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Topic: Help my virtual dj v6 database wont load up in my new virtual dj v7 ?

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I recently installed virtual dj 7 and uninstalled my old virtual dj 6. But I kept the database of the version 6. And I tried renaming it to v7. But it would'nt work in the v7 :( , and now I downloaded the version 6 back and it wont work on that one neither, not even by renaming it (Right clicking and rename). I really need that database because that's how I know where my music is at and I renamed almost all of my music in that database. I mean I still have the xml file of the database, but I dont' know how to make it work again. Because when I open either v7 or v6 it shows all my music as unplayed and with the original name like track1, track2 etc. And it creates a new xml database file in my documents virtual dj folder. It wont read my old one :( , Please help me if you know a solution :(

geposted Wed 30 Jan 13 @ 11:27 pm
chris1920 wrote :
I recently installed virtual dj 7 and uninstalled my old virtual dj 6. But I kept the database of the version 6. And I tried renaming it to v7. But it would'nt work in the v7 :(

There's no "V7" XML database. Latest version of the database is still V6
chris1920 wrote :
now I downloaded the version 6 back and it wont work on that one neither, not even by renaming it (Right clicking and rename). I really need that database because that's how I know where my music is at and I renamed almost all of my music in that database.
Because when I open either v7 or v6 it shows all my music as unplayed and with the original name like track1, track2 etc.

Since you RENAMED the files VirtualDJ can't find them... That's why it shows track1, track2, etc
chris1920 wrote :
And it creates a new xml database file in my documents virtual dj folder. It wont read my old one :( , Please help me if you know a solution :(

I assume that your files are on a different drive than C:\, right?
In any case, VirtualDJ ALWAYS creates a DB file inside the "VirtualDJ" directory. Chances are that you never noticed this before, but the file was always there.
Also VirtualDJ will create database files on the root of every drive with media files.
These two different databases have similar but different names:

The first is named "VirtualDj Database v6.XML" and the second is named "VirtualDj Local Database v6.XML"

geposted Thu 31 Jan 13 @ 1:08 am

geposted Thu 31 Jan 13 @ 5:29 am
To dj phantom , everything you said was EXACTLY true. It creates a new database even tho the old file is still there, and my music is on the D drive , I recently put it there, but I open the xml file and it shows every song is moved too to the D drive. So I don't know ?

geposted Fri 01 Feb 13 @ 6:03 pm
So is it like possible to get the database back ? :/

geposted Sun 03 Feb 13 @ 7:24 pm
I don't think so, once its gone its gone. ALWAYS make a backup of yout database.

geposted Sun 03 Feb 13 @ 7:27 pm
I did make a backup one, I have it on my external usb drive of the xml database.

geposted Sun 03 Feb 13 @ 8:04 pm
Your problem is that you MOVED your tracks from their original location rendering the database information useless.

Your backup database has links for the OLD location of the files. VirtualDJ CAN'T track the music you moved automatically.

There might be a solution for your case but I need you to tell us the following:

1) What's the EXACT filename of your backup XML file?
2) From which location on your system you copied it (where was it in first place) ?
3) Where was your music files before you move them?
4) Where are your music files now?
5) Do these 2 locations have the same directory structure?


geposted Mon 04 Feb 13 @ 11:46 am
The exact name is VirtualDJ Local Database v6.xml
My music was first placed in C drive, now I moved my music folder to the D drive.

geposted Mon 04 Feb 13 @ 4:06 pm
And I moved it because on the C drive was full with memory.
And when I open that xml file with notepad all the songs show up in the D drive as their header filepath

geposted Mon 04 Feb 13 @ 4:10 pm
You don't want to make things easier for us to help you, do you ? :P
I would rather prefer answering me with 1,2,3,4,5 like I've asked you (I had my reasons) but anyway, here we go:

A) System before reconstruction
Music was on the C:\ drive. Let's assume it was on C:\Users\YourUserName\Music folder
The file you should keep backup was "VirtualDJ Database V6.XML" and it was located inside C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\VirtualDJ folder.
If you HAVE THIS file (not ANY other file) we can keep on. If you don't then there's no point to move on...
Notice that I said that the file you should have kept does NOT have the word "LOCAL" on it's filename!

B) System after reconstruction
Music is on the D:\ drive. Let's assume it's now on the D:\Music folder. We'll also assume that besides moving your music collection to the new location you DIDN'T made any other changes on the directory structure.

1. Go to the D:\ drive and delete the file "VirtualDJ Local Database V6.XML" from the root of the drive
2. Copy the "VirtualDJ Database V6.XML" file you have kept backup on the root of the D:\ drive
3. Rename the file to "VirtualDJ Local Database V6.XML"
4. Open the file with Notepad (or even better with a more advanced text editor like Notepad++ (free))
5. Press "CTRL+H" on your keyboard to bring up the "Search and Replace" window
6. On the "Search" field type the directory your music collection was before the reconstruction (According to our assumptions C:\Users\YourUserName\Music\)
Please notice that we used the forward slash on the end of the string. Be sure to use it too!
7. On the "Replace" field type the directory your music is located now (According to our assumptions D:\Music\)
Please notice that we used the forward slash on the end of the string. Be sure to use it too!
8. Press the Replace button and let notepad to do it's work. For notepad it might take some time to complete the task especially if your database is big enough.
9. When the replace completes save the file.
10. Open VirtualDJ.
11. If your LE version allows you to do so open Config, go to the Browser tab and select the "D" drive from the drop down menu.
12. Hit Check-Clean-Fix buttons one at the time and allow them some time to complete their task
13. Close Config
14. Try to see if your info is present.
15. Done!

PS: I can't help you more than that. If you need more help you MUST answer with every possible detail all the questions I've asked you on my previous post.

geposted Tue 05 Feb 13 @ 2:05 am
It said cannot find the folder. When I tried to replace it. Its probably because I deleted the folder like my music folder on my C Drive after transferring it to the D Drive. I only have 3 folders with music on them. Christian Remixes which was on the desktop. My downloads folder. Which was C:/users/christian/downloads/ And my Documents folder I have a little bit of music in there. And when I searched C:\ . That's the only thing that came up on the notepad. And that folder I still have it on the C:\ Drive

1. The exact name is VirtualDJ Local Database v6.xml
2. The xml file was before in my C:/users/Christian/documents/virtualdj/
3. They were on C:/christian remixes/ , C:\users/christian/downloads/ , C:\users/christian/music/
4. Now they are on D:\downloads/ , D:/christian remixes/ , D:\music\
5. And im guessing yes ? but I don't know exactly what you mean.

geposted Tue 05 Feb 13 @ 12:06 pm
Oops sorry all those slashes I ment to put them "\" like that. Lol sorry too much slashes got me confused.

geposted Tue 05 Feb 13 @ 12:09 pm
Phantom Dj you are a star was having the same problem virtual dj not saving my bpm's now its been sorted after following your easy and simple instructions.......

geposted Mon 25 Nov 13 @ 3:17 pm

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