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Topic: Need some help to get started - Page: 1

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Hi everyone,

My situation in short:
I am playing (/fooling) around with VDJ for some time now. I am not a prof. DJ, and I am not planning on becoming one someday soon. But I have been told at party's (local sportsclub) that I am able to 'feel' the crowds needs, like a DJ should. Now they're asking me to DJ at a party. As I don't have a lot of music (apart from the accasional download from iTunes) in my pocession I would like some tips and tricks from the experts ;)

2 questions:
------------------------------ 1 ------------------------------
I am planning on purchasing the full version of VDJ for these kind of 'gigs' (I'm doing it for free) and using my music that I have on my computer. These will do fine. But I was wondering if there's a possibility to use spotify (premium) from my Phone via Virtual DJ? So when there's a request, I can use my Phone/spotify inmediatly, without having to use windows media player or something like that.

------------------------------ 2 ------------------------------
VDJ is really cool. The one thing that I am having problems with, is that I only have my keyboard & mouse to use. This is a bit irritating as the computer is been put straight into the amp and my 2(, 4 or 6) channels on VDJ become just 1 channel. So if question 1 might be possible, can I use spotify or something like that as my channel 2 on VDJ?

Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope for some response :)

Again, I am quite the beginner when it comes to DJ-ing, so I haven't got a lot of know-how.


P.S. The party is for about 20-40 people, so the sound and stuff is pretty simple but it will do :)

geposted Tue 18 Jun 13 @ 12:42 pm
The answer to spotify is No, you can't use that through VDJ.
However VDJ does have this service you can read here...

Sounds like what you need first is a MIDI dj controller. That will allow you to control both decks without needing mouse and keyboard so much. You also be able to prelisten the next song you want to play. Some have good sound cards and will give you a better connection to you're amp.

Just make the Dj controller comes bundled with VDJ LE. Some offer a really nice discount to VDJ Pro.


geposted Tue 18 Jun 13 @ 1:36 pm

First of all, thank you for the tips!

However, your first link doesn't work. It says there is not yet an entry for that particular subject.

Second, lets say I will purchase a Hercules DJC Mk4. What is so limited about the LE? Or should I ask this in a different topic?
And maybe a silly question, but with the Hercules DJC Mk4, or any other mixer, I can plug in my Phone/cd-player etc?

It may seem silly to you guys, but it's really just about playing for 2 or 3 hours in front of a small group. It's not even close to semi-pro or anything like that.


geposted Tue 18 Jun 13 @ 2:15 pm
I would just like to add that I found that page you meant to sent me with that first link. Looks great! Raises some more questions though..

Is that unlimmited streaming music? Or is do you need to download some music first?

I really couldn't find the answer in the context. Sorry if it's in there. English is not my native language and even though I'm not bad at it, I sometimes overlook things in a longer tekst.


geposted Tue 18 Jun 13 @ 2:25 pm
Not a problem.

LE just means the mk4 will work as is right out of the box. With Pro version you would have full access to features, including custom mappings, plugins, effects etc etc. Yes the mk4 has inputs to plug in cd players/phones.

ContentUnlimited: For a small monthly fee you can cache music into VDJ. You can do that at home or at the venue if you have internet access. As long as you are subscribed you can play those songs to you're crowd on or offline. I believe it is unlimited but I'm not completely sure.

There's more information in the FAQ's but if you still have questions then don't hesitate to ask. There's always someone willing to help.


geposted Tue 18 Jun 13 @ 4:46 pm

Thanks, you've been really helpfull! Even though I am not planning on becoming (semi-)pro with DJing, I get instant help from you guys. Thanks for that!

And again, it may seem a bit silly to DJ trough my Phone, spotify or even downloaded music, but it's maybe for 3-6 times a year. And like I said, I am planning on not charging them, although I might ask a small fee so I can urn the investment back. Anyway, I am probably not going to have an internet connection on my laptop/computer when I am DJing at this place, that's why I asked about my Phone.

Again, thank you and I will definitly ask other questions, some silly, some even more silly ;)


geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 4:32 am
You can see a summary of the differences between VirtualDJ LE and the full Pro on our comparison page: http://www.virtualdj.com/products/comparison.html

LE can be upgraded to the full Pro at a discount (This depends on the which controller you are purchase and can be upto 50%)

With ContentUnlimited, you can pre-download content to your computer in advance at home - Please see: http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/ContentUnlimited%20Offline%20Use.html

You can also unsubscribe during periods when you don't need to use it and then resubscribe again in future. The minimum subscription length is 1 month. Please bear in mind that VirtualDJ v7.4 is required for the new karaoke and video plan options to work. Audio plan can be used in VirtualDJ v6.1 and later: http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/How%20do%20I%20use%20ContentUnlimited.html

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 5:13 am
Wow, thank you!
That post was really helpfull! One last question though:

If I purchase a controller (probably a cheaper one with VDJ LE), is it possible to use the controller to control the crossfader & play/pause/cue buttons in VDJ. So I can mix those two channels (in VDJ) with the controller? So that I can use just VDJ and still control the 2 channels with the controller instead of the mouse/keyboard?

Daniel said something like that in his post, but I would like a confirmation that I understand this correctly?

Thanks again!


geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 5:50 am
Yes, some controllers (usually the more basic ones) will literally just control the on-screen mixer because the knobs and buttons on the device do not have an audio signal passing through them (like a real mixer would). They just work by "remote controlling" the software.

The more advanced (and expensive) controllers may have an actual physical DJ mixer built in, and those will not control the on-screen mixer - but there is no need for them to do that, because they are a real mixer. The audio signals will leave VDJ on separate channels and be mxed by the hardware controller without needing the "virtual" mixer.

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 6:23 am
Thanks for your reply!

I feel like I should definitly get one of the more basic ones then. Will the Hercules Mk4, the one I mentioned above, do?


geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 6:28 am
I personally would not buy that one....

Have a look at the Reloop Beatmix.

Whichever one you decide on, make sure it comes with VDJ LE because you can get a discount on upgrading to VDJ full Pro.

I also think you should always charge something for your services, so that people take you seriously and value your service.

(you should ask a moderator to correct the spelling of your username!)

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 6:34 am
Make sure that the controller that you purchase includes a built-in DJ sound card so that you will be able to headphone pre-listen (Both the Hercules MK4 and Reloop BeatMix have built-in sound cards.)

A selection of other popular controllers can be found on our hardware page: http://www.virtualdj.com/products/hardware.html

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 7:15 am
Thank you for the replies.

However, I can't make a good choise in controllers. I don't want it to be too expensive. I am willing to spend some money, but seeing as I have to purchase VDJ aswell (and perhaps 1 or 2 content plans) it will become expensive quite quickly. The reason I don't charge for these kind of gigs, is that I am not a proffesional D.J.

I am finding it hard to beatmix. Most of the times I just use the crossfader to go from one song to another. When I do beatmix, I do it with songs I've memorized or have written down in Notepad, so I am certain that it 'fits'. So you see, if I do want to charge people, I want to be able to introduce myself as a pro, and have the skills to back me up. I had a party once with a 'pro' DJ, and he really failed i.m.o. and I don't want to be that guy ;)

If there are any tips for the controllers, I am open to anything. So far the tips are very good. The only thing I miss is a reason why I shouldn't buy the Hercules, if you know what I mean.

Many thanks again!

P.S. Can anyone from the supportteam correct my username? If so, thanks!

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 8:52 am
You should purchase the controller that you think will best meet your own requirements within your budget. If possible, go to local stores that have these items for sale so that you can see and try them hands-on to find out which one you like the feel of the most.

As above, purchasing a controller with its own built-in sound card is recommended so that you can headphone pre-listen to the next track that you are mixing in, otherwise you would need to use a two sound card setup (More complicated) or an external DJ sound card (E.g: Numark DJIO), which is additional wires and an additional USB port used on your computer.

As far as mixing goes, this is only something that can be learned and improved by practising, practising and practising some more. Record your sessions and then listen to them to see where you could improve. You don't need to beat match every track. It depends on the music that you are playing as well as the event. Sometimes a quick fade/slam mix is better, or perhaps a transitional effect such as a brake or backspin (Don't over do this!)

The most important part of being a DJ (Pro or not) is to play tracks that your audience like and can dance to. A DJ who can't beat mix but plays the right songs is a better DJ to the majority of the audience than one who beat mixes by ear perfectly every time but plays songs that nobody knows and/or likes. If you're not sure what music the crowd likes, encouraging people to make requests can help you get a better idea (You don't need to play them all, especially the ones that don't fit in with what you're playing, are unsuitable, won't be liked by the rest of the audience. etc.)

NOTE: Unfortunately it's not possible to change your username. Because you are currently an unlicensed user, simply create a new login account with correct name. You can optionally ask support to lock your old account if you wish: http://www.virtualdj.com/contact/index.html

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 10:33 am
Thank you all for your replies! You have been most helpfull! I will buy a controller and let you know wich one it's going to be!


geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 3:30 pm
Hi all,

I feel a bit foolish asking all these questions, but....:

When I purchase a controller, wich includes VDJ LE or something like that, is it really just plug and play? Or do I need to download additional software to use my controller to control VDJ? And does this software has to be purchased aswell?

And same question when I upgrade my LE to full VDJ PRO?


geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 4:31 pm
The VDJ version which is supplied with a controller will work "plug & play" with that controller (but with no other controller).

The full Pro VDJ works with any controller. The controllers which have native support will be plug & play. Other controllers can be mapped yourself or by downloading mapping from the VDJ web site.

If the controller you choose comes with VDJ LE, then it will have native support in the full pro version too.

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 5:01 pm
Also, controllers that come with LE will have a 20 Pro trial version. Once that runs out it will revert to LE. At that point if you feel you want or need the Pro features then you can upgrade to Pro. In my case I just wanted the extra good features and that's why I upgraded. You're choice!

Good luck!

geposted Wed 19 Jun 13 @ 11:55 pm

Thank you. All of you who have found the time to respond to my question(s) for help. I've been playing around with VDJ for quite some time now, and I am definitly thinking about becoming somebody who is not a pro, but always available to come and play some great music ;)

I'll let you know wich controller I'll buy and how it will go from here on!


geposted Sat 22 Jun 13 @ 3:21 pm
I just downloaded the virtualdj download and I was wondering how do you go about playing two or more songs in a continuous nature. Thanks.

geposted Wed 02 Oct 13 @ 5:14 pm