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Topic: 8thWonder/Videotoolz - Page: 7

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I hear an audio glitch at 2:19 elapsed. Same location for you? Yea, you get what you pay for...


Whats up Guys and Girls..
Still working on the site,looking good,I see most of you are using the
site right now,giving us feedback…
We should be out of Beta in the next few weeks,as you see the site start
running better,features being added
etc…I am still sending the files below,but they should also be on the site
as well..This could not be over any faster,
We learned our lesson this time around,and we have developers on hand from
here on in,this time we where promised
something and where left in the dark for months,BUT we always sent out our
weekly files,
may not of been ideal but we still kept over 5000 members going even when
the site was down,and we thank
you for staying with us,and promise it will be worth it once the site is
in full force and out of beta testing….

If you have any questions please use the contact form or the new email
address's found
on the site as you will get a much faster response using those than using
the old email address's…



This has to be the biggest hoax I've ever experienced!!

I love how ever week they keep saying how you're gonna hear from the new CEO next week, and so on. So glad I cancelled that BS. They are nothing but crooks that are stealing peoples money. I hope they get shut down for good and someone reports them to the BBB.

Update and response, I received the below email from Video Tools. I will advise when I hear more

Special deal for old 8thwonder members....

Hey DJ's,

I would like to introduce you to the new C.E.O. of Videotoolz 2.0. He goes
by VDJMiC and he will be handling all operations from here on out.He was
always in charge of videotoolz for 8thwonder and now he is in full
control. He has a special promo for you old members of 8thwonder. The new
site is up and the membership is $15.99. He would like to give you guys an
opportunity to get on board for $9.99! This promotion will only be
available for 7 days. Once the 7 days has pass he will no longer offer
this promotion and you will have to join at the standard rate.

My response

Hello Cindy, I am glad to hear things are getting better for 8th wonder but I have a few questions. Is the downloader fully functional with no issues? What has been done to prevent the issues with the downloader from happening again? The support, responses and customer service was not there when all of these issues were happening. I went almost a year of paying you and not downloading one video. I sent numerous mails asking for updates and never received a response. You sent out email updates with false information saying things would be fixed soon and that didn't happen. I would like to be a customer again but only if you are fully functional and give the support needed.

Got the same e-mail... I like the fact that the CEO goes by the name of VDJMiC - How professional!

After keeping up to date with this thread, you can guess what I am going to do with their 7 day $9.99 coupon offer...

Which also doesn't state how long I'd be paying $9.99 for or whether it's a one of lifetime membership fee ;-)



What a hot load of ISH! And still no videos _uploaded_ to the site since Dec 6. No password. No preview. No downloader. Full of FAIL. Been a "member" since Aug 2009, cencelling today.

Why cant they label the links!!!! It drive me nuts downloading 1 songs a time to find out most of them suck.


Look, I'm certainly no fan boy of their methods and excuses, but I emailed them complaining and I got a reply. They said the new site was up and it's a new login, downloads just like the previous site. I signed up for my old rate of$9.99 monthly. I must have missed an email where they announced it was actually live. Anyways I took a gamble and signed up, its very much like it was before. So I'm going to see how things go...

Is the downloader worker?

The downloader does not work yet as far as I know. They are uploading content every couple of days. But what surprises me is that this site looks almost identical to the old one. Which leads me wondering what took so damn long?!? And things like "video tools" genre are empty. But again for $10 a month I can't complain. I'm getting what I'm paying for. I still seek a better replacement.

never got the new signup email. We only have 7 days to respond when we were promised time and time again that the ones who stuck it out would be happy. Very unprofessional load of crap. Well off to do another shot...CHEERS!!!!

So as one of the ones who stuck it out, my reward is to keep paying the same amount as I was before? Happy? Get stuffed, 8th Wonder. Cancelling today.

New one:
We are finally ready to get everyone over to the new site.While it is still
in beta and a few functions are not ready quite yet (but will be any day)
we would still like to get everyone over,but to do so we have to do a few
simple things....
Because it is now owned and operated by VDJMIC (Big Mike) we need to
get you canceled and rejoined on the new site. He was behind the scenes
for the last 3 or so years and actually started Videotoolz around that
time,that is why you saw the videotoolz logo on 8thwonder for the last few
years..Good news is almost the whole 8thwonder team is behind videotoolz2.0
including myself Cindy,and my new email is now Cindy@videotoolz20.com.
First step is to go to http://www.8thwondercdpool.com and log in.Than
go to the contact page and click the link to cancel.Once you do this it
will open up a page with your membership info,and on the right hand
side,under useful links you should see your payment history,under this you
should see a cancel link under the word product,or right around this
area.Make sure you cancel complete,and if you pay with paypal you can also
go to paypal.com to cancel.Just go to paypal find your subscription and
After this you have to go to http://www.videotoolz20.com/app
Please use this code to get our low price of only $9.99 a month (code
will only work once please do not share) Coupon Code: B6F7648B (code only
good for 7 days)
Some may say I just paid a few days ago for my monthly service,you can do
2 things...Email us and tell us to add the time on the new site (please
use videotoolz.20@gmail.com let us know what day you paid) or a set of
bathroom breaks (15-20 min video mixes,total 4 mixes valued at $20) Again
please use email videotoolz.20@gmail.com to let us know of your
decision.Please keep in mind there may be a lot of members emailing us
about this,and we will take care of it as we get to your email (breaks
will be emailed in a few weeks,if time is picked it will also be added
asap but we ask to give us at least 4 weeks to get to everyone).All you
have to do is leave us one detailed email and as we get to you we will
erase your email so we know who we reached and who is still waiting.

Other options if we owe you time would be video drops at least 50% off,and
we would let you buy up to 5 so that would be your time to rack up on video
drops and paying wholesale for all 5. Again we will do what ever we have
to,to make you feel at home like you once did....we have almost the whole
team from 8thwonder,including the same editors and some new ones...We have
have at least 3 new editors and at least 2 new genres (Latin,old school
from the 60's,70's and early 80's and a few others) we also have myself
(Cindy) Steve, Damian and Mike from 8thwonder,we also have a few new faces
I will introduce in the next few weeks once all the dust settles

Again please use my new email cindy@videotoolz20.com My old email is not
on our server and with all the work being done over at 8thwonder I feel
like I do not get all my emails,or they are not forwarding them on time or
correct so please use this one from now on.

SO to sum up this long and boring email,NOW is the time to cancel the old
site (8thwonder) and rejoin the new one (We explain why above) Also if you
made payment not long ago and feel like we owe you time,please email us at
videotoolz.20@gmail.com and let us know what day you paid so we know how
much time to add if you choose this (yes we will check),again this can
take up to 4 weeks all depending on how many members we owe time to...You
could also choose getting video bathroom breaks instead of your time,or a
discount on personal video drops all explained above as well...Site still
in beta but everything is literally days away from being finished..we now
have 3 coders/designers on the payroll 2 of them just working with us so
we should never have the same issues we had over the summer..

My new email address (Cindy) is Cindy@videotoolz20.com and you can find
everyone else's on the site,and the site is
not the other site we where just using for the last few weeks,that was
just because a few members asked to not get files in there emails anymore
so we made up that temp site...That should be down in a few days....

ALSO yes all the back videos from the last 8-9 months will be uploaded and
if the downloader is not up yet it will be right after the new year..Sorry
for the long email but if you do not understand something please feel free
to hit me at my new email found above in a few places.....Thanks members
for sticking with me,while I did receive some hate mail (not much but a
few) most of you understood what we where doing,I always treated everyone
like family,gave free time to members who where going through hard times
and so much more..I never treated anyone as a number,BUT this summer was
out of everyones control,something that was in contract to take 3 to 4
weeks,well you know how long it was,than we had to find a new developers
and no one likes to work behind someone else's work so we almost had to
start from scratch...BUT if you feel I did not come through for you over
the summer I want you to email me (give me a few weeks to get everything
working and get everyone on the new site) and I promise I will make what
ever was not perfect ,perfect you have my word like you had for the last 5
years or so...

if you join at a higher rate,we can not change it you would have to cancel
and rejoin so please use the code so you can pay $9.99 a month. Coupon good
for 7 days and 1 membership. Just need to go to
http://www.videotoolz20.com/app than the join page and put in your
code,don't forget to cancel your old membership as well..

Just incase you missed our free new years videos,use the link below


I got a email that the new site is up and running and must say, it works pretty well, even better that the down loader works :)

I wasn't going to sign back up, but I decided to give a second chance.

DJJaE wrote :
I got a email that the new site is up and running and must say, it works pretty well, even better that the down loader works :)

I wasn't going to sign back up, but I decided to give a second chance.

Yea not bad at all. The downloader always lock up on me after a few DL's. I haven't had any issues DL'n directly from the site. The music/video selection isn't bad either.

I've been on the new site for a couple of weeks now. Not bad but I really don't see any major difference from the last site...just a new face.

The downloader still does the same b.s it did before...crashes if I highlight too many songs. I want to be able to highlight a few hundred songs and walk away.
However, to be fair, the machine I surf with is pretty old and still on XP. Maybe win7 & 8 users are having a different result.

Another thing is that I get better performance with this site when I use Google Chrome as opposed to Firefox.

My real beef with these guys other than the year of torture I endured with those emails is the inconsistent video quality.
There are videos even now where one artist is singing/rapping and another artist is on screen with his lips COMPLETELY out of sync.
To be precise...go to the site and download E-40 ft Too Short & Tyga - Slide Through.
Too Short is rapping on screen during Tyga's verse.

This is one of the main reasons we pay for professional video edits - so we don't look like clowns in-front of our clients because the video is out of sync. I understand there might be a bad edit that will slip through the cracks every now and again but there seems to be no quality control going on over there what-so-ever. I get the impression they receive a bunch of edits and just post everything that comes down the pipeline.

I've had countless bootlegs with TV network logos and record label logos on the screen. This means the editors are really not going through the correct channels when acquiring this material. Those type of blunders are in-excusable I.M.O. Not to mention illegal on many counts as you've not only illegally tampered with the video with authorization, but you've gone ahead and pirated the damn thing off your satellite feed or internet. If I had the time I could do that myself and wind up in prison or heavily fined but by my own hand. I'm performing this in public you know, for a fee. The material should be legal somewhat.

As much as I really want to I won't finger the guilty editors. If you happen to come across this thread you will know who you are. Have some pride when you boldly stamp your name on somebody elses material please.

I decided not to sign back up. I was still paying, but did not go through the hassle of trying to download from those emails. So I got through without them for a long time. I can always sign up if they get their act together. They should offer us a really, really, big discount for all the BS they were throwing around, for so long.

Anyone here who else unsubscribed there newsletter and still receive it?
It did that 2 times now an still get that thing -_-

