Exw tin entypwsi pws to VirtualDJ idi douleuei me 4 decks, ligo maimou alla douleuei. Thes mia karta me 4 stereo outputs nomizw. Den to exw dokimasei alla ginetai. Ousiastika anoigeis 2 fores to VirtualDJ se multiinstance. Fantazomai me ton erxomo tis VMS4 tha anathermanthei to aitima gia native 4 decks, alla den einai autos o logos pou kapoios tha agorasei tin VMS4. Mallon oi ypopsifioi agorastes einai autoi pou theloun se mia konsola na syndeoun 2 cdieres kai na exoun kai enan controller gia to VirtualDJ. Dld tha tin douleuoun misi se analogue kai misi se midi.
Den eimai episis sigouros oti i Traktor LE pou tha synodeue tin VMS4 tha eixe 4 decks stin ekdosi.
Den eimai episis sigouros oti i Traktor LE pou tha synodeue tin VMS4 tha eixe 4 decks stin ekdosi.
geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 12:16 pm
se auto to video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmFHhsOs-wY o palikarakis elege pws tha evgene me Traktor me 4 decks interface.
Twra tha mou peis elege oti tha evgene me Traktor, sto oti elege oti tha exei 4 deck interface tha vasistoume?
na thimisw oti symfwna me to site to diakoptaki "4 out / 8 out" sto mprostino panel einai selectable USB modes: 4 in 4 out mode for running software effects on phono/line analog channels or 2 in 8 out mode for running 4 software channels and master recording
Twra tha mou peis elege oti tha evgene me Traktor, sto oti elege oti tha exei 4 deck interface tha vasistoume?
na thimisw oti symfwna me to site to diakoptaki "4 out / 8 out" sto mprostino panel einai selectable USB modes: 4 in 4 out mode for running software effects on phono/line analog channels or 2 in 8 out mode for running 4 software channels and master recording
geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 12:43 pm
@innersense: to VDJ ysterei sto master tempo k t xeroume, enw se poiothta FX k EQ prepei sigoura n veltiw8ei. apo kei k pera ola t alla einai 8ema xrhsth. dhladh ti volevei ton ka8ena klp klp.
@apopsis: epeidh exw milhsei me xenous DJs (k se forums k proswpika), opws eipa parapanw, "yperixsyei h apopsh oti to VDJ einai katwtero allwn programatwn". dn eipa oti ayto einai alh8eia h oxi. epomenws dn yparxei logos n to parete proswpika ayto pou grafw.
exallou, opws tonisa, einai eykairia gia to VDJ n apodeixei pws einai isaxio -isws k kalytero- allwn software, xtypwntas sthn agora twn multichannel MIDI controllers. mporei n mn einai aparaithta gia enan DJ ta 4 decks, alla ti n kanoume, ayto zhtaei h agora twra.
giati n mn to kanei h atomix k na kerdisei tosous xrhstes pagkosmiws???
@apopsis: epeidh exw milhsei me xenous DJs (k se forums k proswpika), opws eipa parapanw, "yperixsyei h apopsh oti to VDJ einai katwtero allwn programatwn". dn eipa oti ayto einai alh8eia h oxi. epomenws dn yparxei logos n to parete proswpika ayto pou grafw.
exallou, opws tonisa, einai eykairia gia to VDJ n apodeixei pws einai isaxio -isws k kalytero- allwn software, xtypwntas sthn agora twn multichannel MIDI controllers. mporei n mn einai aparaithta gia enan DJ ta 4 decks, alla ti n kanoume, ayto zhtaei h agora twra.
giati n mn to kanei h atomix k na kerdisei tosous xrhstes pagkosmiws???
geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 5:22 pm
leonidassr wrote :
@apopsis: epeidh exw milhsei me xenous DJs (k se forums k proswpika), opws eipa parapanw, "yperixsyei h apopsh oti to VDJ einai katwtero allwn programatwn"
@apopsis: epeidh exw milhsei me xenous DJs (k se forums k proswpika), opws eipa parapanw, "yperixsyei h apopsh oti to VDJ einai katwtero allwn programatwn"
Blepeis pos epikaleise kai epireazesai apo tin "apopsi" twn allon akoma, eno ego sou eipa na koitakseis tis dikes sou anagkes.
Nai to Traktor exei kalytero master tempo kai fx, kai einai anamenomeno, h NI einai kolosos sto mousiko software kai to traktor einai aplos ena apo ta programmata tis : Sou thymizo : Kontakt (best software sampler), Reaktor, FM7, kai tosa alla.
Epeidi eimai teamer edo den symainei pos ta paragnorizo ayta, kai an theleis eimai "fan" tis NI, polla xronia prin bgei to traktor, i prin mathoun kai oi dj's aytin tin etairia.
Omos den symainei epeiseis pos to olo paketo synolika antapokrinetai me ton idio tropo kai se olous.
H Atomix apo tin alli, den einai o kolosos tou software, einai "mikri" alla poly pio eyelikti, afou gia paradeigma den eixe etoimo ton kodika gia ena kalo filtro, antagonizetai me alla mesa kai prosferei alla poly symantika proterimata. Kai tha deis kai sto mellon pragmata...
Loipon sorry pali off-topic eimaste ayto to thema me tis sygkriseis, synexeia...
Back to subject.
To thema tou topic einai i vsm4:
Ta teleytaia pragmata pou akousa apo antropo pou tin exei piasei sto xeri tou, oson afora tin poiotita kataskeyis kai tin geniki aisthisi sti xrisi einai poly entharyntika. Metaliki -oxi ftini- kataskeyi kai aisthisi, sygkrisimi me mikti Pioneer.
geposted Thu 06 May 10 @ 7:15 pm
gia n kleisw k egw, apantaw pws egw mporei n mn exw ayth thn apopsh, alla h pleiopshfia tou kosmou ayto pistevei. egw mporei n xerw poio einai kalytero k pio xeirotero, alla telika metraei ti gnwmh exei h maza kai to agorastiko koino.
eipa egw oti ephreazomai ap oti leei o ka8enas? OXI
dystyxws omws ephreazontai oi PERISOTEROI.
gia ayto xanalew pws isws einai poly voliko gia thn atomix n exei thn LE paketo me to VSM4.
gia na xefygoume ap to offtopic, h timh ths einai apiaixth gia ayta pou prosferei, eidika an sygri8ei me ton amesws apomeno antipalo ths pou einai to DX. elpizw n einai oso kalh deixnei k poiotika pantws.
eipa egw oti ephreazomai ap oti leei o ka8enas? OXI
dystyxws omws ephreazontai oi PERISOTEROI.
gia ayto xanalew pws isws einai poly voliko gia thn atomix n exei thn LE paketo me to VSM4.
gia na xefygoume ap to offtopic, h timh ths einai apiaixth gia ayta pou prosferei, eidika an sygri8ei me ton amesws apomeno antipalo ths pou einai to DX. elpizw n einai oso kalh deixnei k poiotika pantws.
geposted Fri 07 May 10 @ 3:33 am
opoia kai na to parei re paidia thn epomenh mera tha bgaloun mapper gia ta upoloipa softwares. Eite official eite oi xrhstes. H sugkekrimenh kinhsh einai ligo akurh kata thn apopsh mou.
Giati an px h atomix den bgalei soft pou na uposthrizei 4 channels tote that agorazeis mia konsola pou mesa tha sou exei ena soft pou sou "axristeuei" duo kanalia kai apo thn allh an psa3eis (pou tha psa3eis) tha breis thn plhroforia oti mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis programma poy mporeis na exeis 4 tracks na paizoun tautoxrona.
Den 3erw kata poso auth h istoria tha bohthisei thn atomix stis pwlhseis tou vdj. Mallon pisteuw to antitheto.
An pali thelei na mpei sto xwro twn 4 decks (pou den nomizw) edw yparxei thema.Giati meta tha prepei na skeftei an tha apeutheinete se advanced "djs" h advanced "users".An thn endiaferoun oi djs nomizw oti tha prepei prwta na diorthwsei alla themata kata thn apopsh mou opws o diaxwrismos tou programmatos se hxou kai se hxou+video na ependusei ston hxo akoma perissotero kai ligotero sthn eikona kai na kerdisei thn empistosunh twn pragmatikwn jockeys kai oxi twn bedroom-bar jockeys.
[offtopic]Auth th stigmh exoume to pio euelikto kai euxrhsto programma gia auto pou leme sthn ellada "douleuoun djs" kai ennooume tous bedroom pou bgainoun apo ta spitia tous me ta mp3s kai ena laptop gia na pai3oun se bar. Ok eimai uper auths ths fashs alla auto den shmainei oti prepei na aporipsoume tous club djs. Proswpika tosa xronia h gk@bla mou gia to atomixmp3 kai argotera gia to vdj htan na to dw na figourarei se club oxi se bar. Kapou sthn poreia pisteuw oti xathike autos o stoxos (isws kai na mhn uphr3e pote h na bolepse h na hrthan apla etsi ta pragmata) alla pou tha paei kapoia stigmh tha erthoun sta logia mou:)[/offtopic]
kai tote tha mporesoume na milame gia to "so powerfull" komati tou slogan.
Den to thabo to vdj isa isa to vdj einai para polu kalo giauto pou kanei kai exei ferei polu kosmo konta sto mixing. Apla kata thn apopsh mou sth morfh pou exei auth th stigmh den apeutheinete se autous tous djs pou tha hthela na apeutheinetai
gia thn kosnola eidomen
Giati an px h atomix den bgalei soft pou na uposthrizei 4 channels tote that agorazeis mia konsola pou mesa tha sou exei ena soft pou sou "axristeuei" duo kanalia kai apo thn allh an psa3eis (pou tha psa3eis) tha breis thn plhroforia oti mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis programma poy mporeis na exeis 4 tracks na paizoun tautoxrona.
Den 3erw kata poso auth h istoria tha bohthisei thn atomix stis pwlhseis tou vdj. Mallon pisteuw to antitheto.
An pali thelei na mpei sto xwro twn 4 decks (pou den nomizw) edw yparxei thema.Giati meta tha prepei na skeftei an tha apeutheinete se advanced "djs" h advanced "users".An thn endiaferoun oi djs nomizw oti tha prepei prwta na diorthwsei alla themata kata thn apopsh mou opws o diaxwrismos tou programmatos se hxou kai se hxou+video na ependusei ston hxo akoma perissotero kai ligotero sthn eikona kai na kerdisei thn empistosunh twn pragmatikwn jockeys kai oxi twn bedroom-bar jockeys.
[offtopic]Auth th stigmh exoume to pio euelikto kai euxrhsto programma gia auto pou leme sthn ellada "douleuoun djs" kai ennooume tous bedroom pou bgainoun apo ta spitia tous me ta mp3s kai ena laptop gia na pai3oun se bar. Ok eimai uper auths ths fashs alla auto den shmainei oti prepei na aporipsoume tous club djs. Proswpika tosa xronia h gk@bla mou gia to atomixmp3 kai argotera gia to vdj htan na to dw na figourarei se club oxi se bar. Kapou sthn poreia pisteuw oti xathike autos o stoxos (isws kai na mhn uphr3e pote h na bolepse h na hrthan apla etsi ta pragmata) alla pou tha paei kapoia stigmh tha erthoun sta logia mou:)[/offtopic]
kai tote tha mporesoume na milame gia to "so powerfull" komati tou slogan.
Den to thabo to vdj isa isa to vdj einai para polu kalo giauto pou kanei kai exei ferei polu kosmo konta sto mixing. Apla kata thn apopsh mou sth morfh pou exei auth th stigmh den apeutheinete se autous tous djs pou tha hthela na apeutheinetai
gia thn kosnola eidomen
geposted Sun 09 May 10 @ 12:31 pm
Loipon na baloume ta pragmata sti thesi tous.
1on. H konsola VMS4 den vgike stin agora gia na stiriksei software pou ypostirizoun 4 decks. Vgike gia na kalypsei tis anagkes enos dj na exei ena midi controller me 2 decks, kai na mporei na syndesei as poume 2 cdieres sta allla 2 kanalia kai na mporei na exei mia tetoia eueliksia. Autos allwste itan kai o logos pou ta kanalia mporoun na allaksoun apo midi se analogue. An to vasiko skeptiko itan na paiksei me 4 decks me kapoio software tha vgazane ena controller me 4 decks, midi kai telos. Yparxei tetoios?...den nomiw. Giati? kai apantaw.
2on. 4Decks? Posoi einai autoi pou stin pragmatikotita ta xrisimopoioun? 1 stous 10..pollous evala. Kai autoi pou ta xrisimopoioun, ousiastika ta exoun fortwsei me kapoia samples. Min mou peite oti kanete toso grigores allages twn 20 sec pou prepei na fortwnetai to ena deck pisw apo to allo...
Kai epeidi polys logos exei ginei me ta 4 decks, enimerwnw olous tous xristes tou VDJ oti ginetai kai paraginetai. An thes dld me to stanio na exeis 4 decks, anoigeis to VirtualDJ 2 fores se multiinstance (apo to config to allazeis auto), dineis eksodo sto ena VirtualDJ apo mia karta ixou kai eksodo sto allo apo mia alli karta ixou. Epilegeis 2 skins mikris analysis pou na mporeis na ta xwreseis se mia othoni (an kai nomizw oti yparxei etoimo) ..kai kapws etsi teleiwnei to paramythi kai i progkippisa vriksei to palikari tis.
To eksantlisame nomizw to thema me ta 4 decks.
Allwste opws eipe kai o Dimitris sigoura tha ypostirixthei kai apo alla softwares, opote opoios thelei dialegei.
3on Egw pantws an imoun i American Audio tha ithela na synergastw me mia etaireia pou to software tis to prosarmozei stis apaitiseis twn kairwn (vlepe video), me mia etairia pou ypostirizei OLOUS tous controllers natively (px Traktor den vlepei HID syskeues opws DMC2 Numark) me mia etaireia pou ikanopoiei ta perissotera logika aitimata twn users mesa apo requests sta forum kai den tous geiwnei kanwntas tou kefaliou tis, kai me mia etaireia pou tha mou ferei kai pelates apo xwres pou grafoun sta latinika (Rwsia, Ellada, Kina, Aravikes xwres ..ypostiriksi unicode)
Na simeiwsw edw oti imoun ki egw Traktorakia gia kammia dyetia, empaina sxedon kathimerina sto forum tis NI, kai auto pou diapistwsa itan oti monoi tous paleuan oi xristes na ftiaksoun mappers gia tis syskeues, episima den evgaine kanena na tous voithisei, sta vatheia kai opoios iksere mpanio kolympage. Mappers pou den anavane lampakia, mappers pou den eixan amfidromi anafora (patages koumpi me to mouse kai den allaze to status ston controller klp). Otan egian melos tou VirtualDj aisthanthika oti edw akougomai (oxi mono egw alla kai oloi),kai an an doume pou itan to VirtualDJ prin apo 2-3 xronia kai pou einai twra... deite episis tin ekseliksi pou eixan ta alla softwares kai tha katalavete.
Min mpoume pali sti syzitisi peri statherotitas kai poiotitas, giati mporw na sas pw me pasi eilikrinia kai vevaiotita oti xrisimopoiw to VirtualdJ live ta teleutaia 3-4 xronia, allote syxna kai allote oxi, xwris kanena tetoio provlima. Einai thema stisimatos, xrisis kai pollwn pragmatwn. Bugs exoun ola ta softwares, aloimono na min eixan. Ysterei ligo sto MAc, alla min ksexnate oti einai poly fresko vima, einai sigouro oti i Mac version se ligo kairo tha einai eksisou staheri opws sto PC.
Teleiwnw kai anaferomai pali stin VMS4. Gia na katalavete oti ousiastika gia ta 4 decks pou leei oti ypostirizei i AA, karfaki de mou kaigetai. Tin perimenw pws kai pws. Kserete giati ?. Giati epitelous tha exw enan controller pou ektos apo EQ sta decks tha exei kai EQ-Crossfaders !!!!
xaxa..Ta round faders pou exei as poume sti mesi tha ta ftiaksw na einai EQ-crossfaders, kapoia alla FX-sliders gia parametrs FX kai paei legwntas. Exeis tosa koumpia na kaneis tosa pragmata, sta 4 decks tha koliseis?
1on. H konsola VMS4 den vgike stin agora gia na stiriksei software pou ypostirizoun 4 decks. Vgike gia na kalypsei tis anagkes enos dj na exei ena midi controller me 2 decks, kai na mporei na syndesei as poume 2 cdieres sta allla 2 kanalia kai na mporei na exei mia tetoia eueliksia. Autos allwste itan kai o logos pou ta kanalia mporoun na allaksoun apo midi se analogue. An to vasiko skeptiko itan na paiksei me 4 decks me kapoio software tha vgazane ena controller me 4 decks, midi kai telos. Yparxei tetoios?...den nomiw. Giati? kai apantaw.
2on. 4Decks? Posoi einai autoi pou stin pragmatikotita ta xrisimopoioun? 1 stous 10..pollous evala. Kai autoi pou ta xrisimopoioun, ousiastika ta exoun fortwsei me kapoia samples. Min mou peite oti kanete toso grigores allages twn 20 sec pou prepei na fortwnetai to ena deck pisw apo to allo...
Kai epeidi polys logos exei ginei me ta 4 decks, enimerwnw olous tous xristes tou VDJ oti ginetai kai paraginetai. An thes dld me to stanio na exeis 4 decks, anoigeis to VirtualDJ 2 fores se multiinstance (apo to config to allazeis auto), dineis eksodo sto ena VirtualDJ apo mia karta ixou kai eksodo sto allo apo mia alli karta ixou. Epilegeis 2 skins mikris analysis pou na mporeis na ta xwreseis se mia othoni (an kai nomizw oti yparxei etoimo) ..kai kapws etsi teleiwnei to paramythi kai i progkippisa vriksei to palikari tis.
To eksantlisame nomizw to thema me ta 4 decks.
Allwste opws eipe kai o Dimitris sigoura tha ypostirixthei kai apo alla softwares, opote opoios thelei dialegei.
3on Egw pantws an imoun i American Audio tha ithela na synergastw me mia etaireia pou to software tis to prosarmozei stis apaitiseis twn kairwn (vlepe video), me mia etairia pou ypostirizei OLOUS tous controllers natively (px Traktor den vlepei HID syskeues opws DMC2 Numark) me mia etaireia pou ikanopoiei ta perissotera logika aitimata twn users mesa apo requests sta forum kai den tous geiwnei kanwntas tou kefaliou tis, kai me mia etaireia pou tha mou ferei kai pelates apo xwres pou grafoun sta latinika (Rwsia, Ellada, Kina, Aravikes xwres ..ypostiriksi unicode)
Na simeiwsw edw oti imoun ki egw Traktorakia gia kammia dyetia, empaina sxedon kathimerina sto forum tis NI, kai auto pou diapistwsa itan oti monoi tous paleuan oi xristes na ftiaksoun mappers gia tis syskeues, episima den evgaine kanena na tous voithisei, sta vatheia kai opoios iksere mpanio kolympage. Mappers pou den anavane lampakia, mappers pou den eixan amfidromi anafora (patages koumpi me to mouse kai den allaze to status ston controller klp). Otan egian melos tou VirtualDj aisthanthika oti edw akougomai (oxi mono egw alla kai oloi),kai an an doume pou itan to VirtualDJ prin apo 2-3 xronia kai pou einai twra... deite episis tin ekseliksi pou eixan ta alla softwares kai tha katalavete.
Min mpoume pali sti syzitisi peri statherotitas kai poiotitas, giati mporw na sas pw me pasi eilikrinia kai vevaiotita oti xrisimopoiw to VirtualdJ live ta teleutaia 3-4 xronia, allote syxna kai allote oxi, xwris kanena tetoio provlima. Einai thema stisimatos, xrisis kai pollwn pragmatwn. Bugs exoun ola ta softwares, aloimono na min eixan. Ysterei ligo sto MAc, alla min ksexnate oti einai poly fresko vima, einai sigouro oti i Mac version se ligo kairo tha einai eksisou staheri opws sto PC.
Teleiwnw kai anaferomai pali stin VMS4. Gia na katalavete oti ousiastika gia ta 4 decks pou leei oti ypostirizei i AA, karfaki de mou kaigetai. Tin perimenw pws kai pws. Kserete giati ?. Giati epitelous tha exw enan controller pou ektos apo EQ sta decks tha exei kai EQ-Crossfaders !!!!
xaxa..Ta round faders pou exei as poume sti mesi tha ta ftiaksw na einai EQ-crossfaders, kapoia alla FX-sliders gia parametrs FX kai paei legwntas. Exeis tosa koumpia na kaneis tosa pragmata, sta 4 decks tha koliseis?
geposted Sun 09 May 10 @ 1:47 pm
h konsola dn ftiaxthke me logikh 2 deck k mono. ayto einai aytonohto.
epishs, dn 8a htan logiko n ftiaxoun, opws les, ena MIDI controller me 4 "kanalia" giati 8a exane se eyelixia, k fysika 8a emene pisw ap ton antagwnismo. exallou an h8ela enan MIDI "mikth" 8a epairna ena xsession pro k telos...
twra kata poso mporoun kapoioi n paixoune me 4 decks einai allh ypo8esh... to 8ema einai omws pws ta 3 decks einai para poly xrhsima gia n yparxei xwros g loops/acapellas/samples klp.
h american audio profanws k 8elei n xtyphsei ta (poly) pio akriva xone ta opoia yposthrizoun 4 decks. eite eikonika eite analogika. exallou ayth einai h moda die8nws... ti na kanoume??? dn lew pws einai aparaithta ta 4 decks, oute pws egw 8a ta xrhsimopoiousa, alla kalws h kakws, ayto poulaei!!!
ayto p prospa8w n pw einai pws dn prepei n koitame emas, ka8ws eimaste ena poly mikro meros ths die8nous agoras.
oi neoi DJs 8eloun 4 decks, 8eloun eyelixia, 8eloun n exoun oles tis dynates kainotomies k dieykolynseis pou sou dinei ena software.
einai kapoios ap aytous Richie Hawtin h Dubfire....?? amfivallw..... opws eipe k o DJDad, zhthma an o enas stous deka xerei n xrhsimopoiei 4 decks.
epishs, dn 8a htan logiko n ftiaxoun, opws les, ena MIDI controller me 4 "kanalia" giati 8a exane se eyelixia, k fysika 8a emene pisw ap ton antagwnismo. exallou an h8ela enan MIDI "mikth" 8a epairna ena xsession pro k telos...
twra kata poso mporoun kapoioi n paixoune me 4 decks einai allh ypo8esh... to 8ema einai omws pws ta 3 decks einai para poly xrhsima gia n yparxei xwros g loops/acapellas/samples klp.
h american audio profanws k 8elei n xtyphsei ta (poly) pio akriva xone ta opoia yposthrizoun 4 decks. eite eikonika eite analogika. exallou ayth einai h moda die8nws... ti na kanoume??? dn lew pws einai aparaithta ta 4 decks, oute pws egw 8a ta xrhsimopoiousa, alla kalws h kakws, ayto poulaei!!!
ayto p prospa8w n pw einai pws dn prepei n koitame emas, ka8ws eimaste ena poly mikro meros ths die8nous agoras.
oi neoi DJs 8eloun 4 decks, 8eloun eyelixia, 8eloun n exoun oles tis dynates kainotomies k dieykolynseis pou sou dinei ena software.
einai kapoios ap aytous Richie Hawtin h Dubfire....?? amfivallw..... opws eipe k o DJDad, zhthma an o enas stous deka xerei n xrhsimopoiei 4 decks.
geposted Mon 10 May 10 @ 5:57 am
koryfaio post:
dhthen orghsmeno, alla sthn ousia apelpismeno!
kai merika akoma nea:
Latest info from ADJ Europe:
Will the VMS4 be ASIO compatible? Yes
If so will it come with its own ASIO drivers or use ASIO4All? Own
Will the VMS4 support timecodes? Possible, but not with native traktor scratch or serato
Will the VMS4 have Mac drivers also? yes
The price is still £399 with VDJ LE? yes
Release Date is July 2010? yes
Power supply will be sold separately? Price? included
Carry case will be sold separately? Price? Separately, price not yet set, because it’s not ready yet
What is the earliest date dealers will have access to demo models? Around july/august 2010
dhthen orghsmeno, alla sthn ousia apelpismeno!
kai merika akoma nea:
Latest info from ADJ Europe:
Will the VMS4 be ASIO compatible? Yes
If so will it come with its own ASIO drivers or use ASIO4All? Own
Will the VMS4 support timecodes? Possible, but not with native traktor scratch or serato
Will the VMS4 have Mac drivers also? yes
The price is still £399 with VDJ LE? yes
Release Date is July 2010? yes
Power supply will be sold separately? Price? included
Carry case will be sold separately? Price? Separately, price not yet set, because it’s not ready yet
What is the earliest date dealers will have access to demo models? Around july/august 2010
geposted Mon 10 May 10 @ 11:13 am
auto to katasthma, to gnwrizei kaneis; deixnei na exei kales times, asxeta me thn timh leiwma gia vms4 me proparaggelia
geposted Fri 14 May 10 @ 12:38 am
Hdi ypostirizetai i VMS4 sto virtualdj 6.1
geposted Thu 20 May 10 @ 6:53 am
nice, oi mhnes omws pernane kai h isotimia dolariou euro exei erthei anapoda
dyskola ta vlepw ta pragmata...
dyskola ta vlepw ta pragmata...
geposted Thu 20 May 10 @ 7:04 am
... kai apo mia matia pou eriksa ston mapper, oute logos vevaia gia 4 decks. Ksexaste ta.
geposted Thu 20 May 10 @ 2:35 pm
To skin pou tha synodeuei tin LE tis VMS4...
![](/image/29523/33458/skin vms4)
geposted Wed 26 May 10 @ 5:53 pm
Den einai kako...
pou to anakalypses ?
pou to anakalypses ?
geposted Wed 26 May 10 @ 6:42 pm
egw tous to ftiaksa .xaxaxax plaka kanw ..egine post sto general forum. An to sygkrinw me kati alla pou vazoun se alles LE, pragmati einai mia xara.
geposted Wed 26 May 10 @ 7:28 pm
pas mal, pas mal... ante mono mia kalh timh mas leipei na kleisoume...
mexri ta 450E einai vato to thema, poly fovamai omws oti tha skasei panw apo 500 bikikinia...
mexri ta 450E einai vato to thema, poly fovamai omws oti tha skasei panw apo 500 bikikinia...
geposted Thu 27 May 10 @ 12:03 am
Parousiash apo thn DJ Freshfluke (tromara ths, eipame germanida alla ta agglika ths exoun acent dyslektikou, auth vrhkane?) se extended version.
Prosexte to video sto 10:15 pou deixnei tis diaforetikes leitourgies twn platerns, apla spernei!
Kykloforei epishs mia fhmh oti tha exei dyo firmware diathesima ena gia Post_EQ (16bit) kai ena gia Pre_EQ (sta 24bit!)
Nomizw oti prospathoun na ikanopoihsoun para polles epithimies xrhstwn kai eilikrina den xerw an tha ta kataferoun ola! Ena einai to shgouro h konsola me olo to support ths AA apo pisw deixnei na einai kai na exelisete ws ena apo ta pleon dj friendly aio controllers, titlos varys alla poly timitikos pou pragmatika elpizw na kataferei na krathsei!
Prosexte to video sto 10:15 pou deixnei tis diaforetikes leitourgies twn platerns, apla spernei!
Kykloforei epishs mia fhmh oti tha exei dyo firmware diathesima ena gia Post_EQ (16bit) kai ena gia Pre_EQ (sta 24bit!)
Nomizw oti prospathoun na ikanopoihsoun para polles epithimies xrhstwn kai eilikrina den xerw an tha ta kataferoun ola! Ena einai to shgouro h konsola me olo to support ths AA apo pisw deixnei na einai kai na exelisete ws ena apo ta pleon dj friendly aio controllers, titlos varys alla poly timitikos pou pragmatika elpizw na kataferei na krathsei!
geposted Thu 27 May 10 @ 11:11 am
Innersense wrote :
Parousiash apo thn DJ Freshfluke (tromara ths, eipame germanida alla ta agglika ths exoun acent dyslektikou, auth vrhkane?) se extended version.
Dj ...Barbie, min spaseis kanena nyxi...
To exo ksana postarei to video.
geposted Thu 27 May 10 @ 12:00 pm
Loipon apo arxes Augoustou h VSM4 arxise na kataftanei sta xeria twn protwn anypomonwn idiokthtwn oi opoioi... exoun meinei pagwmenoi... me thn afixh ths kai tis prwtes empeiries xrhshs.
katarxhn ola ta komatia exoun off center platerns ("jog wheels are off centre") kai arketoi prospathoun na to katapioun kai na proxwrisoun...
arketa ta provlhmata me tous asio drivers kai o controller ap oti grafoun den deinei standar poiothta hxou alla exei kapoies diakymanseis...
(*fysika den mporw na xexwrisw poia apo ta parapona twn pelatwn ofeilontai kathara sthn vsm4, poia stou drivers kai poia se... agnoia twn idiwn na sthsoun swsta to systhma tous, osoi exoume asxolhthei xeroume oti einai epiponh ypothesh to swsto setup, emena gia paradeigma mou peire 5 meres gia to prwto laptop kai ena apogeuma gia to deutero).
genika ta forum ths vsm4 (kai sto site ths AA alla kai ta antistoixa tou VDJ edw) apekthsan megalh kinhikothta meta apo toso kairo anamonhs kai oi anthropoi ths american audio trexoun kai den ftanoun na lysoun ta provlhmata kai na dwsoun exighseis.
kata th gnwmh mou twra tha deixei thn axia ths san etairia, analoga me to support pou tha prosferei stous pelates ths...
ps: link gia to manual ths vsm4 http://www.vms4dj.com/Files/vms4.pdf
katarxhn ola ta komatia exoun off center platerns ("jog wheels are off centre") kai arketoi prospathoun na to katapioun kai na proxwrisoun...
arketa ta provlhmata me tous asio drivers kai o controller ap oti grafoun den deinei standar poiothta hxou alla exei kapoies diakymanseis...
(*fysika den mporw na xexwrisw poia apo ta parapona twn pelatwn ofeilontai kathara sthn vsm4, poia stou drivers kai poia se... agnoia twn idiwn na sthsoun swsta to systhma tous, osoi exoume asxolhthei xeroume oti einai epiponh ypothesh to swsto setup, emena gia paradeigma mou peire 5 meres gia to prwto laptop kai ena apogeuma gia to deutero).
genika ta forum ths vsm4 (kai sto site ths AA alla kai ta antistoixa tou VDJ edw) apekthsan megalh kinhikothta meta apo toso kairo anamonhs kai oi anthropoi ths american audio trexoun kai den ftanoun na lysoun ta provlhmata kai na dwsoun exighseis.
kata th gnwmh mou twra tha deixei thn axia ths san etairia, analoga me to support pou tha prosferei stous pelates ths...
ps: link gia to manual ths vsm4 http://www.vms4dj.com/Files/vms4.pdf
geposted Sun 08 Aug 10 @ 6:17 am