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Topic: Freeframe plugins - evening school for DJ's - Page: 1

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FreeFrame 1.0 effects are totally compatible with VDJ (well, a few of them aren't, but we'll ignore them anyway) and a big bunch of you are using them in regular basis, even if you don't know anything about them. I know some more, but it's totally not important, as long as it works as it should. Programming those plugins is a bit complicated and you should need some coding skills, but there are always some softwares to help you. It's not smart to write about other softwares in here, I learned it in a hard way, so I won't talk about it. My goal is to learn some of you to make your own plugins and share them with others, so you can leave SBDJ to do his stuff and don't make him nervous and jumpy every time I write something on this forum. If mods aprove, I could name that software (it's freeware) and with a bit of explanations, some of you would make plugins.

Here's a picture of my UpScroll plugin, made in couple minutes (so it looks like, I know ;-)


What it does is simple: scrolls up text from *.txt file I've made previously. User can change some font stuff, there were about 17 parameters, but I have no clue how to display them all, so I dumped them out. Just for fun, I was playing with SMS Server software, forcing it to save messages in txt file and this little scroller plugin was displaying them in VDJ screen. This is possible, but that SMS Server costs some money and you already have SMS solutions for VDJ and stuck with them. If someone want this plugin, please tell so I could upload it to VDJ. I'm not planning to post links for anything. Yeah, I learned...

geposted Fri 04 May 12 @ 5:40 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Ivan, nobody is stuck with anything whatever sms solution someone has choosen, so far they have two very good options on VDJ with a third not to far away by the sounds of things.

But like most people I'll test a software first then purchase it, I'm like a lot of people I buy for today and whatever comes in the future is a bonus, if I don't like it I put it back on the shelf and walk away.

geposted Fri 04 May 12 @ 7:11 pm
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011
As far as I'm concerned any instructions for creating plugins would be helpful.
Also may increase the level of interest for new programmers.

geposted Fri 04 May 12 @ 9:02 pm
Thanks for positive feedback, I'll try to make this as simple as possible. Here's a picture of text rototor plugin I've made in a couple minutes, too. Like the previous example, it's feeded from 10 lines text file I've made previously, so there's no live text input. It's posible to change text lines and save the text file, disable Rotext plugin, enable and disable other plugin, then again enable Rotext plugin and it will display changed text. I found it the only way to erase plugin's memory.


Fonts on the screen are wonderfuly antialiased, because it uses GDI+. Use of the processor is about 4%, but it raises when you add other plugin (e.g. Clipbank) in background.

Let's face it, you will not just drag and drop stuff and make a totally new plugins, you will drag and drop already existing 'copyleft' freeframe plugins and be able to edit it's behaviour and save it as a new plugin with options you've chosen. You will not be able to 'copyright' it, cause it's a open source. You will not be able to edit any of the copyrighted freeframe plugins, but there's a bunch of copylefted plugins, so this is not a really limitation. I'll need some time to make tutorial with pictures, so we could go on with this. You can comment what kind of plugins you can use, so I could stick with it.

geposted Sat 05 May 12 @ 4:20 am
So, let's start. The application I've been talking about is FFREnd http://ffrend.sourceforge.net/

In short, FFRend (Freeframe Renderer) is a renderer for Freeframe plugins. It allows you to chain any number of plugins together and automate their parameters using oscillators. Most VJ softwares support Freeframe. FFRend supports plugin authoring, which means you can export a FFRend project as a Freeframe plugin. The exported plugin is called a metaplugin, because it uses other plugins as components. A metaplugin can be used in any Freeframe-compatible host application.
FFRend is free, open-source software for Windows XP/Vista/Win7. It includes comprehensive help, an installer, and a simple demo project.

FFrend application installer download here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffrend/files/ffrend/ffrend-2.2.03/ffrend-

FFrend freeframe plugins for loading into the application and developing your own plugins download here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffrend/files/ckffplugs/ckffplugs-1.0.13/ckffplugs-1.0.13-bin.zip/download

Creating your first Text Scroller plugin

After installing application and unpacking plugins, start the application and drop TextGenAA.dll from it's folder into the application's work area. There's nothing on the video screen, cause you must make a folder TextGen in Documents folder (yes, there's VDJ folder, too). Create a plain text document with a few lines of some text, call it playlist.txt and save it in TextGen folder. Now your plugin have a source of text to read from and it will look like this in FFRend:


You can move the sliders of 17 options your plugin can handle:
Document - if there are more text files in TextGen folder, this control (changes) them
Line - if there are more lines of text in your text file, this control (changes) them
Font - changes the font your plugin's using
Font size - changes the font's size your plugin's using
etc. etc.

So, if you're planning to have 4 lines of text, for Line: set the Waveform to Ramp up, and Freq to 0.04. Now your plugin will change the text automatically.

If you want to force it to scroll, in Pos Y: set the Waveform to Ramp down, and Freq to 0.04 or whatever speed you would like. Now it's moving! For this setup check my next picture:


Now the main part: to export your first plugin. First, you have to choose what controls your plugin will have in VirtualDJ (only 7 will fit into the plugin's area). E.G. right click on Line: > Metaparam > Parameter and this control will pass to Metaparam area bellow. So this control will be in your final plugin, like the others you choose and pass down to Metaparam area.


Now click File > Metaplugin > Export. Give a name to your plugin and save it in Documents/VirtualDJ/Plugins/VideoEffect folder. So you've made yourself a text scroller plugin. You can save your project, so you can open it later and fix if you messed something. Close the FFRend and open VirtualDJ. Find your masterpiece and enable it. Play around with the controls to see if everything's OK. Here's mine ;-)


I wouldn't like for this to became a one man show (Tayla's own words ;-)) like my Flash thread before, so if there wouldn't be any reactions, I will not continue.

geposted Sat 05 May 12 @ 2:07 pm
Make your Text ticker plugin (left-right scroller)

Drop TextGen.dll to FFRend surface and only make this change for Pos X:
Waveform: Ramp down Freq: 0.04 or whatever speed you like

Don't forget to add Pos Y control to plugin controls, so you can move your scroller in various positions, up or down
Export to metaplugin, give it a name and don't forget to tick a 'Embed plugin' option (it's important).
Here's the picture: http://i45.tinypic.com/30cmw0n.jpg

geposted Sat 05 May 12 @ 4:42 pm
Create a simple Picture Rotator plugin

In My documents area make a folder and name it PlayerFF. Copy a few pictures from your Pictures folders and paste them into this PlayerFF folder. Start FFRend and drop on it a PlayerFF.dll from plugins folder. To make pictures rotate, make changes for 'Clip' slot:
Waveform: Ramp down Freq: 0.04 (or whatever speed you'd like)
There's no need for passing controls for this plugin, so just go to File > Metaplugin > Export, give it a name and save your new photo rotator plugin. Close FFrend, start VDJ and enable your new masterpiece plugin ;-)
You'll get this:

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 11:16 am
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Finally had some time to play :)

"you must make a folder TextGen in Documents folder (yes, there's VDJ folder, too). Create a plain text document with a few lines of some text, call it playlist.txt and save it in TextGen folder. "

FFRend doesn't seem to find this folder & text. How does FFRend know where this folder is?

Also the plug-in controls aren't showing in VDJ.



geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 11:21 am
Maybe you started FFRend before making this folder and text file or it's just my broken English ;-). Just go to 'My documents' > New folder > name it TextGen (not textgen or TEXTGEN) > open Notepad to write a few lines of text and save it as playlist.text in 'TextGen' folder. Now start FFRend, drop in the TextGenAA.dll and you'll see a 17 slots. Make things like I described previously and if you want to pass controls to see them in VDJ, follow this:
There should be a window for Metaparam between TextGen Parameter window and that little screen on the bottom. If you can't see it, go to View > and click on Metaparams to enable it. So this is the area where you will pass controls for plugin. To pass the controls, right-click on slot e.g. 'Line:' > then go Metaparam > and click on Parameter. Now this slot will pass down to Metaparam window and it will be diplayed in VDJ plugin area. You can pass 7 controls, cause VDJ plugin area won't display more of it. Also, when you're saving your plugin, don't forget to tick a 'Embed plugin' option, it's very important. I know how you feel right now, been through it, but believe me, when you make 1st one, the rest is easy.

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 11:58 am
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Followed directions to the letter and still same problems - not seeing text and no controls in VDJ.
The picture rotator works but also no controls in VDJ.

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 12:52 pm
My bad, playlist.txt is used for linking text files from other folder, I've been using this to display SMS messages. This lection will maybe follow later. Just rename it to text.txt or any other name, e.g. sometext.txt. For the other issues, see this picture:


geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 1:21 pm
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Text.txt fixed. :)

I have been putting the parameters down below in the Metaparam box and then export but something is preventing them from saving or appearing in VDJ.

Yes, I (and many others I'm sure) would like to see how to get this working with SMS. I found one SMS server that is FREE but doesn't output to a text file yet.(Just to a URL for now) They say next update. And another that does output to a text file and is $60.

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 1:51 pm
My bad, again. DO NOT TICK ON EMBED PLUGIN when you're exporting it. The developer strictly said in help that it should be ticked and it confused me. Don't tick on it and the controls will be displayed in VDJ. It seems that I've forgot to tick on it all the time and controls were always in my plugins. It's my old theory, don't RTFM if you don't have to. Here's picture:
And yes, I'm using that $60 SMS Server. You can try it's demo, but demo will not give you the option to save messages to text. Another issue, it erases all messages from the phone's memory, just like iWall in the past. Scary...

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 2:59 pm
Simple Text Rotator plugin

Line: Waveform: Ramp up Freq: 0.04
Rotation: Waveform Ramp down Freq: 0.04
Pass down controls you could use in VDJ (Font, Font size, Pos X, Pos Y, Red, Green, Blue)
Export it, name it and don't tick on EMBED Plugin when saving ;-)
You can use this plugin for rotating your text, even your text logo in the corner of the screen.

It's important to say that these plugins are just basic freeframe stuff, lightweight but good working. You can't compare them with VDJ's developers official plugins, 'cause those are hardly coded plugins with much more options and designed much more better than our little freeframe orphans. But if you feel inspired, get on it.

geposted Sun 06 May 12 @ 3:47 pm
Horizontal text scroller with scrolling speed control

Line: Waveform: Ramp up Freq: 0.04
To pass speed control to VDJ: Right click on slot
Pos X > Metaparam > Mod Frequency
Than pass other controls you would like to have in your plugin (Pos Y, Font, Font size, Red, Green, Blue, etc.). Export, name, save, enjoy...


geposted Mon 07 May 12 @ 4:51 am
I've been thinking about merging two plugins together and getting something new. So I could use PlayerFF.dll and PetePanSpinZoom.dll from
and create a Picture rotator with KenBurns effect. In fact, PlayerFF.dll will rotate pictures and PetePanSpinZoom.dll will add an effect of zooming. Yeah, and it works. So drop into the FFRend these plugins and follow these options:

slot 'Clip' : Freq 0.02

slot 'Scale' : Freq 0.02

You can adjust plugin's behaviour by rightclicking into the Slider area, just to control zooming amount.
Export, save and enable in VDJ. Ther you go: http://i49.tinypic.com/c4950.jpg


geposted Tue 08 May 12 @ 7:14 am
I just feel so bad spreading these things to users of 'paying' software. Consider this as a temporary weakness. Bye...

geposted Tue 08 May 12 @ 12:31 pm
Create a simple Video Changer plugin
In 'My documents' area make a folder and name it PlayerFF. Copy a few visual videos and paste them into this PlayerFF folder. Start FFRend and drop on it a PlayerFF.dll from plugins folder. To make videos change, do this for 'Clip' slot:
Waveform: Ramp down Freq: 0.02 (or whatever speed you'd like)
There's no need for passing controls for this plugin, so just go to File > Metaplugin > Export, give it a name and save your new video changer plugin. Close FFrend, start VDJ and enable your new masterpiece plugin ;-)
You'll get this: http://i46.tinypic.com/34q8nl1.jpg

Guys, is this complicated, did anyone made anything of it? I'm just curious...

geposted Mon 21 May 12 @ 10:10 am
I've just recently got my internet turned on and I haven't downloaded anything yet but I've been waiting for someone to explain this stuff so I'm gonna be all over this thread starting tonight!! From what I've read so far I think this seems pretty easy ;-)

Don't give up on us yet

geposted Mon 21 May 12 @ 12:21 pm
Hey dude, nice to see you again :-) Welcome onboard, I hope you'll find something more about this stuff. I did some research and it's working really cool, but be carefull when making plugins related to video stuff. Although it works in FFRend, some video formats can crash VDJ with no obvious reason. I'm searching about it, I'll post here whatever I find. If someone knows what could be the reason, please tell. So, for now stick with text and photo plugins, leave the video stuff for later. And remember, when creating text effect plugin with some other freeframe effect, always first load effect dll (let's say: PetePanSpinZoom.dll) and then text effect dll (TextGenAA.dll) into the FFRend.

geposted Mon 21 May 12 @ 4:06 pm