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Topic: VDJ 2 controllers (PFL)

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hello..i'm preety new here. I read some posts but not yet convinced.

I have a Numak Mixtrack Pro, and i want to buy a Numark DJ2go like a second controller.

On 4 decks, on mixtrack, when you hit the headphone button he just select left/right and not the PFL button on the mixer. How i can map it, when cue activate PFL not the left/right.

I thought my setup like this:

Mixtrack like audio sound card. Cue buttons on mixtrack for PFL chan 1/2...Cue on DJ2go fot PFL 3/4...Replace the Pitch faders from DJ2go with volume faders.

Sorry for my english and sorry if this isnt the right place for this post.

(The last solution would be to map PFL 1,2,3,4 on kewboard)


geposted Thu 29 Mar 12 @ 6:20 am
hiya i have my MTP mapped like so

PITCH- = "device_side 'left' ? deck 1 leftdeck & deck 1 select : deck 2 rightdeck & deck 2 select"

PITCH+ = "device_side 'left' ? deck 3 leftdeck & deck 3 select : deck 4 rightdeck & deck 4 select"

this means that when i hit pitch +/- on the left side, i can switch between decks 1 and 3, if i use the right side, i get to switch between desks 2 and 4.

to use the PFL funtion, i just hit the corresponding button for decks 1 - 4 and the PFL changes automatically as long as you have Auto cue enabled in the config options.

hope this helps.

brilliant idea..thanks!!

no problem, im also working atm to map the PFL/cue button to switch between decks. so for example,

left side PFL/cue = deck 1 or 3 select
right side PFL/cue = deck 2 or 4 select

this would free up the other four buttons for something else. pitch bend buttons are useless with the MTP as the platter itself is mapped to bend the pitch unless the scratch button is selected. im hoping to get the mapping for seperate side control of the PFL buttons finished today.

i might be able to steal the code from another mapper yet thought lol... single button controll is often complicated.

im not sure what i would use the four pitch bend butons for yet but i will find a use.

ok here we go...

map PFL to: (stolen from cstoll muhahaha)

select ? device_side "left" ? deck 1 leftdeck ? on & deck 3 leftdeck & deck 3 select : on & deck 1 leftdeck & deck 1 select : deck 2 rightdeck ? on & deck 4 rightdeck & deck 4 select : on & deck 2 rightdeck & deck 2 select : select

then add a new key named "LED_PFL" and map it to:

device_side left? deck 1 leftdeck selected? blink & deck 3 leftdeck selected blink : on : device_side right? deck 2 rightdeck selected? blink & deck 4 rightdeck selected blink : on

this will do these things:

left PFL button = swap between deck 1 & 3 > whilst deck 1 is selected the button will flash > when deck 3 is selected, the button will remain solid.

right PFL button = swap between deck 2 & 4 > whilst deck 2 is selected the button will flash > when deck 4 is selected, the button will remain solid.

this also frees up the previous four buttons used for deck selection... which can be mapped to anything you want

hope this helps john.

playing around with this, as your decs are re-selected..... lets explain...

if deck one is playing and you select deck 4... the light on the left button will continue to flash allowing a visual reminder of which "left deck" is selected.

although only one selection is shown in the software, you will now have a visual aid of which other deck is active.

also it would seem that the code i stole from cstoll works as such

left side pfl active? when you first hit the right hand button it swaps sides only, on a second press it swaps between decks

this in my opinion is a whole lot better than using the pitch bends as i first did.


thanks a lot...i had no ideea that mixtrack works in 4 decks with a little mapping

anyway i'll buy that dj2go .. its preety cheap..and ill use it to play samples, effects loops or beats...and make my job easyer. For this kind of controller i can buy a novation nocturn and mapped to virtual dj

ill read more about mapping and mapping codes...and maybe with this controllers ill make a perfect combination.

and btw..what the effect select knoob does when its pressed? My mixtrack came with traktor; but i never use it with it...maybe in traktor does something

the effect knob when pressed, activates the selected effect/sample..... if you would like to control both effects "and" samples with your mixtrack, use this code:


EFFECT BUTTON = toggle "sample_shift"

FX_SELECT_BTN (knob press) = var "sample_shift"? sampler play_stop : effect active

FX_SELECT (knob) = var "sample_shift"? sampler select : effect select

FX_PARAM_1 = var "sample_shift"? sampler volume : param_multiply 1% & effect slider 1"

FX_PARAM_2 = var "sample_shift"? sampler volume : param_multiply 1% & effect slider 2"

what this will do is:

when the effect button is pressed, it will allow the selection knob to be used to select samples instead of effects. when you do this, the button lights up and the parameter controls both become volume controls for the sampler.

when the effect button is not pressed (unlit) you can select effects as normal and the parameters will work as normal.

when you press the FX SELECT BUTON, it will activate the currently seleted effect or sample.

there is also an add-on for the sampler that allows you to store i think 16 banks of samples, this i plan to map into use soon... i also was thinking about using the now spare (in my case) pitch bend buttons to record samples and swap between sample banks with the add-on (if possible)

hope this answers your question, john.

You will need to purchase the full VirtualDJ Professional to be able to use MixTrack Pro, DJ2GO or any other MIDI controllers. Home FREE only allows controllers to be tried out for 10 minutes at a time.

If you like VirtualDJ, please support the software and its future development by purchasing it: http://www.virtualdj.com/buy/index.html

If you have already purchased, please register your Pro serial number on the page http://www.virtualdj.com/users/edit.html and download the latest version from the Dowload Center: http://www.virtualdj.com/download/updates.html

ooh, didnt realise he was an NLU.. kinda feel i wasted my time now

hmmm..no..in a week ill buy that dj2go and than ill upgrade it...because i can have a discount
temporary i mix on a friends software

cool that akes me feel somewhat usefull again,you would be surprised as to how many NLU's run cracked software and then make the move to buying the software it is always has and all ways will be, common pratice to point out to NLU's who are asking pro full version questions yet are un licensed, that they should buy the software and support the development.


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