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Topic: DENON Hardware Products (Setup, Solutions, Fixes, Issues, etc.) - Page: 42

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geposted Sat 29 Mar 14 @ 8:13 am
I see they've improved some minor bugs.....so now the bugs are even better than they were before!


geposted Sat 29 Mar 14 @ 8:27 am
now come on, my work like a charm ;o)

geposted Sat 29 Mar 14 @ 9:16 am
I'm referring to their wording (as I mentioned in a previous post).

Rather than use words like fixed, repaired, corrected etc. they say "improved"..........which to me implies that the issues are still present.

geposted Sat 29 Mar 14 @ 10:32 am
I have a Hercules DMX 2 DJ Console using Virtual DJ Pro. I would like to hook up a Denon s3500 cd player. Can you please give me step by step details on how i can do this or a phone # i can call to get this information. Thank you.

geposted Sat 19 Apr 14 @ 10:50 am
You mean an RMX 2?

All you need to do is connect the output of the S3500 to one of the line inputs on the RMX 2.

geposted Sat 19 Apr 14 @ 10:59 am
So I've found minor problems between the denon 3700 decks and the denon x1600 mixer.

Scratching with the 3700s - I've used someone elses 3700s where they have 0 latency with VDJ when scratching, but I can't fathom how they came to do that.
Maybe someone could enlighten me?
What can you change other than the MS latency rate under the asio drive?

Recording - The denon x1600 does not properly record with virtual dj 7.4. I can confirm I have the mixer setup properly, as I have successfully recorded with this mixer through previous virtual dj versions (such as 7.3). I keep getting static/phantom noises from my recorded files after initiating the record through virtual dj. My way around this is by using my Asus's built in recording program, which works great. But for future reference I want it to be known there is in fact a recording issue with this mixer and virtual dj.


geposted Wed 23 Apr 14 @ 7:16 pm

geposted Fri 25 Apr 14 @ 9:49 am
I just purchased 2 Denon SC2900. Upgraded from the Denon 1200's. Started practicing with them and everything was going good for about 30 minutes until my right deck suddenly froze up. Music still playing from the other but nothing from the right deck. VDJ locks up nothing works. Shut everything down and restarted and checked the presets made sure it was at 3m. Started again and the samething happened again. It is always the same deck. It doesn't have any issues early on running perfect then BAM! freezes on me again. What's going on?

geposted Fri 09 May 14 @ 10:24 pm
Please check that both decks have the latest firmware installed. The latest firmware can be downloaded from Denon's website.

Also, which operating system are you using? If you are using Windows Vista, then this has a known bug in its MIDI implementation that can cause freezes when too many MIDI messages are sent in one go, e.g: Scratching on high-resolution jogwheels. If you are using Vista, then you should upgrade to Windows 7 which will also give you better system performance overall.

geposted Sat 10 May 14 @ 11:30 am
Your link to the Denon DNX-1700 is not valid -401
I posted a seperate thread asking about it, but can't seem to find it anywhere :-( Any help would be great :-)

geposted Tue 13 May 14 @ 8:28 pm
dydy1PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Denon support what is the new scripts for functions like titles of the songs to show on the LCD screen of Denon DN-S1200s?

Mac with VTDJ 8 and Denon DN-S1200s.

Deck 1 is shown on the Denon DN-S1200 Display as deck 2 vs! Is there a way to fix this?

geposted Fri 16 May 14 @ 3:31 pm
dydy1 wrote :
Denon support what is the new scripts for functions like titles of the songs to show on the LCD screen of Denon DN-S1200s?

Mac with VTDJ 8 and Denon DN-S1200s.

Deck 1 is shown on the Denon DN-S1200 Display as deck 2 vs! Is there a way to fix this?

Should be fix with actual build, or still problems?

geposted Sat 31 May 14 @ 4:53 am
dydy1PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Indeed, the Denon DN-S1200s song title and song name on the LCD Is resolved with the latest built! The tap button for manually taping the beat is still dysfunctional!!

Mac with VTDJ 8 and Denon DN-S1200s.

geposted Sat 31 May 14 @ 3:46 pm

geposted Sun 01 Jun 14 @ 4:52 am
SC 2900 FW (Sys 1140)
• Changed a function of the CUE button pushing with touching the top of jog wheel, when the Cue Mode is “Standard”.
• Fixed a problem that incorrect track information is sometimes displayed when move to a different track by using Hot Start function.
• Improved media access speed.
• Fixed a problem that a pattern of jog LED’s lighting is not changed according to a current selection at “Jog Ind. Color” menu in the preset.

Greets ;o)

geposted Tue 03 Jun 14 @ 4:24 pm
hola driver denon mc 6000 para windows 8

geposted Thu 14 Aug 14 @ 10:09 pm
I'm sorry if I've missed something here, but i am looking for Denon MC6000mk1 support.
I cannot find one in the whole Forum. Can smdb drop a link here?

geposted Fri 24 Oct 14 @ 11:54 am
djpasha.lt wrote :
I'm sorry if I've missed something here, but i am looking for Denon MC6000mk1 support.
I cannot find one in the whole Forum. Can smdb drop a link here?

Once again, is this the place to ask questions about Denon DN-MC6000mk1 or is there another place?

geposted Mon 27 Oct 14 @ 8:53 am
Why not just ask your question?

If you want it more visible then start a new thread with a suitable title.


geposted Mon 27 Oct 14 @ 9:02 am