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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Really Good DJ Samples FOR FREE - Page: 2

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hi i would like to download samples but cant please tell me what to do

geposted Thu 03 Jul 14 @ 11:15 am
You will need to purchase VirtualDJ or subscribe to VirtualDJ Pro Infinity to be able to download samples and any other add-ons from our website.

As above, you can also search Google to find samples from other sources.

geposted Thu 03 Jul 14 @ 11:58 am
I need skins for virtual dj

geposted Thu 10 Jul 14 @ 4:41 pm
As above, you will need to purchase VirtualDJ or subscribe to VirtualDJ Pro Infinity to be able to download skins and other add-ons from our website. Add-ons are not available to unlicensed Home FREE users.

If you like VirtualDJ then please support the software and its future development by either purchasing it or taking out a monthly subscription license.

Please also don't hijack topics by posting a message that's not related in any way. This topic is about finding good DJ samples. Your post about skins has nothing to do with this.

geposted Fri 11 Jul 14 @ 4:39 am
can someone can give me a free samplers,skin, im just a biginer i want a help to make my virtual dj 8 more cool but i dont have licence to buy

geposted Thu 07 Aug 14 @ 5:33 am
As above, you will need to purchase VirtualDJ or subscribe to VirtualDJ Pro Infinity to be able to download skins and other add-ons from our website. Add-ons are not available to unlicensed Home FREE users.

If you like VirtualDJ then please support the software and its future development by either purchasing it or taking out a monthly subscription license.

Please also don't hijack topics by posting a message that's not related in any way. This topic is about finding good DJ samples. Your post about skins has nothing to do with this. In any case this thread is no longer serving it's purpose so I will lock it.

geposted Thu 07 Aug 14 @ 11:53 am

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