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Topic: Mia aporia

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Kalhspera sth megalh pleon parea tou vdj. Eimai demo user kapoioi me gnwrizete kai apo to forum tou atomix , thelw na rwthsw ena uparxei h dunatothta otan sporxnw to kommati kapoia msec ( me ta velakia ) gia na kanw beat match na mhn akougete san na sproxnw vinilio ? Sas euxaristw kai happy XP10 stous tuxerous ;-)

geposted Mon 21 Mar 05 @ 2:02 pm
nai prepei na alla3ei ta shortcuts apo to conf panel toy vdj.

ekei tha prepei na baleis ta belakia na kanoun nudge. me epilogh nudge me value 128 kai se -128 exeis peripou oti eixes kai sto atomix an theleis na uparxei poio grhgorh antapokrish au3ise ton arithmo sto value an theleis ligoterh meiose ton

btw kalos hrthes kai edw

Euxaristw dimitri einai kapos kalutera. Otan patousa ta velakia htan san na piraza to pitch sto atomix me kleisth thn epilogh " Tonikothta/strofes". Vasika akoma mou allazei h tonikothta alla anyway. Kalws sas vrika.

dokimase se 64 kai -64

egw ta exw sta 128 kai pataw diakekomena ta belakia. To exw sunhthisei etsi twra. Pantos gia na katalabeis diafora pe3e ligo me ta values mexri na breis auto pou sou teriazei

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