Just a note to the skinners out there...
A user of my Condensed skin has discovered an issue in VDJ7 where the effect slots no longer responded to his controller actions (even though the effects did in fact change).
The reason for this is that I had my effect slot given a number - effect 1, where the controller was set to work with the default effect.
This seems to have worked okay in VDJ6. I had to change the text format from %effectslot1 to %maineffect and then rename my effect actions from "effect 1" to simply "effect". Effect and effect 1 are now independent (so changes to one do not affect the other.)
Pay attention to this if your skins use numbered slots like this.
Whoops, false alarm. I just tested this in VDJ6 and there is no difference in behavior. This is just a fringe scenario that I never tested to begin with. My bad!
A user of my Condensed skin has discovered an issue in VDJ7 where the effect slots no longer responded to his controller actions (even though the effects did in fact change).
The reason for this is that I had my effect slot given a number - effect 1, where the controller was set to work with the default effect.
Pay attention to this if your skins use numbered slots like this.
Whoops, false alarm. I just tested this in VDJ6 and there is no difference in behavior. This is just a fringe scenario that I never tested to begin with. My bad!
geposted Wed 03 Nov 10 @ 7:32 pm
it happens..he,he
geposted Thu 11 Nov 10 @ 10:21 pm