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Topic: PIONEER Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 6

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I have a mac book pro, VDJ 5.2, Audio8DJ Interface, and can not use/recognize/apply timecode at all. I get the "problem with core audio" message. Can anyone help me out in understanding how and if I can use my existing eqipment! I have scoured these forums for this topic and have found no definitive answer for this.

geposted Fri 15 May 09 @ 7:31 am
Can I ask why you posted this to the Pioneer hardware thread?

geposted Fri 15 May 09 @ 10:48 am
ah . hahah. i am sorry. I forgot to mention that I am using 2 Pioneer CDJ MK3's.

geposted Fri 15 May 09 @ 3:52 pm
Your question isn't really about Pioneer gear then, but I'll try and answer it anyhow...

If you have the Audio8 -- the nice thing is CoreAudio (Mac's audio subsystem) picks it up and doesn't require drivers. VDJ should then recognize it and its 8 outputs. You then need to configure the software for the appropriate outputs on the hardware. As for getting VDJ to read the timecode, you need to connect the player outputs via the Audio8 inputs and then set the inputs on VDJ accordingly.

geposted Fri 15 May 09 @ 5:16 pm
thank you very much for attemtping to assist me with this problem. Can you elaborate more on how I know that it is recognized and point me in the direction on how to correctly configure it. I have been at this all night and am still at square one.

geposted Sat 16 May 09 @ 8:41 am
Do you have it visible as one of the devices under inputs?

geposted Sun 17 May 09 @ 12:21 am
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
This message is Directed to Dj Pulse,

Pulse , My Name Is Dj Jamm, Im a club dj in pittsburgh PA, ive been using VDJ for years now and I recently purchased 2 cdj400s , because of when i tried them out( using a cd they are on point) and also asking fellow vdj patrons who use the cdj 400 the answer i got was they work grt, NOT !!!!( using vdj the scratch wheel is a joke!! Its no where near the quality and usability of the cdj when using a cd) THER IS NO REASON FOR THIS.. I might as well just lug my cds around again, It should be just as responsive. Please Give Vdj The correct algorithms or can somonme make a dll mapper that will work with this unit to make it more vdj friendly Im out 1200 dollars plus and im not happy. I can scratc and I love to mix.. Did vdj do this to the jog wheel or did pioneer purposely give vdj crappy info....... Seriously why would somone buy a tabletop cd player if there not going to cut a bit..... On the other hand the sound card inside them is phenemonal. im able to go down ultra low latency without any sound issues. so PLEASE HELP..


geposted Mon 18 May 09 @ 1:58 am
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
continued from previous post

Also I forgot to mention . I used a midi setting in vdj that somone made up from the pioneer forum... no lights , but jog wheel worked just as same as cd ... but that was only good part of the midi setting.. with native support this should be fixed.. can anyone help is there a add on i can use or anything that will work for me...


geposted Mon 18 May 09 @ 2:10 am
First, I made the MIDI map before VDJ had released native-mode support for the CDJ400, so thanks - I tried to make it as close as possible. As you noted, the lights don't illuminate; that's a function of MIDI being one-directional as the player doesn't receive any information in that mode.

You'll need to direct your control issue to VDJ as I really don't know much about how VDJ implements support for the hardware -- I just support the end user. As with MIDI, it could be something they are able to tweak or tighten up, I don't think it has anything to do with the hardware. I've used it myself and found it to be decent but your mileage may vary as the experience and perception differs from user to user.

geposted Tue 19 May 09 @ 10:59 am
I use CDJ-400's with VDJ daily. They are on point, they mix and beat match great and they stay on track and don't lag. As for scratching, they are horrible. When using CD's they scratch great with little pressure. I find that you can scratch with VDJ but you have to push hard and even then it doesn't work right. I don't think it would be too hard for them to tweak this and I really hope they fix this in the next update. Even with CD's that are in mp3 format the scratching is good so I don't see why it would be a big issue to get VDJ working the same, I mean the mp3's are on the computer rather than a CD but it should still work the same.


geposted Tue 19 May 09 @ 5:33 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hey guys, Pulse, thanks for the info and Rudedogg your so right .I dont scratch that well anyway but im learning . im such a perfectionist, so i dont try to embarrass myself... as i would do if trying to scratch on the cdj 400 in vdj native mode. Im praying that vdj has the ability to fix this also if i could midi map the scratch what settings would i use in midi to get the on point feel of scratching with cdj 400 in cd mode, which by the way is awesome ,, yes i do love them, but i use vdj because i video mix and i need them to work better than they do right now...

if anyone else reads this post and agrees , please let vdj know so we can effective use our hardware to its potential.. the current native mode scratching is terrible just terrible and with midi mapping and native support with the readouts ... we could really have a contender piece on our hands.

VDJ. if your listening , i will be glad to mail my own personal unit to vdj so they can work on it and make a native mapper that will make sure vdj keeps up with serato and trktor ... im a vdj jock and love the videos so please vdj can you pimp my cdj400s


geposted Wed 20 May 09 @ 3:18 am
Well put Jamm! I too hope the VDJ Gods are listening. The CDJ-400 is the best USB tabletop controller out there that is natively mapped to VDJ. On the same token VDJ is the best DJ software out there. So if they could just get the scratch capability on par with the rest of the features that work great with VDJ the CDJ-400/VDJ would be a formidable combination. I do own Serato but rarely ever use it because VDJ is just that much better, so please guys, help us out would ya?



geposted Wed 20 May 09 @ 1:20 pm
SIANYDEHome userMember since 2008
HI, I have virtual dj midi with two pioneer cdj 400's and a djm 400 mixer and i was wondering how i can get my jog wheels to operate normal. I also need the loop to be working like normal.
Anyone have any answer to my concerns please hit me back asap?

geposted Wed 20 May 09 @ 2:05 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
HEY Pulse..
JAMM here, hey Pulse can you possibly maybe let vdj know the correct midi setup for the jog wheels, would it be that hard. If I was a computer programmer and knew c++ and the correct midi settings for the jog wheels then I wouldent be asking for help I guess, but Like most of us DJ's. Were not(computer programmers or super computer language savy) so, when we go out and spend 1400dollars and cant use the hardware properly!!!!! Well to be honest and I speak for me it pisses me off, it pisses me off because vdj decided to put out non realistic jog wheel version of native support for a grt controller/cd player, cmon Whos idea was it to make the jog wheel basically suck... It lags and that mentality keeps djs back from their potential and VDJ back from their potential. remember practice makes perfect. I would like vdj to just get somthing right for once, their native mappers havent been up to par, they usually need something done to them for them to be first class and is that not the IDEA OF A COMPANY (VDJ )TO WANT THEIR PRODUCT TO BE THE BEST.. for example boggis dac 3 mapper is just Great, but native support dac 3 functionality sucks balls.. and boggis denon hc 4500 mapper another masterpiece.. .. my point is this, Dont release second rate support just because there is so much pressure.. . I hope that vdj 6.0 isint another mess.. I hope Support for the ns7 is kinda like a boggis mapper... GREAT ,, (btw i dont even know the guy boggis but he seems to make great strides in making vdj top notch) but HEY wouldent it suck guys if the ns7 platters responded like cdj400s do now, you would all be screwed and feel like a loser when Serato Users Embarass you, SO PLEASE VDJ IF YOUR LISTENING PLEASE STEP IT UP LIKE THE COMPETITION< I KNOW VDJ IS CABABLE OF IT HOPE THE DEVELOPERS CARE ENOUGH to Understand What Im saying.



geposted Thu 21 May 09 @ 2:10 am
Prodding and insulting the software or dev team isn't going to help us any. We just need to make a request. All of us who want this done need to send positive feed-back to the dev team so that they can work it out. Our request is a legitimate one so I see no reason why they wouldn't address it sooner or later. Keep in mind that they are not only working on all of the new features for the upcoming release, but they are working out bugs on controllers already supported as well as introducing native support for new ones. Give them a break. Already VDJ offers far more than any one program on the market plus support for a mulititude of controllers.

I think they will listen, if we all request it and do so in a respectful way.


geposted Thu 21 May 09 @ 2:35 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
First you must understand that the CDJ-400 does not use MIDI for its native control. MIDI on the CDJ-400 only exists for applications that may not support the HID protocol. VirtualDJ implements the CDJ-400 using HID and has the right information for the controller. The issue you describe is the difference between software signal latency and solid-state design.

Software implementations are never 100% as accurate as solid-state implementations. There can be compensations implemented to try an make it as close (maybe 98-99%) be will never be identical. Just look at the difference between Digital Vinyl control vs Regular Vinyl control. There is a latency factor that must be overcome and it comes from learning to compensate.

geposted Thu 21 May 09 @ 12:41 pm
DJJAMMPRO InfinityMember since 2005
CSTOLL , I see your point, but I have a question, Using a midi cofig I got from pioneer forum. I found the jog wheel works grt and as for when i use native support(HID) the jog wheel. is really terrible . I know the Team at vdj could fix this probably easily.. put a cd in scratch with it cue with it move jog and you will immediately see the difference.. As far as latency.I can easily run the latency at 64 with some filters on and no pops and the sound quality out of the cdj 400s using the pioneer asio drivers is clean and sounds grt ..

my setup for info only.
im running a Dell precision work station m 90 with a 2.7 gig dual core. 4 gig of ram and windows xp wth a quadro fx2500 512 dedicated video card and I have been using it about 60percent with video 40 percent audio only..I have no problems in that area, I want to thank whoever reccomended that computer to me 2.5 years ago because ..I am thankful.. its a grt gig machine for virtual dj...

I love vdj But just wish I ddint always struggle with hardware, sound cards , compatability...and othe issues, but guess thats the way it goes huh?

Rudedog I see your point.. Your right In one sense. I dont want to hurt anyones feelings , so I will ask the developers for help on this issue, If things go good then grt if not well.

Thanks for listening to all, hope I didnt hurt anyones feeling, but at least I was honest and im sure im not the only disapointed vdj user.. I just want vdj to be the best... To me It IS A GREAT PROGRAM so at least I hope my point was made..


geposted Fri 22 May 09 @ 4:31 am
Thanks cstoll! I like your way of thinking, I would like to think the smiley face next to your statement
cstoll wrote :
... but maybe their will be some improvements in v6 ? :)
is a hint!


geposted Fri 22 May 09 @ 6:22 pm
mayz77Home userMember since 2009
Hi was wondering if anyone can help me with setting up v/dj with cdj-800's and a djm-600 mixer. i have not used this style of mixing before and have no idea how to configure the hardware. i have 2 sound cards(one external) which both have inputs and have been able to set these up with the mixer and the program no worries. I am having problems setting up the cdj's and the time coding? i have downloaded the timecode cd but when i try to configure get an ASIO sound driver error and can't auto-configure the time coding. any help or diagrams would be great i found one on connecting turntables but the connections didnt seem to work? help! mat

geposted Sat 23 May 09 @ 2:08 am
hei Guys!

I have 2x cdj-400 plugged with VDJ. It's working ok. I have one question though. Is it possible to control VDJ effects form the cdjs? (backspin, brake.etc) cos I haven't managed to do that, and haven't found a guide on the topic.


geposted Sat 23 May 09 @ 6:24 am