
Forum: Old versions

Topic: VCI 400 Deck level mind of its own

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Not sure if anyone can shed any light but I used my VCI 400 for the 1st time last night at my venue and all worked perfectly except for one issue...the deck 1 main level would shoot down to 0 without me even touching anything. I would push the fader on the VCI back up to the top, virtual dj would respond accordingly but then bammm 0 again even though the fader on the VCI was at max. Would take 5 or 6 movements of the fader from the bottom to the top for it to stick at 100% volume. I wasnt then able to touch the fader or it would jump again (just had to leave the VCI fader at max volume and use the crossfader all night)

Any ideas? of the range macbook pro, latest pro VDJ software running in Windows 7 (bootcamped), latest ASIO DRIVER and mapping

Thanks in advance

geposted Sat 24 Mar 12 @ 6:29 am
that sounds very much to me like a faulty fader I got a vci 400 the other week and haven't had any issues at all like that. Get it swapped for a new one if you can.

Hi there,

if it's brand new I would take it back for replacement. Alternatively, you can always try a contact cleaner...

you have the newest firmware update instaled?

i have no problems with my vci 400, it's for me the best controller for virtualdj and video gigs


Same issue here, although i had my VCI-400 Since Christmas, its already been back twice for a fualty jog the second time the Replaced my unit,about 3 months back, since then i only tested it about twice, been waiting on a software update,came to test it last week, and i have the exact issues with fader A,So I have to hope they trust that i have not hammered my controller, its as new, so i am happy to get further confirmation.

Here are my thoughst on this VCI-400, i too bought it as it was said to be built like a tank,The More i use this the more unreasurring i feel at what will go wrong next, the jogs are my main concearn,Now the faders, I opened up the back panel to look at these replacable faders, and to be honest i was discusted at the cheapness of these faders, i once owned a budget anolog mixer at £275 that shiiney blue one lol cant remember the model, by vestax with the same faders more of less, and a week in fader 1 went, so got rid mighty quick. Second off i warn you all to be careful when replacing these faders,as their is not much room for these, you will find that more often than not the undwerside panel will be difficult to put back without forcing the LED strip up through the top of the caseing,also very flimsy connection some what bent in to fit as i just mention, and playing devils advocate i looked hi and low, and at present you can not even go on line and get these replacments, no where has them for imediate purchase, on top of that you can not replace just one fader, they come in groups of two connected faders per circuit fader board. I just do not understand why they did not use the same top qualty faders that the Vestax VCM 600 has, They cut corners under the hood deffiniatly.

My other concearns that now lay in ther back of my mind, is the 8 plastic buttons, these are obiousely going to have a lot of ware as of what they are intended for, and they are not rubber and feel quite stiff, i suspect Problems will evolve after a good bit of usage .
Scare 2,i also notice that despite the main pots and encoders being bolted, the actual pot spindel has alot of loosness, so kind of makes the point of the bolt worthless in my eye's, okay some things need to have give, but these also feel like a disaster waiting to happen,and like i said i owned a
vcm-600, same type pots and i can not rember this loosness with the spindal, they where Rock solid.
I also encounter Midi issue with Lights On/0ff and midi assignment working then failing then working etc, but this was also the case for the VCM-600.
I mention this only becuase the VCI-400 Is stated to be a open controler, but it just is not all that smooth sailing, how does being reccomend to use Midi bomes or such to change things, make this an open controller for the avarage user, i was told that by vestax support, when i tried using the vci with ableton and some control buttons can not work as they should as a standard along with the iluminated buttons.

I am glad some of you are okay with this controller, but i am now 100% sceptical myself,This controler to me is equal to some, only some, of the budget vestax analog mixers of old that i tried out, that where poor quality, not like the price tag suggests here, and to top this off the Price is dropping already from the £699 i paid to £629,vestax always used to hold its Price ,So i say not becuase of the competition, but becuase , it aint selling so good.

I have tested this controler out with most dj software apps, and i even had problems with Midi working then failing via the Virtual dj VCI-400 version in the middle of a test set twice (Not the usb cable i add)sound and some control worke still, just my midi assignments went haywire, Tempramental i say!. I just do not know what will happen next, Good luck to you all, but for me as soon as i get this repair/replacent fader, its being sold For £545, but saying this i already put adds out, and nobody is wanting the vci-400.

For me i think iam going to take a chance on the Numark 4TRAK due out, You can just tell its good quality, also the reloop terminal mix 4 is an option,the jogs are all mint, not toyish.

Sorry for sounding so down, i guess i should get used to the fact that many controllers are just not all that, and from now on i dont care if i have to tavel 100 miles , i wont buy online again, when spending these ammount on a life choice like this,you can not believe the hype and its not worth being first to buy what you think may be the best.

Soz Guys

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