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Topic: Loss of HIGHs after changing pitch - Page: 1

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I've got timestretch disabled (this bug is not present when TS is on).
Limiter disabled. Gain does not matter.

Play any song, (where you can clearly hear the heighs).
Alter the pitch (in the default skin) up and down.
Double click the pitch slider in order to reset the pitcch to 0.

Carefully hear the sound !!! -heights are lnoticably lower, as if total high freq gets filtered.
To hear the difference click near the playing position on the progress bar so the position of song will change a little. An voila the heights are good ok.

I tested it on hercules with asio and with WDM drivers, and on my internal soundcard too. With more songs.

At first I was wondering that I remembered that one song was playing nicely and after a while a noticed i had to add about 1/5 of the high EQ, but it was still not ok. It is not the exact freq. of the high eqalizer.

Try for yourselves...

geposted Fri 03 Jun 05 @ 9:35 am
True, I've been describing this many times in other posts. Finally someone else who hears well ;)

I really hate when this happens, while in a middle of song I start raising pitch for next mix, the "hi's" suddenly vanish at a first change.

Please do look into it, team.

Will test this tomorrow


what was the result ?

I get this too.
This only happens if you reset the ptich (via shortcut or doubleclick)
It doenst happen if you move the pitch manually back to zero.


Nope, i tryed it again a minute ago - just manually speed up song and return it manually back (no double click or rest button)

When a changed the position in the progress bar the heighs were better again.


This is a very weird and very disapointing bug (if it's present), by now the pitch adjust should be perfect and solid, I can't say i've noticed anything but I will check it out, definately a priority, when sound quality is concerned.

For me, this is the overall message i'm getting from the users of the software, to improve the basics rather than to implement more features.

I totally agree with you Brendan.

There have been a lot of new feature implementations, but the sound itself (including timestretch, scratch emulation, loss of highs bug, limiter improvement) is no. 1 priority. Hopefully while the bugs are being removed and smaller improvements are added with new versions, the dev team is working on these old issues. To be honest, these are the only ones that we're waiting for, others are just sugar on top - the perfection of software.

Regards and good mix ;)


Tried it, and it's 100% True, great observation to however first noticed it, but I felt happier before I knew about this fault, lol, I don't think most listerners would notice it, as it's quite subtle, but once you are made aware of it, it's obvious.., someone with a keen ear o quality like a sound engineer or musician would probably notice it anyway.., fix it PLEASE :).


you notice the return of heighs when your dog starts to howl again and the bats starts to fly around the speakers :-)

Just tried it in my studio monitors, YES its true.
Must be some kind of filtering when pitching,
! Needs correction !

Lopez, how you hear it when your dog howl...? i had to listen carefully... :)

Confirmed. It´s definitely there - although it´s really so minor, that you don´t notice if you are not hardly trying to. Anyway, this needs a deeper look - there have been similar (non reproducible) reports of degrading sound quality, which most of the time were supposed to be due to bad mp3 files. Although this is the more likely explanation, I must admit, that this bug made me wonder if it´s really all about file quality. Mostly yes, but always? Who knows - maybe there are more problems with the sound engine after all?

anyway it looks like it is not like changing the value of high EQ but like other lowpass filter
set to very high frequency, because even if you give HIGHS to the maximum
the very high freqs are still filtered if you don't recover (cchange the position in the file)

Yes, it does sound like a filter when you pitch, true.
I don't believe this is to do with the quality of mp3's, even with a 320kbps constant bite rate mp3, the problem is equally as present, you have it from me, this is a software bug, or a feature that hasn't been implemented to it's fullest extent, simular to the timestretch, the dev team are aware of the problem, and I suspect they are working on it, as so many of us users, have stressed this a million times, and that is, maximum sound quality first, fancy new features secound.

This is partly why many were kicking off about the addition of video support, it didn't bother me personally, because I felt it was a good and well timed move, but the sound quality must come first, and I look forward to the killer update that fixes all the issues that we know of.


This need fixing soon.

I tryed it yesterday. Really need to be fixed.

Dj Nikki

@Staff: What is the status of this report. Has it already been reviewed? Has it been acepted and will be fixed?

I think I can say that it's been recognised and on the list for a needed fix :), hopefully it's at the top of the list.

Luckily I mix house, and most of my pitching is only a one beat or less change, so the effect described as a loss of highs is only apparent when you really pitch, a one beat change only has a subtle 'effect'.

Defo needs a fix asp.

@Dev Staff: What is the status of this major issue? 3.1 did not fix it, although I would expected a bug in such an important are of VDJ (sound quality) should be fixed immediately. I mean, I don´t need VDJ 3.2 - just give as 3.1a (which fixes this issue) and we are all fine.

*BUMP* (again)
Still no info about this from atomix... :-((((((
