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Topic: Recent house party...

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Hello my fellow DJ's!

So, I'm a fairly new DJ and I be doing house parties. I kinda fell into it. Anywho, I'm having a good time doing it. Well, sometimes lol The song request starts to get frustrating!!!!!! lol If I don't have a song...people want me to download it right then and there, they want to hook up their phone to play it...etc. Luckly, I don't have to adaptor to play it on their phone. Man, it gets really annoying!!!! And every time, their song it the song the gets THEM amped. Keyword: THEM lol I be having a good time DJ'ng, but c'mon...stop with the effing request...and if I don't have it....get back to partying!!! lol A couple of times I played a song that someone wanted, but then when I played it....they didn't even know it was on!!!! WTF lol Yep, too drunk to know what song it was lol Have any of you experienced any or all of the above? lol Next crossfading...

I have the basics down. Yep, just crossfade over to the next song lol Of course, I try to have my BPM's lined up. Sometimes, a new DJ(me) just gets tired and fades any songs. So, last night...I just was fading songs the whole night without matching up bpm's....making one deck silent, while bringing up the volume of another song. To my surprise, no one noticed how off the beat was into transition. They was enjoying the music. Alot of people came up to me, saying they liked my DJ'ng and I did a good job!! That's always good to hear. I am FAR from where I want to be though. It just feels good to get compliment like that. Has anyone one of you got tired and started crossfading anything?...bpm didnt matter lol I basically just was playing the next song on my playlist, instead of choosing what song goes best lol

geposted Sun 21 Jul 13 @ 1:03 pm
JAHHH1Home userMember since 2013
Keep do your thing homie!!!

geposted Sun 21 Jul 13 @ 2:04 pm
Yeah, things have changed now. People are so used to having instant access to music that they expect the DJ to just do what they do.

They also expect the DJ to be more in to music than them, and know more songs than they do. That part hasn't changed!

Don't be too worried if you don't have a song when you're a new DJ. It takes time to build your collection, and it never totally stops.

Make a note of it, check it out when you can, and download it if it's good enough (you have to learn that too!).

As for the way you go from song to song - most party goers won't give a damn. They're there to dance, drink and have fun.

Anyone who says that unless you mix, you're "not a real DJ" is clueless. You don't need to mix. You don't need to use effects. You don't need to do any particular thing except play music that gets people dancing. Base your choice of the next song on what the crowd are doing, and where you want to take them next - not on what tempo, key or genre it is.


geposted Sun 21 Jul 13 @ 3:11 pm
I'm with you on the way people request songs. I was at a gig and some girl came up to me saying she wanted to listen to "anything from pitbull" . Nothing wrong with that aside from the fact that I was playing one of his songs as she was walking up to me!!

I just smiled and said, ok.

geposted Sun 21 Jul 13 @ 5:31 pm
DjRatRHome userMember since 2010
There are three ways to tackle this problem:

1. Go to http://request-now.com and create an account. This'll let people send you request via text. Then install the ScrollText plugin so that the number to text for requests scrolls across your projector. If you don't mix video then just make a sign with the number.

2. Have a large friend who isn't afraid to tell people to **** off play security.

3. Keep doing what you're doing. Tell them "I'll play it if I have it" then don't play it even if you do have it. "No, I don't have an internet connection so I can't just download it." "No, I can't just play it off your phone; DJing doesn't work like that."

[Moderated: Please do not use bad language in your forum posts. Please read the forum rules]

geposted Thu 01 Aug 13 @ 9:13 pm
noob here all this has helped me out. thanks

geposted Mon 26 Aug 13 @ 5:59 pm
Well the fact is you can't have every song, you can't know of every song on the planet. Just fact. Their is more than your life time of music floating around out there.

so I would consider maybe Content Subscriptions from your account section if you do not have a large music library, and use your cellphone for a hot spot, but you can't completely rely on that because sometimes you will be in a place with no internet service or sketch cell service.

Sometimes if you know of someone who is retiring from the dj scene you can buy their cd/s vynal on the cheap and build a library quickly that way. But you might not have the cash to buy it at the time those rare opportunities happen. So you can purchase music on the fly if you don't want to go that route. and PFL through your ears to preview it. and then play it.

Fact is if you are djing a house party (assuming that its not your house) who are you to tell the client and their guests ***#*#$ off. I frankly wouldn't do it But then again I do get paid well to DJ.

But hey tell them *$#*$&# off if you are doing it for free. Or to help yourself out tell the person hey if you give me two bucks I will buy it off of Itunes or where ever right now. (believe me drunk people will pay)

As far as hooking up someones phone or ipod or thumb drive to your computer... Ehhh.. i would avoid that all together.. You just never know what nasty virus you might catch.. Just like hooking up with the girl that everyone at the party has had a go at with already that night.. You just want to be safe and keep your computer from any nasty Computer STD's

But hey! Falling into the DJ scene is what happened for me year ago... I was young... and wanted to go drink at a bar... i knew a dj... I helped the dj lug in all his vynal... the bar staff never questioned i wasn't 21... until about a few months in.. but they still served me anyway.. and what my friend was doing on those techtonics and made the crowd move... damn i was hooked!

Remember its not all just about what you want to play. Please the crowd.. most likely you are going to please the person who pays you. And no sense in punching the horse in the mouth.. just because you hate a song...


geposted Tue 24 Sep 13 @ 12:43 am
groovindj wrote :
Yeah, things have changed now. People are so used to having instant access to music that they expect the DJ to just do what they do.

They also expect the DJ to be more in to music than them, and know more songs than they do. That part hasn't changed!

Don't be too worried if you don't have a song when you're a new DJ. It takes time to build your collection, and it never totally stops.

Make a note of it, check it out when you can, and download it if it's good enough (you have to learn that too!).

As for the way you go from song to song - most party goers won't give a damn. They're there to dance, drink and have fun.

Anyone who says that unless you mix, you're "not a real DJ" is clueless. You don't need to mix. You don't need to use effects. You don't need to do any particular thing except play music that gets people dancing. Base your choice of the next song on what the crowd are doing, and where you want to take them next - not on what tempo, key or genre it is.

Thank you a lot for this tip... thank you, thak you

geposted Fri 27 Sep 13 @ 4:11 am
Welcome to the wonderful world of DJing! I really try not to play of people ipods, if you do it for one you have to do it for all, and before you know it there's a queue or a scrum all insisting you play their track! be firm but be polite, and many a time you play a requested track and you see they're not dancing or even listening, keep doing your own thing!

geposted Sun 06 Oct 13 @ 4:56 am
I would suggest you get the Virtual DJ subscription to their music library. I have not done it myself but I'm gonna try it for a month at least. You can just brush off someone request but I think it's important to have Virtually ( pun intended) any song at your hands. Besides you do not need to worry about downloading old songs and stuff. The VDJ library does require you to be connected to the internet but if you are doing house parties chances are there will be wifi. Well anyways have fun doing what you are doing and enjoy! I myself started doing this barely last year and I wish I had done this before!

geposted Wed 09 Oct 13 @ 2:12 am
Content Subscriptions are great, as long as they're not cloud/streaming based. Best thing to do is have a very large, fast, RELIABLE external hard drive (7200rpm USB3 or better i.e. FW800, Thunderbolt, eSATA 3-4TB) and use that as your main drive and subscribe to a content pool such as ZipDJ or XTendaMix if you're looking for video content (try showing up to your next gig with a projector or plug your HDMI or VGA out from your laptop to the host's plasma and spin a video dance...you'll blow their minds!). If you go the offline external drive library route, always anticipate the drive or the laptop will go down mid set, especially at paid gigs. Have your guaranteed floor fillers on your laptop's main drive and set that up as your go-to playlist so you can finish the night. If you're running CDJs, even better...you can set up a Rekordbox database on a flashdrive with all your floor filler tracks and finish the night without a computer at all. Redundancy can save your ass...big time!
As far as requests go, scroll text is a great way to take requests. I go for a more old school approach...a request sheet on the DJ table with a pen, business cards all attached to a clipboard. Also, record your sets. Great way to self-critique your own mixing style, especially at live gigs. Post your mixtapes on Mixcloud and post them on Facebook, especially mixes recorded at your gigs...how cool would it be to post your DJ mix from that legendary house party so your friends could relive the party through your mad DJ skillz?

geposted Sat 26 Mar 16 @ 5:36 am

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