me how to get it ...beautiful.. i love it

thanks very much, just pm me with your email and i hook you up to "the link", there are a few other vids that i have done re edits too there also, plus some other stuff that might come in useful.

Did you use fraps... I can't get it to work? Can you tell me how?

sorry jay i don't use fraps, this was made in editing software, maybes you want to look at other types of screen capture if your stuck with what you got.


It's alright, i guess...

really it's great but didn't want you to get the big-head.

lol, thanks mate.


If you don't mind, what video editing software do you use? I was just asking about the fraps because it was mentioned in some of the other blogs. I'm leaning towards getting a dvd recorder and then using the editing software... Just trying to figure out what people are using for their music video mixing.

fraps is not an editing software.. it is a screen capture software....
what exactly do you want to do????

If you want to capture (record) your video mix set from virtual dj... then.. fraps software..... ARCHOS or a DVD recorder can work

fraps is useful but still falls short somewhat.... jerks hitches.. sync.
ARCHOS is a good piece of hardware that captures digital and can be copied back to the (ask Streaming_Dj) this is what he uses... extremely good
Recording to a DVD recorder... is great.. only no room for errors... and product already finished... no room for editing

If not using VDJ and just putting together something.... then Sony Vegas is a good suggestion as and editing software...

Please note that if u intend to record in VDJ then edit using software.. the output of vdj.. though appears very high quality when watching.. . on tv. .etc... screens is far from the quality of the actual vids used.

So it depends on what exactly it is that you want to do.

Fantastic. Add me to your list please.

pm me with your email please
