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Topic: can clipbank plug-in be expanded? - Page: 1

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I have suggested this before but don't recall getting a response. Is it possible, and is whoever designed it (or anyone else) willing to redesign it so it has more banks. It would be nice to have 48 or even 64 banks if possible? As far as the display if the icons were each reduced 50% than the display would be able to show 48 banks in the same space it now occupies.

geposted Sun 19 Jul 09 @ 3:38 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
djcel was the man.

geposted Sun 19 Jul 09 @ 4:44 am
tayla wrote :
djcel was the man.

And the final answer is .......... !

geposted Mon 27 Jul 09 @ 5:09 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I did write an alternative to the clipbank plugin. Unfortunately I hit a small snag with the texture output that I didn't have a chance to resolve; it worked but when used as audio-only replacement it didn't play well with video transitions. Will have to see if I can fix that at some point...

geposted Mon 27 Jul 09 @ 5:56 pm
dj-e-lectric wrote :
I have suggested this before but don't recall getting a response. Is it possible, and is whoever designed it (or anyone else) willing to redesign it so it has more banks. It would be nice to have 48 or even 64 banks if possible? As far as the display if the icons were each reduced 50% than the display would be able to show 48 banks in the same space it now occupies.

I agree totally. I currently have to switch between 10 different clip banks to gain access to my clips, would be much easier if more were located in each one.

geposted Mon 27 Jul 09 @ 7:56 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008

I would like to see the Clibank Random Video Plug In have video tabs that you could name by genre Reggae, Pop, Rock, Latin, Hindi ect.
Populate that tap with videos for that genre.
Assign that video tap to play the video clips when a song with that genre is played.

This way you have many different video clips and genre available.

I use audio and video for my shows and it works well, so automating that process would be a big advantage and a plus for the performance side.



geposted Sat 01 Aug 09 @ 1:15 pm
SBDJ wrote :
I did write an alternative to the clipbank plugin. Unfortunately I hit a small snag with the texture output that I didn't have a chance to resolve; it worked but when used as audio-only replacement it didn't play well with video transitions. Will have to see if I can fix that at some point...

I hope you can because the clipbank really needs to be enlarged....Joeys Idea is really good to if there is anyway to incorporate something like he suggested with the tabs

geposted Sat 01 Aug 09 @ 9:48 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I have to rely on the clipbank because I don't think Sonique alone cuts it.

There aren't enough slots available to cycle - ideally it would be something you could set-up at a gig and then leave alone for the rest of the night, as a lengthy visual show whilst mixing only audio.

I suggest the following for the standard clipbank:

* Expand the number of available slots, at least double.
* Integrate the browser, that is to be able to drag 'n' drop clips from the browser so the clips can be quickly and easily changed up.

* Implement random play (as the SBDJ one)


geposted Fri 07 Aug 09 @ 7:22 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
you can increase the length of your vids guys, may help in the interim until something is worked out or added.

geposted Fri 07 Aug 09 @ 7:45 am
Im sure i read on here somewhere that if you changed the name of the .dll files that you could get more banks to work, just had a search for the post but cant find it :S

geposted Wed 12 Aug 09 @ 2:51 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Hi jazzyostrich

I would be very interested in the .dll idea if that's where the video bank is stored.

Just create a bank for each genre?

How can you trigger it and can more then one bank play at the same time?

Or How would you swap one banks with another if possible?


geposted Sun 16 Aug 09 @ 12:31 pm
jazzyostrich wrote :
Im sure i read on here somewhere that if you changed the name of the .dll files that you could get more banks to work, just had a search for the post but cant find it :S

If I'm not mistaken that doesn't work any longer with the current version of clipbank

geposted Sun 16 Aug 09 @ 4:54 pm
I still use the old version of Clipbank and have about 10 dif libraries.

geposted Mon 17 Aug 09 @ 6:37 am
discobrian24 wrote :
I still use the old version of Clipbank and have about 10 dif libraries.

Whne you use the "Randon Clipbank" plug-in does it go across all 10 clipbanks or only the active one? I am looking for a larger clipbank primaritly for a club that will be using VDJ as an automated player all day from 11am until 9pm when the Dj comes in....needless to say the 12 clips currently available will get really boring really fast. Even if you set them for 30 play thats 8 of them in one 4 minute average song!

geposted Mon 17 Aug 09 @ 1:14 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Random Clipbank only works with the default clipbank plugin.

geposted Mon 17 Aug 09 @ 6:32 pm
SBDJ wrote :
Random Clipbank only works with the default clipbank plugin.

Okay, then it's back to requesting the default Clip-Bank be expanded to at leat 64 banks.

I don't know programming, so you gurus that do need to explain to me is it a difficult thing to go from 12 to a larger number on the clip bank? And why in the computer world do programmers always put limits on how many things can be entered in such things like the clip bank, database records or coulumns or rows, file name character limits, text line character lengths, etc. when they know that they are needing to be expanded in the not to distant future (I remember all the ceilings Windows always had on how big a hard drive it would recognize and by the time the new Windows was released hard drive manufactures were already bigger than the limit).

geposted Tue 18 Aug 09 @ 2:58 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008

Clad to see some extra stars under you're name Mr. Moderator

Could this idea be implamented in you're random clipBamk PlugIn?

I would like to see the Clibank Random Video Plug In have video tabs that you could name by genre Reggae, Pop, Rock, Latin, Hindi, ect.
Populate that tap with videos for that genre.

Assign that video tap to play the video clips when a song with that genre is played.

This way you have many different video clips and genre available.

I use audio and video for my shows and it works well, so automating that process would be a big advantage and a plus for the performance side.



geposted Tue 18 Aug 09 @ 4:35 pm
It would be nice if Dj Cell could chime in and give us an answer if (a) It can be done, (b) would it be difficult or tine consuming and (c) if he doesn't have the time would he be willing to give up the code to someone who has the time, knowlege and motivation?


geposted Wed 09 Sep 09 @ 5:43 am
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
This would be a high value feature to have, SBDJ What's Zapinnen, do you think Clip Bank expansion could happen?

Music and video is the edge that works over my competitors in NYC.


geposted Mon 14 Sep 09 @ 8:18 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It can be done. My plugin would work perfectly if I can sort this texture issue out. I just haven't had time to look at it I'm afraid!

geposted Tue 15 Sep 09 @ 12:59 pm