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Topic: [OFFICIAL] ContentUnlimited Audio & Grooveshark - Page: 7

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I will echo the sentiment of a majority of CU subscribers...if your only place to get music is CU you are insane. While I don't expect every DJ to live with razor thin margins as I do; you do have to put forth the investment into a catalog of music, before you can legitimately play with the hardworking big boys of the mobile/club DJ industry.

It reminds me being just a step above of the kids who download a warez/cracked copy of VDJ and expect to get support for their illegitimate software. It sucks CU is down because having to buy something like Rupert Holmes - Pina Colada Song is depressing (even if it is only a buck) but it is the cost of being in the business. I have no doubt it will soon be back.

Let me add, though, that I really really really really really really want the next iteration of CU to have accurate tags, accurate song titles, accurate indications of radio/clean versions, and no "DJ Cheese-ball" remixes that only have the moron yelling their moniker in the first thirty seconds of the song. More to the point I would like the next CU to move away from Groovesharks model of letting any moron upload their crappy version of the song....

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:19 pm
bswanson702 wrote :
I will echo the sentiment of a majority of CU subscribers...if your only place to get music is CU you are insane. While I don't expect every DJ to live with razor thin margins as I do; you do have to put forth the investment into a catalog of music, before you can legitimately play with the hardworking big boys of the mobile/club DJ industry.

It reminds me being just a step above of the kids who download a warez/cracked copy of VDJ and expect to get support for their illegitimate software. It sucks CU is down because having to buy something like Rupert Holmes - Pina Colada Song is depressing (even if it is only a buck) but it is the cost of being in the business. I have no doubt it will soon be back.

Let me add, though, that I really really really really really really want the next iteration of CU to have accurate tags, accurate song titles, accurate indications of radio/clean versions, and no "DJ Cheese-ball" remixes that only have the moron yelling their moniker in the first thirty seconds of the song. More to the point I would like the next CU to move away from Groovesharks model of letting any moron upload their crappy version of the song....

I only use Groove Shark / Content unlimited occasionally but it's a great tool to have. And I'm not a fan of version 8 yet so I'm still using 7, which makes me unable to use Netsearch. Hopefully this will get resolved soon.

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:36 pm
Ok i was wondering what was going on. I understand so we can't use search audio gotta use Net Search. Ok cause when i was going to search audio nothing showed.

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:41 pm
trhodes96 wrote :
bswanson702 wrote :
I will echo the sentiment of a majority of CU subscribers...if your only place to get music is CU you are insane. While I don't expect every DJ to live with razor thin margins as I do; you do have to put forth the investment into a catalog of music, before you can legitimately play with the hardworking big boys of the mobile/club DJ industry.

It reminds me being just a step above of the kids who download a warez/cracked copy of VDJ and expect to get support for their illegitimate software. It sucks CU is down because having to buy something like Rupert Holmes - Pina Colada Song is depressing (even if it is only a buck) but it is the cost of being in the business. I have no doubt it will soon be back.

Let me add, though, that I really really really really really really want the next iteration of CU to have accurate tags, accurate song titles, accurate indications of radio/clean versions, and no "DJ Cheese-ball" remixes that only have the moron yelling their moniker in the first thirty seconds of the song. More to the point I would like the next CU to move away from Groovesharks model of letting any moron upload their crappy version of the song....

I only use Groove Shark / Content unlimited occasionally but it's a great tool to have. And I'm not a fan of version 8 yet so I'm still using 7, which makes me unable to use Netsearch. Hopefully this will get resolved soon.

Actually I am in the same boat as you since I haven't gotten used to version 8 and Netsearch just never worked for me regardless of version. I do want CU back, don't get me wrong, it was annoying to find out that I was just charged and couldn't use it.....but, it will be back and we can go back to normalcy (possibly with a better functioning service).

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:42 pm
Thank for the info. I'll understand that this take's some time to find a new provider.
I'll hope it's gonna be something like spotify or deezer because they got everything in real good quality.
I'd rather pay 3 dollars more then gettin' troubles all the time.

Thanks atomix for reacting so fast.

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 4:50 pm
YO I think this is bull & I think it all started in April, Monday the 27, 2015 I would like to know if virtual DJ doesn't fix this problem soon will they be giving us refunds for the month or at lest something for all of the INCONVENIENCE this has given all us DJ's???????

Edited for language by AMAHM

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 5:59 pm
I am still unable to download songs today...even in net search. Someone please tell me what I need to do. Do I need to have 8 instead of 7?

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 6:50 pm
Now that the service is back - why can't I search music in VDJ 7.4.2?

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 7:58 pm
Please read this thread, it states that 7.4.3 is the version to use, and the latest version of 8 also works.

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 8:11 pm
A Man and His Music wrote :
DJ James, you called it????? What does that get you, the Miss Cleo award? Or does it make you feel good to be right? Your premonition of "about to lose Grooveshark" in 2011, is baseless and irrelevant today. This is 2015, and it just sounds like a bunch of "I told you so" silliness. You actually went back, and got all your old post, just to say "I told you so"? I mean, who does that? I don't know, maybe it's an age thing, because the grownups I know, don't derive pleasure from the misery of others, while rubbing their face in it. As to the rest of the if they woulda, shoulda, coulda, what they did or didn't do, how does that help anything today? All we can do is wait and see how this plays out, because "it's like that, and that's the way it is, huh". This is a minor inconvenience for most of us, and we have gotten over it already. If your existence depended on contentunlimited, then you have a problem. We all have the same options. We can wait to see how this works out, find an alternative, or continue to rant. Ranting is free. For those of you afraid of losing your $10.00, the company has already addressed this in the thread. I don't know about the rest of you, but no matter what I read, I start at the beginning, so I don't miss anything.

I am not trying to rub anything in. And no it doesn't help the situation at all by pointing out that I was right all along.
And of course no DJ should depend only on DRM files to DJ with. That is not what this is about. Maybe it is an age thing. Maybe older DJs that are trying to do right by the artists and make sure that they get paid for their work are the only ones that understand this.

I'll tell you what this is about. It's about a content delivery company that was selling to us something that they had no right to sell and something that they did not pay for. It's a fraud. It's like finding out that you were buying stolen merchandise. And then you find out that the cops arrested them and charged them with fraud and you continue to due business with them for 4 years while the case is in court and then announce that you are shocked when you find out they were convicted.

And I pointed this out way back then and was ridiculed. Now I point out that I pointed it out then and get ridiculed again. Unbelievable!
I guess i should just shut the F up and let everybody get ripped off when I see what is clearly going on here.

Sorry but I am an honest person and don't like doing business with crooks even if it is only 10 bucks a month. Wake up Atomix. If it looks like a duck...

DJ James

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 11:09 pm
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
However, there are a lot of lawsuits and charges that are trumped up or not valid to begin with.
Being an honest person, I do give people the benefit of the doubt. I believe someone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
~5,000 songs out of their whole library could have easily been an oversight on someone taking care of licensing.... Unfortunately, in this case, it was not. That won't change how I approach people or lawsuits.

geposted Mon 04 May 15 @ 11:48 pm
blckjck wrote :
However, there are a lot of lawsuits and charges that are trumped up or not valid to begin with.
Being an honest person, I do give people the benefit of the doubt. I believe someone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
~5,000 songs out of their whole library could have easily been an oversight on someone taking care of licensing.... Unfortunately, in this case, it was not. That won't change how I approach people or lawsuits.

Agreed. However in this case multiple labels were suing. If they had the rights to these songs it would have been an open and shut case and easy to prove where they obtained these rights. I am sure the record labels don't issue licenses and then sue the people they issued them to. Grooveshark wasn't trying to say they had legally obtained the rights to distribute the music. They were just trying to work out some kind of deal with the labels.

DJ James

DJ James

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 12:28 am
ugabugaPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Any official news on a new provider yet?


geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 2:13 am
Hello Guys where do we get the mysterious version 7.4.3 as I can find it on this site ?

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 8:39 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 8:45 am
I did its it still showing ver 7.4.2

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 8:49 am
Sorry my mistake I see it

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 8:50 am
RobRoyPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2012

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 9:06 am
I was a bit harsh in my original post. I wanted to grab a few requests for a wedding and actually ended up buying about 15 songs off of iTunes that were just random requests from the client. Not even formalities. I liked to use CU for this stuff and re-subscribed to it on Sat. hoping to cache some of the requests instead of buying them... oh well.

I was just mad at the moment because I dropped a ten dollar bill for nothing. But that's silly to get mad over since I spent double that on beers Sunday afternoon. I'm always hesitant to update anything on my computer including software. Especially on the day of the job. :) I figure if my software ain't broke - don't fix it. Prob. a little paranoia.

I get Prime Cuts weekly MP3 and have TM and Promo Only discs as old as the early 90s. I don't lean on CU completely. Thanks for the efforts.


geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 9:17 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Subscriptions are on pause until it's sorted, monetarily you've lost nothing.

geposted Tue 05 May 15 @ 10:37 am