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I just test every dj software out there I've been useing dj sofware since 1993 from to Bpm pro to VDj I'm also a sound engineer and the Dj software with the best sound engine is mixmeister pro 6, belive it or not VDj came out last we test all of them with the same music mp3 and wave why mixmeister pro won it has a confg section that let you set 16bit or 32bit and when we you put it on 32bit it just blow all of them away, Bpm pro did very well so does fX and traktor but VDj is still the number one Dj software when come for features VDj is the best, we hope they do some more work on the audio engine, all test were done with five sound engineers in cal usa.

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 7:07 am
claxPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi DJ Phil It;

It could be interesting to see the details of these tests.
Could it be possible ?

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 7:13 am
mUd-VPRO InfinityMember since 2003
yes me too, it is very interesting

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 10:09 am
You are right !!!Tested mixmeister pro ...the sound is amazing
I still wont give up Vdj....hehe EVER :)
Best Regards

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 10:32 am
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i have mixmeister pro6 and it very different from vdj, its more of a tweak a mix until its right, so its perfect for the "perfect mix" guys. i actually can't stand it that much. the sound is good but the way it works is wacky. it has a problem with VBR mp3's and CBR, i believe there is a fix, and the peaks in the beats are not the same as VDJ so if you want the 1st down beat it might not be actual where you think it is, real hard for hip hop. and then the way it the way it mixes it strange it will take a 140bpm and let you mix a 124BPM together by slowing the 140 slowly down to 124(that way most songs play at the correct temp with not pitch changing unless its the 8 bars of the mix) i think that is the key to better sound, nothing stays at a constant tempo like classic beatmatching, its cool but it not at the same time.

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 3:58 pm
guy all this you are talking about we were not testing for this mixmeiter pro do play vbr & cbr,only sound quality and the test we did were very sample a $13.000 speaker and some orther analyse.so do i I'll never give up on VDj

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 7:44 pm
listen2PRO InfinityMember since 2005
i was referring to the program as far as sound based on the pitch, MM6 pro work differently then VDJ so just me explaining how it works you can see that it only changed pitch when it mixed the songs(ex. 8 bars) after the 8 is done it returns to normal pitch, less bending = better sound in general

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 9:28 pm
chabonkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I agree on the sound quality, but VDJ's other features make up for it. Most people wouldn't notice the difference... and after a few drinks the VERY few that do could care less.

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 9:44 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
To my ears there are 2 reasons for bad sound in virtual dj :
1. Time stretching (bad algorithm)
2. Clipping (distortion) when gain is set to 0 db (auto gain or manual) (must be a bug)

For the #1 i just dont use it. (TS to off)
For the #2 i use "always match" instead of auto gain to 0db, and adjust the first song to about -2 or -3 db.
Then the sound is ok.

geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 11:18 pm
al0000PRO InfinityMember since 2004
VDJ by default has indeed bad sound quality, due to, as already very well said by apopsis, bad master tempo and limiting.

I don't like any kind of compression/limiting to my mixes. It's the DJ's job to see a track's level and adjust the gain so you don't mix too low or too high.

I would suggests the developers to take VDJ's sound quality a little but more seriously, since we are talking about a professional product.


geposted Wed 04 May 05 @ 11:44 pm
would be amazing if VDJ becomes also nr.1 in sound not only handling:-))))there is no question about that.

geposted Thu 05 May 05 @ 3:53 pm
Are any of you using Lossless or just Lossy?

Musically Yours

geposted Fri 06 May 05 @ 4:38 am

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