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Topic: What Video Service do you use? - Page: 1

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JynxxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I recently started looking at video services because I just don't have the time to slice up a video to fit to my remixes... although I have to say, after checking out some of them I really wish I did have the time to do my own.
I found some good ones on virtualremixes.com, and the price isn't bad at $10.99 a month, but they didn't have a huge selection of videos, and you really had to pick through them to find ones that were really good. I tend to skip over the videos that have weird samples in them, like Family Guy or NBA video, and videos that show the words of samples like "Put Your Hands Up!" all over the screen. So for ME personally, it was a hunt.
A friend of mine recommended 8thwonder, but I didn't see enough on there to preview to get my money just off one recommendation.

SO.... I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on where to get good videos from. Right now I am looking for either remixed videos, or regular, unmodified videos... as long as they are of good quality. I am also looking for the ever elusive videos that do not have the info captions at the beginning and end too.

Thanks in advance for any help!

geposted Sat 02 Apr 11 @ 5:12 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
VJ-Pro has real good quality and when possible (need artist/label permission) removes the annoying breaks in many videos. I just signed up with them and DL'd about 10 videos and I have to say I like them. Especially the "Tonight" video by Enrique. They removed all the dumb floor killing breaks. Add that to 100% legit, it was a no brainer.

geposted Sun 03 Apr 11 @ 2:59 pm
JynxxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks :)

I was working on the Ke$ha "Blow" video last night and it has a lot of stupid breaks where she talks with James Van Der Beek or however you spell it. It was horrible to try to fill those spots. Took me hours of cutting and slicing up parts to fill them.
I will check out that service today! Thanks again!

geposted Tue 05 Apr 11 @ 7:27 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I use Promo Only. It's not everyone's cup of tea but i find them good.

They have changed things recently from a content point of view with breaks and speech and floor killers at the start of the track by introducing INTRO EDIT videos...which means that the silly bits have been edited out or replaced with beats of some sort to keep the track flowing.

They offer a weekly download service for £40/month and if you want the physical dvd they charge £50/month.

I'm in the UK so i use the UK site alot. The main guy there is called David Brown. He's a top guy and will help with anything you need. They've got a facebook site as well which they're trying to push out there for users so they can update subscribers easily.

If you're calling him tell him Chris from Hustler Discos referred you (what can i say...i owe him a favour...:o)

Cheers..and keep spinnin'...:o)


geposted Tue 05 Apr 11 @ 7:33 am
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Jynxx, it sounds like SmashVidz is what you are after. A lot of their videos are "true to original" audio mixes but with intros and outros (i.e. Xtendz). They do post some Mashups, Remixes, etc from Crooklyn Clan djs. I think the SmashVidz service is $40 a month or if you buy a subscription in bulk I believe you might save a little money. I can't recommend them enough. Larry at VirtualRemixes is SOLID as well but from what you describe what you are after it might not be for you, so again, I recommend checking out SmashVidz. Start off with 1 month subscription and see if its what you are looking for.

geposted Tue 05 Apr 11 @ 4:21 pm
JynxxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks Jay. Yeah I totally forgot about smashvidz, mostly because when they started up I was also doing both audio and video remixes myself on a full-time basis. But now that I am not, I definitely have to check them out.

I also looked at VJ-Pro. They seem to be really good in terms of what they offer, but they didn't have any previews of what any of their videos might look or sound like... but they did offer a sort of "trial period" where you can check them out if your application gets approved. I am not even sure I would get approved right now... although I am not playing the videos in a non-professional environment, I am not going to be playing them professionally any time soon either, unless I magically get better.

geposted Tue 05 Apr 11 @ 7:16 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I haven't heard of vj pro before. If I need another service will look at them but so far im very content with smash. I have been using smash since 2007. My recommendation would be to sign up for smash just for a month to see if its what you need.

geposted Wed 06 Apr 11 @ 3:46 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
The main reason is that all the video pools expect you to own the origional works before you download thier remixes. The only licenced places I know that you can buy the origionals form is iTunes and VJ Pro. I think even Promo Only has that disclaimer if I am not mistaken.

Either way, Doug (at VJ Pro) is a great guy, real helpful and responsive. Tell him Don sent you if you like, they do give 1 free credit to try them out. The site has some imporving, but at least I am erroring on the legal side. I will get creative later or join a remix site to get the more creative mixes, at least I will have the origionals now. Plus they are going to weekly releases close to the end of this month. That is when it should get allot better.

geposted Wed 06 Apr 11 @ 2:31 pm
JynxxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I would actually prefer to have NON remixed videos, that way once I have the original I can choose if I want to add my own remix to it and use that. I just don't think the talent for re-mixing videos has caught up with the demand for them yet. While you have 100 remixers doing audio mixes of "E.T.", you may only have 2-4 people doing a video over a remix, and even more rare, someone who does both the audio and video remix.
I personally prefer quality over quantity, so I am glad that we are sitting in the shallow end at the moment, and haven't been flooded by 10,000 people who downloaded an illegal copy of Sony Vegas and started calling themselves Video Remixers.

@ Don:
Since you are familiar with VJ-Pro, how many videos would you say they release weekly? And you mentioned that it would be moving to weekly, so does that mean that they only release monthly now? I am looking for Pop mostly, since that is encompassing everything from Hip-Hop to Dance right now. I think I could also see myself spending A LOT of money on their Classic Vision series, since I do a ton of old school.
Last question... are the videos they get direct from the labels, with no chyron? And if so, do they add their own, or keep it off? I will join up this weekend if they leave it off!! lol

geposted Wed 06 Apr 11 @ 3:47 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003
No legal VJ service is chyron free unfortunately.

If you want to join Smash I can get you in no problem, just PM me with your E-mail address.

geposted Fri 08 Apr 11 @ 5:09 pm
djreneePRO InfinityMember since 2004
VJ-Pro is actually (Screenplay) which has been around many years, they are one of a VERY FEW companies selling FULLY licensed videos (Like Promoonly). From what I've heard they have revamped the video side into a separate entity.

From what I've read they are going to permit individual downloads at a fair price as compared to Promo-only. (About 1/2 the price)
(Screenplay/VJ-Pro) will no doubt have a huge selection of ALL styles of music. I've been using Promoonly for 15 years but THIS may FINALLY be what I've been waiting for, I'm crossing my fingers. X

geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 12:50 pm

geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 3:01 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Jynxx wrote :
@ Don:
Since you are familiar with VJ-Pro, how many videos would you say they release weekly? And you mentioned that it would be moving to weekly, so does that mean that they only release monthly now? I am looking for Pop mostly, since that is encompassing everything from Hip-Hop to Dance right now. I think I could also see myself spending A LOT of money on their Classic Vision series, since I do a ton of old school.
Last question... are the videos they get direct from the labels, with no chyron? And if so, do they add their own, or keep it off? I will join up this weekend if they leave it off!! lol

They are not weekly until the end of the month. No gaurenty there either, this is just the info I have. If you goto the website and click on the "Playlist" option, you will see what they release each month. You can get individual video downloads if you pay the $50 fee for 25 credits. Each video is 1 credit, so $2 a video, just like iTunes. Think you can also buy single credits for $2.25 each.

The down side for me is that videos on lists older than 6 months move to the disc only (no download) selection. So you have to buy the whole month DVD for $30, even if you want 1 song. I think most discs are $30 and can come in many forms. Calling Doug at VJ Pro is your best bet. Great guys and will answer everything. Think they give a deal on a bunch of discs purchased at once.

Last, if you are reffering to the Artist / Title at start and end, they are short and not removeable. If you ask for a sample credit you can see for yourself evaluate their service. Never heard of "chyron" sorry if I guessed wrong. I am not reall happy with the intros as the rest of my library is free of them. But they are short and I am legal and that is what counts in my book.


geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 5:16 pm
mymp3pool.com has a great selection of audio and video for $20 per month with unlimited downloads.

geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 6:48 pm
djreneePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Most of the video services listed throughout the VDJ forum (and is this post) are NOT licensed by the labels for you to play in a public venue. (This Includes iTunes) If you pay $10-$40 dollars a month to a website that let's you download 'All you can eat" for one low price you are NOT supporting the music industry, just the website and their business. They are NOT legal for professional use.

Some of my VDJ pals won't like this response but they ALL know it's the truth. (Or should know)

Definition of public venue: (You make money for your performance)


geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 6:58 pm
Anybody broadcasting or exhibiting a performance with pre-recorded material to any audience (paid or unpaid) requires permission from it's owner (licensed content).

geposted Sun 10 Apr 11 @ 7:20 pm
djrenee wrote :
Most of the video services listed throughout the VDJ forum (and is this post) are NOT licensed by the labels for you to play in a public venue. (This Includes iTunes) If you pay $10-$40 dollars a month to a website that let's you download 'All you can eat" for one low price you are NOT supporting the music industry, just the website and their business. They are NOT legal for professional use.

Some of my VDJ pals won't like this response but they ALL know it's the truth. (Or should know)

Definition of public venue: (You make money for your performance)

To an extent I agree with you; however, as a consumer I am not in a position to be privy to any agreements services may or may not have with the labels, nor do I care to be the labels "police" for sites like 8thwonder, smashvidz, yourremix, etc. If you, me and others on this site have known about these alleged illegal services for years I am sure the labels do too. The labels have millions of more resources than we do to find and catch these guys and they are making no effort to eliminate them so I have to conclude either they are legal or the labels are giving their consent by willfully ignoring the continued protection of their copyright by letting them continue and not instituting legal action against them....instead they are too interested in busting college students for downloading a couple of mp3s to listen to while studying.

The internet and our digital world is and will be forcing EVERY industry and lawmaker to rethink the old school definitions of intellectual property (and coming soon the very definition of property itself) as replicating and transferring ANYTHING instantaneously will make enforcing the current legal models obsolete. A system of adding license fees to the purchase of the media and the electronics we use for the transfer and storage of "things" will need to implemented and distributed because it will be impossible to implement it on the "things" being replicated. Today we are only struggling with music, books, plans and designs but what will happen in the not too distant future when we will literally be able to have a toyota downloaded and materialize into our garage at the touch of a button or two....sure the skeptics laugh but 25 years ago when I was playing music videos on VHS tapes for Black Angus and told other Djs someday we'll be mixing video they said it couldn't never be done (computers were too slow, take too much memory, could never over come the audio/video sync issues when changing tempos, etc.) and laughed at me...even laughed about playing simple music on a computer! Well I'm laughing now and thoroughly enjoying playing music AND mixing video on my computer (while some I hear are even doing it on their Android phone!).

geposted Mon 25 Apr 11 @ 9:52 am
if you are starting out and looking to make a collection, you might wanna check out vjstreet.com i use them and i think they have a nice decent collection..... thats just my 2 cents.

geposted Sat 30 Apr 11 @ 1:19 pm
isnt that 12inch just with a diff name now? major pass.

geposted Tue 03 May 11 @ 5:00 pm
Bren FPRO InfinityMember since 2003

I like this elementary view that a site is either legal or illegal. It's not that simple. Perhaps a site only services certain labels (with permission), perhaps a site has permission to distribute but not edit or remix. Perhaps they don't pay their TAXES. There's no way of knowing, this is all best guess.

geposted Fri 06 May 11 @ 8:05 pm