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Topic: CueMacro - Page: 1

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I've just uploaded a BETA version of my CueMacro plugin. As discussed in preview videos of v8 we already have Macro points, but I had someone I wanted to help out who needed this functionality for NYE.

So what does it do? It let's you tie VDJScript commands to cue points by naming the cue point:

Cue 6 `loop 4`
Cue 4 `video_fx_select 'clipbank' & video_fx`
My cue `deck 2 play`

As you can see the command is enclosed inside ` `. This means you can trigger a clipbank video at a specified time for example, or start another deck playing.

By default this plugin monitors the active deck for 99 cue points. Watching 99 points can be a bit of a time hog, so the cue point upper limit is adjustable.

Because monitoring multiple decks simultaneously for cue points is even more of a time hog, you can copy/rename the plugin to run on a specific deck.

CueMacro.dll = Active Deck
CueMacro1.dll = Deck 1
CueMacro99.dll = Deck 99

Obviously with multiple copies you can monitor multiple decks:


With both activated this would monitor decks 1 and 2.

This is all a bit of a back to get it to work, but hopefully it will keep a few of you happy for now :)


geposted Thu 27 Dec 12 @ 6:29 pm
Oh man this just got serious!!

Cheers Scott...

Gonna have a play now ;-)


Think I am missing something...

Where do I define the scripts?



in the cue name... just right click the cue in the songpos window or map "cue_name #" and a popup box will appear for the # of hot cue you wish to name. If you want to set the cue name in script you can do it aswell eg.

cue_name 1 "do some stuff"

if you want something fun like activate an effect for 4 bars everytime you play the song use something like

set_cue 51 & cue_name 51 "effect 'beatgrid' active on" & goto +4 & set_cue 52 & cue_name "effect 'beatgrid' active off" & goto -4

That's not tested so hopefully it works as it should... It basically sets the effect activation cue, jumps forward 4 beats and sets the effect deactivation cue then jumps back to where the cue was set and continues playing. If it misses out on the effect activation by a few milliseconds add " & goto -10ms" to the end of it

LOL at below.. That's the first homer face i've seen ;-)

Doh (_8(|)

Make sure you use ` not " though :-)

do you need to escape the effect names apostrophe if both are using a single qoute? eg

cue_name 51 'effect \'beatgrid\' active on'

This is where I am getting stuck...

I'm trying to load a specific Clipbank video but I think mine is more of a scripting issue...

So I'm starting with something basic:

Cue 7 'effect "Flanger" active on'

Works from the keyboard so I have tested the script works, but the plugin will not trigger it.

I have Cue Limit set to 20 and it is activated.



found it I think.. use the backwards single qoute `stuff here` it's under the escape [ESC] key eg

cue_name 7 `effect 'flanger' active on`

Ok,Ok.... ;-)

But it works... And it's awesome!!!!

Have now programmed the following: Cue 7 `video_fx_select 'Clipbank' & video_fx_button 1`

This will load the video in position 1 of the clipbank.

Next test... I'm gonna create 10 countdown videos one for each number (as the NYE mix I use has approx 4 seconds between each number in the countdown) and have a cue point for each clip.

Conscious that this will use 10 out of my 12 clipbank spots, so am also going to experiment with loading the video in to a single clipbank spot (assume you can do this)

As I can trigger the cue point anywhere, I could use a few milliseconds to make sure the video loads at the right time.

Will post a youtube video when done...




Sussed it - even easier. Have copied Clipbank.dll to "Clipbank Countdown.dll" and will load all 10 videos in to that clipbank and trigger from there...



The reason I chose backticks was so there was no confusion with ' and " within commands. It's also the format used by unix and the VDJScript get text.

This is so DOPE!! Haven't ran into any problems yet.........

Got a few more things I want to try... Also want to map the plugin to a key so that I can turn it on or off as and when desired...

This is the most fun I've had with VDJ in a long time ;-)


So as an example of where you could get caught out:

Let's say you wanted the track to get to specific point and then go in to a continuous 4 beat loop for a mix/transition. My first thought was to create the following cue macro:

Cue 4 `loop 4`

The problem with this is that when it jumps back it re-reads the macro and any call of loop when a loop is active will result in the loop being cancelled.

I tried adding other commands to the end to try and keep the loop active, I even thought about using an if (?) with a toggle so that loop only gets called the first time.

However the solution was far simpler than that and I can see me using this time and time again when I need to have accurate looping for extended mixes/transitions. The macro is simply:

Cue 4 `goto -4`

Every time the cue point is hit it will jump back 4 beats. Simples ;-)

Another example use of this could be to jump over a spoken part of a video. Using an exact goto +XXms means you could seamlessly jump the spoken part of a video - without having to edit the video.

Hope this helps...


Found an issue... But not with CueMacro...

I have been programming a new year count down with a clip bank video every time the voice on the track says a number.

However while I can get VDJ to save more than 10 cue points, I can't get the waveform to display more than 10 cue points and therefore cannot rename them to add the macro.

The only option I had was to edit the cue point directly in the database... Not something I would recommend!



You can use the cue_name command too....

cue_name - this pops up a window for the name of the currently selected cue point
cue_name 2 - this pops up a window for the name of cue point 2
cue_name 2 "Cue 2 `goto -4`" - this will set the name for cue 2 for Cue 2 `goto -4`

Thanks Scott... Will keep that in mind ;-)



following on from the post in the VIP forum you could do something like this... the idea is that it should set up a cue with the name of the effect you are using so scott's plugin can repeat your action on any future plays. this is for 4 effects just to show you the way it is structured but you can extend it as far as you like just add a ':' to the end and repeat the script. It only has basic functionality of saving one effect action but basically it will

  • query the selected effect's name
  • if the effect is on it will set the effect off cue with the relevant name and stop the effect
  • if the effect is not on it will set cue 50 as the starting point and save the cue name so the effect will fire next time

If all goes to plan you shouldn't know it is working as it's just one button that you would use to activate the effect anyway.

effect select 'cut' ? effect 'cut' active on ? set_cue 51 & cue_name 51 "cue 51 `effect 'cut' active off`" & effect 'cut' active off : set_cue 50 & cue_name 50 "cue 50 `effect 'cut' active on`" & effect 'cut' active on : effect select 'flanjet' ? effect 'flanjet' active on ? set_cue 51 & cue_name 51 "cue 51 `effect 'flanjet' active off`" & effect 'flanjet' active off : set_cue 50 & cue_name 50 "cue 50 `effect 'flanjet' active on`" & effect 'flanjet' active on : effect select 'ramp_delay' ? effect 'ramp_delay' active on ? set_cue 51 & cue_name 51 "cue 51 `effect 'ramp_delay' active off`" & effect 'ramp_delay' active off : set_cue 50 & cue_name 50 "cue 50 `effect 'ramp_delay' active on`" & effect 'ramp_delay' active on : effect select 'crusher' ? effect 'crusher' active on ? set_cue 51 & cue_name 51 "cue 51 `effect 'crusher' active off`" & effect 'crusher' active off : set_cue 50 & cue_name 50 "cue 50 `effect 'crusher' active on`" & effect 'crusher' active on

if you wanted to you could even modify the LED of the button to flash if cue 50 & 51 exist so you know that you have a pre saved effect. that is just.

hot_cue 50 ? hot_cue 51 ? effect active ? blink 333ms : blink 500ms : effect active : effect active

"I actually tested this one and it works well... Great plugin Scott"
