I need some help finding beats to practice hip-hop mixing with. I'm just going to be working on chirps and flairs and was wondering were I could come across a large amount of mp3's preferably free to practice with... many thanks
geposted Sat 30 Apr 11 @ 9:57 pm
check out ThudRumble.com that is DJ Qbert Brand of scratch samples...i use the records on turn tables and they have good samples. try this link http://thudrumble.com/shop/skratchy-seal.html
that is the only scratch Records i have used
that is the only scratch Records i have used
geposted Wed 04 May 11 @ 10:57 pm
if you just want samples to scratch with for free, check AC's post http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/144072/Music_discussion/Samples_and_scratches.html
If you want beats, just type a song name into google e.g. Snoop digity dogg - drop it like it's hizzot followed by the magic word "instrumental". Rectangle makes some pretty cool beat juggling beats on his records, but I have never been able to find them as mp3's
If you want beats, just type a song name into google e.g. Snoop digity dogg - drop it like it's hizzot followed by the magic word "instrumental". Rectangle makes some pretty cool beat juggling beats on his records, but I have never been able to find them as mp3's
geposted Wed 04 May 11 @ 11:36 pm