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Topic: Why I haven't upgraded to VDJ 8 - Page: 1

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The primary reason is because in VDJ8, they consolidated the SIDE LIST and the PLAY LIST together ... in VDJ7, I used both lists it was part of my workflow, the SIDE LIST which appeared on the bottom and the playlist on the right side. Is there a way to get VDJ8 to show both these lists? Skin or otherwise?


geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 1:29 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012
Please set showHorizontalSideList to "yes" in Settings/ (advanced) Options

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 1:40 am
jakovskiPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2006
Rob was a bit to fast for me ;-)

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 1:57 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
That's pretty funny, 8 months in and it was there all along.

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 3:26 am
But this also shows how needlessly complicated the options are for non-experienced users.

Many things like this are hidden and the options GUI should be far simpler!

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 6:30 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
It's evolution, we don't want to be held back by the slowest do we? It's all there in the manual.

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 7:01 am
jakovskiPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2006
Imagine if all settings would be on the Skin - unusable i think.

I think there is a really good documentation - as long as you use it. Also there are descriptions for every feature in the options. It took me 15 minutes to click through all of them on the first sight of v8.

Greets, Heiko

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 7:38 am
There are already a bunch of skins that have menus for selecting various options without needing to open config.

In theory, every single choice in config/options could be put in a menu.

There's nothing stopping a skin designer creating a panel with a bunch of buttons that access sub panels, or having drop down menus etc. Even with that though, it still means the user has to actually do some work / use some brain power to investigate the features on the skin.

It swings both ways. Stuff could be added to the "face" of the skin, but the user still needs to put some effort in and learn how it works.

What was the name of that Ron White album from 2006? :-)

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 10:30 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
groovindj wrote :
What was the name of that Ron White album from 2006? :-)

Was it RTFM, no? never mind :-)


geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 11:54 am
Condescending remarks are unncecessary and needless, man!

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 1:25 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
It's a cultural thing.

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 2:09 pm
Yup! I guess you're right, man. Some people are just uncultured. Hehe! Peace!

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 2:20 pm
Gentleman ... please let´s go back to Topic ....

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 3:05 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
needlessly complicated the options are for non-experienced users

I totally disagree.

Now if there was now search facility in Options - and you have to navigate through options and sub options etc etc, then you have a point.
In reality - almost every option if searched logically is not so hard to find.

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 3:28 pm
My profound apology for digressing, Mod!
(Just bored waiting out this blizzard across the pond.)

Truth to tell is that this forum has been instrumental for me to migrate to VDJ 8, leaving my VDJ 7 comfort zone. Things that I had overlooked and numerous insights I picked up from discussions here, and some, serendipitously, playing with VDJ 8.

My sincere thanks to the people who share their knowledge and experience here, VDJ staff and users alike.

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 4:07 pm

HA!! Here in Iowa we call that just another day..............

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 5:44 pm
... or 'flurries' at worst....haha!

geposted Tue 27 Jan 15 @ 6:29 pm
Is this us going to get your second hand snowstorm Huey?


geposted Wed 28 Jan 15 @ 1:50 am

That'll make for some great sledding!! 🏂

geposted Wed 28 Jan 15 @ 3:02 pm
Me, I am e serato fan. When arrive VDJ8, I want to go to VDJ.
But the problem are: VDJ can't read serato database "cue points"
Effects poor, and difficult to control 3 ones. I am using a #DDJ Ergo V...

geposted Thu 29 Jan 15 @ 8:20 am