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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: VirtualDJ 8 - Controller by DennYo - Page: 6

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meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Good Day i was wondering on this skin could you fix the wave window to stay on cause every time i turn on virtual dj i have to click it on to get the window. Also if you would set some features were you could see the cross fader when just using the keyboard i use your skin both with a controller and keyboard at times but I've noticed on the skin if I'm using the mixer i can't use my pitch faders at the same time and see the crossfader if you know what i mean. Also would like to know if you could make a stacked view like serato dj that would be nice i think this is the best skin for Virtual Dj 8 since I've used it i haven't used any other skin since you should tell virtual dj make this their main skin then maybe they would get excepted more i was playing out with this skin and people thought i was using serato i didn't even have a controller Lol Keep Up The Good Work!!!

geposted Sun 05 Oct 14 @ 4:03 pm

geposted Mon 06 Oct 14 @ 3:31 am
does this skin has a clone deck button?

geposted Mon 06 Oct 14 @ 2:36 pm
meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Question! How could i resize the scratch window to make the waves bigger in this skin?

geposted Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 8:26 am
Please wait for next update. There is the scratchwave bigger. The update is in the beta test. ;) next week i think i upload the new version.

geposted Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 8:29 am
meresPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Np Thanks A lot This is The Only Skin I like For Virtual Dj 8 Good Work!!!

geposted Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 11:29 am
idj4himPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Great skin. Ive been using it alot. one thing. how do i or can you set the skin to default with mixer and scratch wave when starting up vdj8. i have to set these things up every time i start vdj. i hope this makes since. thanks bro.

geposted Thu 16 Oct 14 @ 11:19 am
djranesPRO InfinityMember since 2007

page 5 of this thread might be useful for you.

geposted Fri 17 Oct 14 @ 12:10 pm
idj4himPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Duh. thanks. i thought i skipped a page. thanks

geposted Fri 17 Oct 14 @ 9:05 pm
TulsaDJPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Cue points, is there a way to cycle it to show the tags, and not just the times?

geposted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 1:56 am
In the menu "skin" on top is an point "cue". You can cycle the Cue Informarion on this.

Cue Name, Cue Time, Cue Beats

geposted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 3:31 am
TulsaDJPRO InfinityMember since 2005

Denny F. wrote :
In the menu "skin" on top is an point "cue". You can cycle the Cue Informarion on this.

Cue Name, Cue Time, Cue Beats


geposted Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 9:43 pm


The new update is only avaible on the VDJ8 Downloadcenter.
All panels was control with variables.


var_equal '$variation' 0 --- 2 Deck small
var_equal '$variation' 1 --- 2 Deck big
var_equal '$variation' 0 --- 4 Deck small
var_equal '$variation' 1 --- 4 Deck big
var_equal '$variation' 2 --- 4 Deck swap 1
var_equal '$variation' 3 --- 4 Deck swap 2
var_equal '$variation' 4 --- 4 Deck swap 1 off
var_equal '$variation' 5 --- 4 Deck swap 2 off

var_equal '$center' 0 --- Center with Custom Buttons
var_equal '$center' 1 --- Center with Mixer
var_equal '$center' 2 --- Center with Video
var_equal '$center' 3 --- Center with Scratchwave

var_equal '$wave' 1 --- Rhythmwave
var_equal '$wave' 0 --- Horizontal Scratchwave
var_equal '$wave' 2 --- Horizontal Scratchwave with Beatgrid

-Wave size
var_equal '$wavezoom' 0 --- Wave size small
var_equal '$wavezoom' 1 --- Wave size middle
var_equal '$wavezoom' 2 --- Wave size large
var_equal '$wavezoom' 3 --- Wave off

-Wave zoom lock
var_equal '$lock' 0 --- Wave zoom on top unlock
var_equal '$lock' 1 --- Wave zoom on top lock

var_equal '$prelisten' 0 --- no
var_equal '$prelisten' 1 --- yes

var_equal '$platter' 0 --- dark Background
var_equal '$platter' 1 --- white Background

var_equal '$time' 0 --- both times
var_equal '$time' 1 --- only left

var_equal '$cover' 0 --- visible Cover
var_equal '$cover' 1 --- hide Cover

var_equal '$cue' 0 --- Time to Cue
var_equal '$cue' 1 --- Name Cue
var_equal '$cue' 2 --- BPM from Cue

var_equal '$browser' 0 --- default Browser
var_equal '$browser' 1 --- Full Browser

More informations on the Comments in the Downloadcenter.

Have fun and best regards.


geposted Wed 29 Oct 14 @ 8:01 am
From 4,3 Mb to 1,9Mb.. I believe your variables work :) But now I have two Denny O controller skins in VDJ8 because the naming has changed? It took me a few seconds to see one of them had a version 4.0.5 in the description while the "older" one does not have version numbers in the description.

geposted Wed 29 Oct 14 @ 9:03 am
Hi Denny

your new skin ( the update) is amazing

one question : do we keep or delete the oninit actions for sacing the layout ?

geposted Wed 29 Oct 14 @ 11:26 am
i noticed that when i have hot cues in the track , you can only see the bottom half of the waveform of the track ( because of the overlay with the hot cues numbers.) it is there but you can hardly see it.

is it possible to make the all the wave visible ( like when there is no hot cues) but with the hot cue numbers visible ?

i am attaching 2 pictures , one with no hot cues in the track and one with hot cues in the track so you can see what i mean

and because i am using the small size of the platter ( 2 decks), this is what it looks like

geposted Wed 29 Oct 14 @ 11:43 am
since you changed a lot on the skin and the panels,could we have the new variables for the oninit command , so we can save the skin layout ?

thanks in advance

geposted Wed 29 Oct 14 @ 12:16 pm
great update! HUGE waveforms! we can hide the tracks cover, but I miss the default view with pitchfaders only, the new costum with 4 buttons and knob,I dont think they will be usefull for me...or maybe not...
thank you

geposted Thu 30 Oct 14 @ 7:38 am
romeodan wrote :
since you changed a lot on the skin and the panels,could we have the new variables for the oninit command , so we can save the skin layout ?

thanks in advance

You found the new Variables in my post on top of this page and on the Commentthread from the Skin in the Downloadcenter.


geposted Thu 30 Oct 14 @ 10:41 am
A BIG Thank you for all the great feedbacks ;)

geposted Thu 30 Oct 14 @ 10:43 am